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Bodhi Field


果逸  文 By Loni Baur




When I came to meet the Master I knew only two things: (1) that I was hopelessly lost in a world full of suffering, and (2) the Master could teach me the way to escape suffering and how to help others escape.

Season upon season, year after year, the Master tirelessly expounded the scriptures of the wonderful Dharma, and his disciples studied them. But more than that, we learned from every word and every action of the Master, because he truly lived the words he taught. Kindness, compassion, joy, and giving are words. But we whose lives the Master has touched know, beyond the words, how he recognized, nourished and brought forth in each of us the very best and brightest part of our natures.

Some years back, I dreamed that I had floated off to the end of the universe. I looked back at the earth, a tiny, far-off speck. As I stood there in the blackness, with stars all around, I looked down and noticed what I was standing on: it was an eye. And the eye was sitting in the palm of a hand. And the hand, I realized, was our Teacher’s hand. Then I heard his voice, kindly and amused, saying, “See? You can run... You just can’t run away.”


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