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The Shurangama Sutra With Commentary

Roll 8

宣化上人講 Commentary by the Venerable Master Hua
國際譯經學院記錄 Translated by the International Translation Institute
修訂版 Revised version




















"Moreover, Ananda, if while repaying his past debts by undergoing rebirth as an animal, such a living being pays back more than he owed, he will then be reborn as a human to rectify the excess.

Ananda, now we are discussing the realm of animals. If while repaying his past debts by undergoing rebirth as an animal, such a living being pays back more than he owed. He repays more than he needed to. Such a being will then be reborn as a human to rectify the excess. He will be reborn as a person again in order to set the repayment right. He paid back too much and so he gets to be a person again to live out the excess he repaid to rectify the excess of good karma.

"If the creditor is a person with strength, blessings, and virtue, then he can live out what he collected in excess without having to lose his human form. But if he lacks blessings, then he will be reborn again as an animal once he has lived out the repayment.

If the creditor is a person with strength, blessings, and virtue, then he can live out what he collected in excess without having to lose his human form. Strength
means that he has the power of good karma. If on top of that he accumulates blessings and virtue, then he won't have to lose a human body. He can live out what he collected in excess, the repayment that is due him. After he's been paid back for the overpayment of debts he made while he was in the animal realm. But if he lacks blessings; if he doesn't have sufficient blessings and virtue, then he will be reborn again as an animal once he has lived out the repayment. There is absolutely no such thing as getting a bargain or making a deal with anyone. Everything is absolutely just. Although there isn't any actual person controlling the whole process, still, the power of one's own karma is such that it does not allow any injustice toward anyone. It is definitely a fair process.

"Ananda, if the debt involves money, material goods, or manual labor, then once it is paid, the debt is resolved.

Ananda, you should be informed that if the debt involves money, material goods, or manual labor. The person may work for someone. Then once it is paid, the debt is resolved. When the repayment is suf­ficient, the process naturally stops. The work is finished.

"But if in the process of repayment the lives of other beings were taken or their flesh eaten, then it will start a cycle of mutual de­vouring and slaughtering that will send the debtors and creditors up and down endlessly for as many eons as there are motes of dust.

But if in the process of repayment
should he involve himself in creating emnity with other beings, the lives of other beings were taken or their flesh eaten, that is, he kills other beings and eats them, then it will start a cycle of mutual devouring and slaughtering. You eat my flesh and then I murder you; I eat your flesh and then you murder me. It becomes a mutual process of killing and eating. That cycle of eating and being eaten,, killing and being killed goes on like a wheel for one knows not how long. That cycle will send the debtors and creditors up and down. Perhaps you eat more of me and I eat less of you. This goes on endlessly, never ceasing, for as many eons as there are motes of dust. It's extremely dangerous.

"There is no way to put a stop to it, except through Shamatha or through a Buddha's coming to the world.

There is no way to put a stop to it, except through
Shamatha or through a Buddha's coming to the world. Other than by means of the Buddhas' "still and illumining" concentration power in cultivating and upholding the durable Shurangama Samadhi in order to obtain the Great Shurangama Samadhi, or by having a Buddha appear in the world, there is no way to stop this cycle. Otherwise, the karmic obstacles will never cease. The karmic obstacles will never desist. It has to be that a Buddha comes into the world to release one from the attributes of these karmic offenses. Then both parties will know that they should not continue creating such karma. Only in that way can the cycle be stopped.

"You should know that when owls and their kind have paid back their debts, they regain their original form and are born as obstinate people.

You should know that when owls and their kind have paid back their debts, they regain their original form and are born as obstinate people.
Ananda, you should know more about the category of owls and other birds that are evil like owls are. Once they have undergone their karmic retribution, they return to their original form as human beings. They rejoin the human realm but become obstinate people. When these birds take birth again in the human realm, they become people who are totally perverse and hardheaded. They are stubborn and refuse to yield. They are totally unreasonable and unprincipled. Quite often they become robbers. They don't listen to reason. If you tried to explain some Buddhadharma to them, they would run far away. Born as obstinate people, they join the ranks of people like that. So it is said:

People join up with those who are like them,
Creatures divide into their various species.

The good get together,
The bad form gangs,
People find people who are of their own kind.

Students spend their time with other students. Laborers join together with other laborers. Gamblers get together with gamblers. Opium smokers mingle with other opium smokers. Hippies form com­munes with other hippies. It's all a manifestation of this principle-people find their own kind.

"When creatures that are inauspicious have paid back their debts, they regain their original form and are born as abnormal people.

When creatures that are inauspicious have paid back their debts, they regain their original form and are born as abnormal people.
The inauspicious creatures, such as ravens, shang yang (name of bird), crag-martins, and the like. After they undergo their karmic retribution, they can be born in the human realm again, but as abnormal beings. They are strange. You see mention of this type of rebirth in the newspapers all the time. A woman gives birth to a child with two heads or a child with two bodies but only one head. Or the infant's six sense organs will be out of place. Perhaps the eyes will be where the ears should be and the ears where the eyes belong. The nose may be where the mouth should be; the mouth may be where the nose should be. The sense organs exchange places. For the six sense-organs to be irregular is what is meant by "abnormal." Often such people die as soon as they are born, but even so they are counted as abnormal. In general, "abnormal" means that there is something not right about them.

To be continued


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