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A Pictorial Biography of the Venerable Master Hsu Yun

化老和尚著述 Composed by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua







Being absorbed in dhyana samadhi for nine days

One day, the Master entered the stillness of dhyana samadhi, and nine days passed. The capital city of Thailand was greatly aroused because of this. The King and his ministers, as well as the faithful men and women, all came to bow to the Master. After the Master came out of samadhi, and after he had lectured a Sutra, the King requested that the Master recite Sutras in his court. There were one hundred different offerings, and many sincere people took refuge, including public officials and gentry, several thousand in all. Ah, everyone is fond of strange feats. Nobody recognized him before he entered samadhi; only after he entered samadhi did they know!

The gatha says:
The Emperor himself took refuge with and believed in the Triple Jewel.
His ministers all bowed in reverence to and studied the Single Vehicle.
The literati paid their respects and practiced the unsurpassed.
The masses were transformed together, and entered the door of emptiness.

