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【卷八】- 修訂版

ROLL EIGHT  (revised version)

宣化上人講     Commentary by the Venerable Master Hua
國際譯經學院記錄     Translated by the International Translation Institute








A reminder of the Sutra text:
From last issue: The Dwelling of Endowment with Skill-in-means, the Dwelling of the Proper Mind, the Dwelling of Irreversibility, the Dwelling of a Pure Youth, the Dwelling of a Dharma Prince, the Dwelling of Anointing the Crown.

Ananda, after these good men have become sons of the Buddha, they are replete with the limitlessly many wonderful virtues of the Tathagatas, and all beings throughout the ten directions comply and accord with them. This is called the Conduct of Happiness.

供養菩薩Making offerings to the BodhisattvasPreviously, we talked about the Ten Dwellings. Now we are talking about the Ten Conducts in the stages of a Bodhisattva. The first conduct is called the Conduct of Happiness. These Ten Conducts correspond to the Ten Perfections, the Ten Paramitas, so the first one, the Conduct of Happiness, is also called the Conduct of Giving. Shakyamuni Buddha called out again, "Ananda, after these good men have become sons of the Buddha, they are replete with the limitlessly many wonderful virtues of the Tathagatas." Since they have been anointed on the crown of their heads and become sons of the Buddha, they already possess the limitlessly many wondrous virtues of the Tathagata, and their virtuous conduct is almost the same as that of a Buddha. All beings throughout the ten directions comply and accord with them. All the lands and all the living beings in the ten directions comply and rejoice along with him.

This is called the Conduct of Happiness. To "comply and accord" with happiness means to practice giving. The Paramita of Giving has two aspects. We have discussed giving many times and have mentioned that there are three kinds of giving: the giving of wealth, the giving of Dharma, and the giving of fearlessness. However, now we are talking about two aspects of giving, which are not the same as the three kinds. The two aspects refer to something else. Since it is called the Conduct of Happiness, the first aspect is that one should practice giving with a happy heart. One should enjoy giving. It's not that you say, "I want to give," but you feel forced and unnatural when you give. On the one hand you want to give, but on the other hand you don't want to. You don't really want to, but then again, you want to. You're wavering and indecisive, thinking, "I'd like to make a gift, but giving this money to others is like cutting off a piece of my flesh." You cannot bear the pain. On the other hand, you know that if you do not practice giving, you will not create any merit. So it's a real dilemma: you want to give, but you fear you will have no money left; you don't want to give, but you fear you will have no merit. So there you stand, not knowing whether to take a step forward or backward. That's certainly not called the Conduct of Happiness. That's more like the conduct of reluctance, of being compelled to give. Now, you can't say that there wouldn't be any merit in this kind of giving, but the merit certainly would be reduced by half. Why? Because you are not doing it with a true mind. Therefore, you should practice giving with a happy heart. Even if you must do without money yourself after doing the giving, you should be happy about it. This is with respect to yourself.

The second aspect of giving is that you should make living beings happy. When you practice giving, you should not act like someone tossing crumbs to a beggar. It shouldn't be that they have to come crawling to your door crying, "Old uncle, old auntie, can't you spare a little?" only to have you open the door a crack, throw out a dime or a quarter, and shout, "Here, take that!" That can't even be called giving. There's no merit in that kind of act, and certainly the person on the receiving end will not be happy.

In China there's the phrase: "One doesn't eat what is rudely offered." What does that mean? Suppose a beggar comes to your door asking for food. You shove him a bowl of food, saying, "Okay, take that!" You give it to him, but you insult him in the process. If he has any sense of modesty, he will not eat that bowl of food; he would rather go hungry than eat it. That's the meaning of the phrase: "One doesn't eat what is rudely offered." If you try to give things to people in that way, they will not be happy. You must show that you are very sincere when you give to or help others, but be careful not to make them feel they must thank you. When you do not seek their gratitude, then you are giving in a way that causes people to be happy. If you make others unhappy, then you are not practicing the Conduct of Happiness. In the Conduct of Happiness, both parties, you and the person you are giving to, are happy.

→To be continued


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