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The Flower Adornment Sutra with Commentary


The Wondrous Adornments of World-Rulers
Roll 3, Chapter 1, Part 3

宣化上人講 Commentary by Venerable Master Hsuan Hua
國際譯經學院記錄 Translated by the International Translation Institute




「不使眾生有驚怖」:雖然在一個剎土有徧動、動徧動,到十方世界也有徧動、有動徧動,在一切的剎土也有徧動、動徧動。十方一切剎土,不使眾生有所恐怖。雖然有這個動,可不是那麼嚴重的,不是那麼危險的,它是佛的神通力所使令的,叫它這樣子。所以一切眾生也沒有驚怖。 「大力於此能明了」:大力阿修羅王,他對這個境界是很明的。




(上人對弟子說)講一講這幾句,不要盡發脾氣,你要會講才可以。講一講,先用中文講,然後再用英文講,看看你哭完了,是不是哭得開悟了?能以有四無礙辯了?O.K. Quickly!(弟子說她忘記講到哪兒?)我們講到哪兒?我也忘了。噢,世間所有眾福海,在那兒。佛力能生普令淨,啊,在這兒呢!佛能開示解脫處,嘿,解脫在哪兒呢!堅行莊嚴入此門,到門裡頭來了,對不對?嘿,我忘了能想起來,這不算什麼奇怪的事情。(兩位弟子解釋這一段,然後上人再補充。)世間,這個世間就所有的眾生,是眾生世間,是有情世間。所有,就是包括一切,包括一切有情無情的眾生,都在這個世界裡面呢!眾福海,這個眾福是一點一點修成的,怎麼能有眾福海呢?就應該修善業,做種種的功德,你有種種的功德了,然後才能有種種的福報,這個福猶如大海一樣。

在中國有一對祝壽的對聯,說「福如東海長流水」,福像那東海長流水,那個水接接連連,它不斷的,就是水長流、長流水,這個福就像那個長流水,那麼永遠都不會斷的。「壽比南山不老松」,這就是今天這個謝冰瑩和這個徐喻君,你們在這兒又是三月十六日,你們不知道在這兒搞什麼鬼來著,所以他們兩個人就寫了這麼一個生日卡寄給我。上邊白紙上寫一些個黑字,不知道寫了一些個什麼?其中有兩句就是說,「福如東海長流水,壽比南山不老松」。這個壽就是 life,比南山那個松樹那麼樣不老。






Unimpeded, incomparable great spiritual penetrations
Pervasively quake all kshetras of the ten directions,
Without causing living beings to be startled or alarmed.
Great Strength could comprehend regarding all of this.

Unimpeded means they are unhindered and penetrate without obstruction. Incomparable means there is nothing like these spiritual penetrations. And they are great spiritual penetrations, which differ from small ones. Lesser spiritual penetrations are acquired by some cultivators of "side doors" and deviant paths. They have limitations. For example, such a person may observe that a point on his body has twitched a certain number of times, and deduce that a certain visitor will arrive that day. From observing a particular number of twitches at another spot, he realizes that a certain thing will happen. He uses effort on his stinking skin bag. Sometimes it can be very efficacious, but only people without eyes have to do it that way. People who "have eyes," that is, who have opened their five eyes and who have the six spiritual penetrations, don't need to think about what place is twitching, or figure out which sort of movement or state indicates the type of visitor who will come. It's not like that. Provided they want to know, they see things very clearly. That's what is meant by great spiritual penetrations with which nothing can compare.

They pervasively quake all kshetras of the ten directions. The spiritual penetrations of the Buddhas can make the kshetra lands throughout the ten directions all tremble and quake. They quake and pervasively quake; throughout the ten directions they quake and pervasively quake; and all kshetras in the ten directions quake and pervasively quake.

All experience this trembling and quaking, but without causing living beings to be startled or alarmed. Even though a single kshetra-land is quaking and pervasively quaking; even though all world-systems in the ten directions are quaking and pervasively quaking; and even though all kshetra-lands throughout the ten directions are quaking and pervasively quaking, nonetheless living beings do not become afraid. There are quakes, but not serious or dangerous ones. They are caused by the Buddha's awesome spiritual might, and so no one becomes alarmed or terrified. Great Strength could comprehend regarding all of this. The Asura King Great Strength was very clear about this state.

The Buddha appears in the world to save living beings.
He completely reveals the path to All Wisdom,
Enabling all beings to cast off suffering and reach bliss.
Pervasive Illumination vastly opened this meaning.

The Buddha appears in the world to save living beings. The Buddha is Shakyamuni Buddha, who represents all Buddhas of the ten directions and three periods of time. When any Buddha appears in the world, his aim is to teach and transform living beings so they can leave suffering and attain bliss, end birth and death, bring forth the resolve for Bodhi, and accomplish Buddhahood. For those reasons, he completely reveals the path to All Wisdom, so they can certify to All Wisdom. Or he may use expedient Dharma-doors to help them certify to All Wisdom. He comes to explain this, to teach and save all living beings--which is why the text says: "He completely reveals the path to All Wisdom." The Buddha tells beings about this, enabling all beings to cast off suffering and reach bliss. All living beings whatsoever are helped to discard suffering and attain happiness, to obtain what they want. Pervasive Illumination vastly opened this meaning. The Asura King Pervasive Illumination extensively propagated and understood this kind of state, this kind of door to liberation.

