萬佛城金剛菩提海 Vajra Bodhi Sea


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Vegetables for a Long Life

Upasika Kuo T'ung Lewis



● 5 tomatoes ● 1 large eggplant
● 1 cup grated parmesan cheese ● 1 cup wheat germ
● 1 cup chopped celery ● 3 Tblsp. oil
● desired spices  

Cut the eggplant into 1/4" rounds and sauté it briefly in oil. Cut the tomatoes into quarters and simmer in 3/4 cup of water for 20 minutes. Line the bottom of a casserole with a layer of eggplant and sprinkle wheat germ on top. Cover with a layer of celery, then a layer of cheese, then a layer of tomato until all the ingredients are used. Finish with a layer of cheese. Bake at 350° for 45 minutes.




● 3 zucchini or other squash ● 1 small head cauliflower
● 1/2 lb. green beans ● 2 carrots
● 1/2 lb. mushrooms ● 2 medium potatoes
● 1 pint yogurt ● 1 cup shelled peas
● 1 Tblsp. butter ● 1 Tblsp. curry powder

Chop the cauliflower, carrots, green beans, zucchini and potatoes into small pieces and boil until soft. Briefly sauté peas arid mushrooms in butter. Add all the vegetables to the peas and mushrooms; add yogurt and curry powder and mix together well. Simmer for 15 minutes.


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