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Buddhist Ideas For Attaining World Peace (Continued)

易象乾博士 文Ron Epstein, Ph. D. Lectures for the Global Peace Studies Program, San Francisco State University, November 7 & 9,1988
張智婷 中譯Chinese translation by Tina Chang



Michael Nagler曾經寫過:




——在5—15歲之間的美國孩子,已在電視上看過13,00人被殺的畫面;到18歲時已有 15,000小時的暴力畫面呈現在美國孩子面前,而他們也從電視上目睹了超過20,000次的暴力行為的畫面。

——97%給孩子們看的卡通片,都有暴力的畫面。大眾媒體傳播研究中心表示,每星期天早上的電視節目,平均每3分半鐘就有暴力行為出現。George Gerbner博士認為是每2分鐘就有一次暴力行為在電視上出現。












Step Two

Since war can come about when the general level of violence in the  population reaches the boiling point and can either manifest in civil  war or be channeled into foreign wars, anything we can do to reduce the general level of violence in the population will certainly be  most helpful. One of the major teachers of violence in our society is  television. Turn off your TV—permanently. 

Michael Nagler has written:

96 percent of American homes have at least one television set.

The average home has a set going six hours a day.

In 'ordinary' viewing, there are 8 violent episodes an hour.

Between the ages of five and fifteen the average American child has watched the killing of 13,000 people. By age eighteen he or she will have logged more than 15,000 hours of this kind of exposure and taken in more than 20,000 acts of violence....

97 percent of cartoons intended for children include acts of violence. By the criteria of the Media Action Research Center, an act of aggression occurs every three and a half minutes during children's Saturday morning programs. Dr. George Gerbner counts one every two minutes by similar criteria.

 In a typical recent year "children... witness, on prime time television, 5,000 murders, rapes, beatings and stabbings, 300 acts of adultery, and 2,700 sexually aggressive comments," according to a group of concerned mothers.

How can all this be helping the cause of world peace? From an  early age our citizens are learning that violence is the best solution  to their problems, that violence is a socially acceptable and socially  approved way of dealing with problems both personal and  interpersonal. Turn off the TV!

Step Three

By constantly being mindful of your own thoughts, words and actions and by constantly trying to purify them, we can become part of the force for peace rather than part of the force for war. Teachings about karma indicate to us that no matter how just our cause,  no matter how right our ideas, if they are accompanied by anger  and hate, they will merely generate more anger and hate. If our  minds are inundated with the emotions of war, we aid the cause of  war, no matter how noble our cause. Buddhist teachings about  karma indicate unequivocally that a fundamentally moral life is a  necessary prerequisite for ridding our minds of negative emotions,  for transforming them into selfless compassion for all. There are  many selfless endeavors that we can take upon ourselves to stir the  soup and help cool the pot. But we should remember to be constantly mindful of our own mental attitudes. If we are not, no matter how hard we stir, we may also be unconsciously helping to turn  up the flames.

How do we change our own mental attitudes; how do we rid  our minds of those strong negative emotions that cause turbidity in  our minds? Part of the Bodhisattva Path consists of the practice of  giving as an antidote to desire, greed, stinginess, and craving; the  practice of patience as an antidote for anger; and the practice of  wisdom as an antidote for foolishness.

Step Four

We should work on the systematic extension of compassion towards others. From the level of our own minds, to our speech and  then our actions, we can work on generating compassion to those  who are closest to us, the members of our own families, and then  progressively extend our compassion to our communities, countries,  and the entire world.

Many of you may be disappointed in these suggestions. Perhaps  you are looking for something more exciting or stimulating. However,  I hope that you will realize that there is some indication that these  Buddhist ideas do really work. King Asoka, the Mauryan emperor  of India who was coronated in 268 BCE, was converted to Buddhism after experiencing personal revulsion in the aftermath of his  bloody conquest of Kalinga. Thereafter he prohibited any form of  killing and encouraged humane treatment of all peoples and also  animals. The Tibetans were bloodthirsty and warlike before conversion to Buddhism. Likewise, their neighbors the Mongols, particularly the armies of Ghengis Khan, terrorized many peoples, from  China to the gates of Vienna. It would be hard to find people more  fierce and bloodthirsty. Buddhist missionaries subsequently trans- formed the Mongols into one of the most peaceful peoples of Asia.  Buddhists have never advocated war and have never sanctioned the idea of religious war.

The ideal of the Bodhisattva (an enlightened being who devotes  himself or herself to the enlightenment of all beings) is to voluntarily return, life after life, to our world of suffering to teach the Way  to permanent inner peace, which is the only way to true peace in  the world.

Whether for us or for the great sages of the world, peace canonly be brought to the world one thought at a time in the minds ofeach one of us. Only on that basis, can our actions for peace, alsoperformed one at a time, be truly effective.             

(The End)


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