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Dharma Realm Recipes

法界食譜----蕃茄豆腐 (約4~6人份)
Dharma Realm Recipes
Tofu Fried with Tomato
(4-6 servings)

English Translated by Shramanerika Jin Jing

法語:眾生惡殘暴 萬物樂仁慈 不嗜殺人者 遊山可跨獅
   Sentient beings despise cruel violence,
   Yet all creatures love gentle kindness.
   Even savage lions offer rides
   To people who refuse to kill.
    ── 弘一大師 Great Master Hong Yi

材料 Ingredients:

板豆腐1塊  番茄2個  皇帝豆4兩
素高湯(或清水) 1杯

1 large cake of firm tofu;  2 tomatoes;
150 gm jumbo lima beans
1 cup vegetarian soup stock (or plain water);
1 tsp cornstarch (dissolved in ¼ cup water).

調味料 Seasonings:

海鹽1茶匙  糖1茶匙  太白粉1茶匙 (勾芡用)

1 tsp sea salt; 1 tsp sugar


作法 Directions:


1. Cut tofu and tomatoes into cubes. Boil jumbo lima beans until cooked, remove from water, and allow to drain.
2. Heat 1 tbsp oil in wok. Add tomatoes and stir fry until fragrant. Add other the ingredients, seasonings, and soup stock (or water). Cover and simmer for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Uncover and gradually pour in corn starch water until it forms a light sauce. Serve hot.

秘訣 Tip:


Soak lima beans in water beforehand for a softer texture and sweeter taste.

知識 Facts:


Lima beans are full of protein, vitamins and minerals; they contain the most nutrients among all beans. 1kg of fresh lima beans contains as much protein as 2.36 kilograms of pork. It contains 4.4 times more carotene than carrots. Lima beans also have the highest concentration of iron, calcium, zinc, phosphorous and potassium among all agricultural products and are good sources of tonic for blood and calcium. Even though lima beans can help digestion and benefit the intestines, they produce gas and may cause heart-burn, and so should be eaten in moderation.


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