All seas of multitudes of blessings in the world
Can be brought forth and universally purified through the Buddha's strength.
The Buddha can reveal the place of liberation.
Adornment with Solid Practice entered this door.

(To a disciple) Explain these lines. Don't just angry. If you can lecture, then it's okay. Explain them. First speak in Chinese, and then explain in English. We'll see whether you cried yourself into Enlightenment and into having the four types of unimpeded eloquence. Okay. Quickly! (The disciple says she has forgotten the place in the text.) Where did we lecture to? I've forgotten as well. Oh, it's here: All seas of multitudes of blessings in the world /Can be brought forth and universally purified through the Buddha's strength. That's the place. The Buddha can reveal the place of liberation. You see, the place of liberation is there! Ah, Adornment with Solid Practice entered this door, came in the door. Isn't that right? For me to have forgotten and then remembered does not count as strange. (Two disciples explain the passage, and then the Venerable Master comments.) "This world" here refers to all living beings, and is the world of living beings, the world of sentient beings. "All" means including each and every one. All sentient and insentient beings are included when it says "in the world." As to "seas of multitudes of blessings," multitudes of blessings are accumulated bit by bit. In order to have a sea of multitudes of blessings, you must cultivate good karma, create all kinds of merit and virtue. After you amass all sorts of merit and virtue, you can have all kinds of rewards of blessings, and then you will have blessings like the sea.

In China there is a matching couplet for wishing someone a happy birthday which goes: May you have blessings like the Eastern Sea's ever-flowing waters. The waters of the Eastern Sea flow and flow non­stop, symbolizing blessings which last forever. May your lifespan be like the Southern Mountain's never-aging pines. Today, the sixteenth day of the third lunar month, I don't know what you told them so they gone Sye Bing-Ying and Syu Yi-Jwun to give me a birthday card. It had a lot of black characters written on white paper, saying I don't know what. In it were the lines, "May you have blessings like the Eastern Sea's ever-flowing waters; may your lifespan be like the Southern Mountain's never-aging pines." This expresses the hope that one's life will be like the pines on Southern Mountain so that one will never get old.

If you have blessings, you can have wisdom. The Buddha is replete with both blessings and wisdom. The sea of multitudes of blessings is accumulated bit by bit. The great sea does not reject tiny streams. It became a vast ocean by not excluding any waters, whether great or small, from flowing into it. It doesn't say, "You're just a drop of water, I don't want you. I'm such a big sea, your tiny drop doesn't help me a bit. I don't want it." Instead, it accepts any amount of water, no matter how minimal, which is how it became a great sea. And if you are willing to cultivate any amount of blessings, however small, they can accumulate to form a sea.

They (the seas of multitudes of blessings in the world) can be brought forth and universally purified through the Buddha's strength. The power of the Buddha's awesome spiritual might can bring forth all kinds of blessings. This line is connected with the line before it. The Buddha's strength can produce all sorts of blessings, and they are all pure blessings. He enables living beings to obtain those kinds of pure blessings. "Universally purified" means he everywhere enables living beings to acquire such pure rewards of blessings. That is, he tells everyone to leave home. Can you do it? If you could all leave home, you would be universally purified. You would obtain pure blessings.

See how Gwo Man, old as she is, has nonetheless left the home-life. And as a left-home person she is as sincere as ever. See how she is. The Buddhas always aid her, and help her sleep more! She eats her fill and then falls asleep. That's because she doesn't have any false thoughts. If she were false-thinking all the time, she wouldn't be able to sleep. She said when she was on her way here from Hong Kong, she didn't sleep for two days. She kept wondering, "When will we get to America? How will it be sitting in the plane? When will I see my Teacher?" She had those false thoughts from morning to night, and they kept her awake. After two sleepless nights, once she arrived yesterday, as soon as she lay down on the bed, she fell sound asleep. Her false thinking had stopped, and so she slept.

All this can be brought forth and universally purified through the Buddha's strength. Furthermore, the Buddha can reveal, open and disclose, the principle so all living beings can understand it and reach the place of liberation. Adornment with Solid Practice entered this door. See! Why did I have both of you Bhikshunis lecture this adornment with solid practice tonight? You should understand the meaning of adornment with solid practice. The two of you should ask yourselves whether or not you have solid practice, and whether it adorns you. If so, you should have more. You should go forward even more vigorously. But you shouldn't use your temper to be vigorous. Be vigorous using patience instead. Your vigor needs patience. You must bear what you can't bear, and yield what you can't yield. See? That's how Adornment with Solid Practice entered this door. If you enter this door, you are an "insider." But if you don't enter this door, you remain an "outsider."


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