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【 水鏡回天錄白話解 】

Reflections in Water and Mirrors

A Critique of Hideki Tojo (continued)

*上人講於一九八八年一月十六日 By the Venerable Master on January 16,1988
*比丘尼恆音 英譯 English translation by Bhikshuni Heng Yin


日寇侵華 馬亂如麻
蒼生塗炭 遍地紅花
洪水猛獸 乘機而發
春雷一響 老兵回家







東條英機不達時 進退失據甚無知
貪而弗厭終落敗 爭奪難滿自私地
中國道德基礎厚 炎黃子孫根固實
雖遭劫數還光復 堪笑侵略大愚癡










A verse of critique says:

Japanese ruffians invade China;
Turmoil and chaos prevail everywhere.
People's faces are blackened;
Red blossoms cover the land.
Wild beasts, like a deluge,
Arise at every chance.
At the roll of spring thunder,
The veteran soldiers are sent home.

Japanese ruffians invade China / Turmoil and chaos prevail everywhere. The Japanese invaders were like bandits encroaching on the country of China. Everywhere the Japanese soldiers went, they slaughtered and injured the Chinese commoners.

People's faces are blackened; Chinese people's faces became black from hunger. Red blossoms cover the land. The land was stained red by blood. Wild beasts, like a deluge, / Arise at every chance. They were crueler and more vicious than wild beasts. At that time, some malevolent, unscrupulous characters took the opportunity to act.

At the roll of spring thunder, / The veteran soldiers are sent home. After the atomic bomb was dropped, Chiang Kaishek carried out a faulty policy. After the Japanese surrendered, Chiang dismissed the soldiers who had fought for eight years in the Japanese Resistance, using their flesh and blood to protect the country. Chiang sent them home with nothing, giving them no dismissal wages.

Since these were professional soldiers, they had no way to make a living after they went home. So what did they do? They joined the Communist army and fought against old Chiang, who finally fled to Taiwan with his son, Chiang Chingkuo. The two of them both died in Taiwan and were quite pitiful.   

Originally Chiang didn't want Manchuria, but he never expected that the Japanese would try to devour the entire country of China. When he was fighting the Japanese at Chongqing, he left his American equipment to the Communists. There are many amazing and unspeakable events unknown to outsiders. Sending the veteran soldiers home was a pivotal point. If they had not been dismissed, the Communists might not have won.

Another verse says:

Hideki Tojo didn't act at the right time.
His extreme ignorance caused him to do things wrong.
Insatiable greed led to ultimate failure.
No matter how he fought and usurped, his pool of selfishness was never full.
China has a deep, strong foundation of moral virtue.
The descendents of Emperors Yan and Huang have solid roots.
Despite meeting disaster, China was able to flourish again.
How laughable is the foolishness of invaders.

Hideki Tojo didn't act at the right time. Tojo committed heinous crimes. He was a conceited egomaniac who considered no one but himself. He was unable to recognize the time and understand his duties. It is said, "One who recognizes the time and handles his duties well is a hero."

His extreme ignorance caused him to do things wrong. If Tojo had attacked the Soviet Union first, he would certainly have triumphed. If he had not been so greedy to occupy the immense, sparsely populated Manchuria, but had instead nourished his strength quietly, England would not have had the power to interfere with his plans, and he would have succeeded for sure. However, he did not know when to advance and when to retreat. He advanced when he should not have, and withdrew when he should not have. His actions were reckless and groundless for he lacked great wisdom.  

Insatiable greed led to ultimate failure. Since his greed was insatiable, he failed in the end.  
No matter how he fought and usurped, his pool of selfishness was never full. He was always scheming to invade other countries; the pit of his selfishness could never be filled.  

China has a deep, strong foundation of moral virtue. He had not counted on China having such a strong foundation in virtue. Such virtue is steadfast and enduring. Westerners have no conception of this. A country must have the Dao and virtue in order to flourish. A nation that lacks the Dao and virtue will perish. Since moral ideas are instilled in the Chinese people, the Japanese were unable to occupy China no matter how fierce they were.  

The descendents of Emperors Yan and Huang have solid roots. The descendants of Emperor Yan and the Yellow Emperor have planted deep roots. Despite meeting disaster, China was able to flourish again. Although China had been occupied, ultimately she defeated the Japanese and recovered.  

How laughable is the foolishness of invaders. Those who harm others will be harmed by others; thus they are ultimately harming themselves. Since the invaders did not abide by humaneness, justness, the Dao, and virtue, they eventually had to withdraw.

(The End)


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