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The Flower Adornment Sutra with Commentary

【 如來現相品第二】

Chapter Two : The ManifestationS of the Thus Come One

宣化上人講 Commentary by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua
國際譯經學院記錄 Translated by the International Translation Institute

諸佛廣大音 法界靡不聞
菩薩能了知 善入音聲海


劫海演妙音 其音等無別
智周三世者 入彼音聲地






眾生所有音 及佛自在聲
獲得音聲智 一切皆能了


從地而得地 住於力地中
億劫勤修行 所獲法如是




一切諸如來 遠離於眾相
若能知是法 乃見世導師


菩薩三昧中 慧光普明了
能知一切佛 自在之體性


見佛真實體 則悟甚深法
普觀於法界 隨願而受身


從於福海生 安住於智地
觀察一切法 修行最勝道



The Buddhas’ magnificent voice
Is heard throughout the Dharma Realm.
Bodhisattvas can know and understand,
And skillfully enter the ocean of sounds.

The Buddhas’ magnificent voice / Is heard throughout the Dharma Realm. The Buddha doesn’t need to use a microphone, because his voice carries throughout the Dharma Realm, and all beings can hear him speaking Dharma. Bodhisattvas can know and understand the realm of the Buddhas, and skillfully enter the ocean of sounds. They can understand and accept the wondrous Dharma that the Buddhas speak.

For oceans of eons, he utters wondrous sounds,
His voice impartial and undiscriminating.
Those whose wisdom penetrates the three periods,
enter the realm of his sound.

For oceans of eons, he utters wondrous sounds, / His voice impartial and undiscriminating. For limitless ages, the Buddha continuously proclaims the wonderful Dharma. His speaking of Dharma is impartial and undiscriminating, like rain falling from the skies and moistening all beings, allowing them to each receive as much rain as they need. Those whose wisdom penetrates the three periods, who understand why the past is past, the present is present, and the future is future, enter the realm of his sound. Those whose wisdom penetrates the past, present, and future without obstruction can enter the state of the Dharma spoken by the Buddha.

What is the daily work of all Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Hearers, and Those Enlightened to Conditions? First of all, they constantly dwell in and cultivate samadhi. Secondly, they always recite sutras in order to cultivate wisdom. “Do Buddhas still have to cultivate samadhi and wisdom?” you ask. Although the Buddhas have basically perfected their samadhi and wisdom, they still increase them a little bit daily. The Buddhas enter into samadhi in every place throughout space and the Dharma Realm, and they recite the sutras and mantras at all times. For example, Buddhas as many as the sands in ninety-nine hundred million Ganges rivers attained Buddhahood through cultivating the dharma door of the Great Compassion Mantra. Now we are also cultivating it. Eighty-four thousand Vajra Treasury Bodhisattvas made vows to protect the Shurangama Mantra. And all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas recite it constantly.

When Buddhism first spread to China, there were some people with “wild wisdom” who were so “smart” that they didn’t recite the Buddha’s name or any mantras. They didn’t do ceremonies or bow to the Buddha, either. They were just like certain people nowadays who say, “What’s the use of reciting sutras or bowing to the Buddha?” They considered these useless. They mixed up good and evil, saying, “What’s wrong with falling into the hells? I don’t want to go to the heavens anyways. I don’t want to become a Buddha. I’d rather be a hungry ghost. Being a hungry ghost and being a Buddha are just the same.” Since they harbored wrong views of that sort, none of them went to the Buddha Hall to do the ceremonies. They were lazy bums who ended up in the hells, as hungry ghosts, and as animals. Some clear-sighted wise advisors, seeing what was going on, thought, “This is too dangerous. We can’t let this go on.” And so they set forth the morning and evening ceremonies as the minimum requirements for cultivation. That’s how the morning and evening ceremonies came to be.

Now there are some misguided people who are telling people in America that it’s not necessary to do the morning and evening ceremonies. They say, “All you have to do each day is eat and sleep. Now don’t you think it’s wonderful?” You should realize that if you have it wonderful now, it won’t be so wonderful in the future.

Every sound that beings make
And the Buddhas’ sovereign sound—
One can understand them all,
Upon gaining the wisdom of sound,

Every sound that beings make, / And the Buddhas’ sovereign sound. The Buddha speaks the Dharma with a single voice, and beings understand it according to their kind. When the Buddha speaks Dharma in every being’s language, every being can understand it. That is to say, the Buddha can speak the languages of all beings. The sound of the Buddha speaking Dharma is a sound of self-mastery. Every being, no matter what kind of being it is, hears it and obtains self-mastery. One can understand them all,/ Upon gaining the wisdom of sound. Upon hearing the sound of the Buddha’s Dharma, beings attain wisdom with regard to languages. With the wisdom of languages, all beings can understand and deeply enter the Dharma that the Buddha speaks.

From one ground one attains to the next,
Until one dwells in the ground of the powers.
Diligently cultivating for billions of eons,
One obtains dharmas such as these.

From one ground one attains to the next. From the First Ground, one can attain to the states of all the rest of the grounds, until one dwells on the ground of the powers—the ground of the Buddha’s Ten Powers, which is the position of Buddhahood. Diligently cultivating for billions of eons, cultivating at all times without getting lazy or retreating, one obtains dharmas such as these. Diligently cultivating the Way for such a long time, one is able to understand all dharmas and attain All-Wisdom. One obtains the inconceivable dharmas described previously.

Then in the assembly’s midst, another Bodhisattva Mahasattva named Wisdom’s Lamp Universally Shining received the Buddha’s awesome spiritual power, contemplated the ten directions, and spoke a verse.

Then in the assembly’s midst, in the assembly convened upon the enlightenment of Shakyamuni Buddha, another Bodhisattva Mahasattva named Wisdom’s Lamp Universally Shining received the Buddha’s awesome spiritual power, contemplated the ten directions of the Dharma Realm, and spoke a verse.

All Thus Come Ones
Remain detached from appearances.
One who understands this Dharma
Sees the guiding teachers of the world.

All Thus Come Ones of the past, present, and future remain far detached from the myriad appearances. For the Buddhas, there are no appearances, and yet nothing lacks an appearance. One who understands this Dharma / Sees the guiding teachers of the world. One who understands the state of the Buddhas will truly see the World Honored Ones.

Bodhisattvas in samadhi,
Their wisdom light shining everywhere,
Are capable of knowing all Buddhas’
Free and independent nature.

Bodhisattvas in samadhi, abiding in proper concentration, their wisdom light shining everywhere throughout all worlds, are capable of knowing all Buddhas’ states and their free and independent nature. They know that the Buddhas, who have attained great self-mastery, firmly abide in reality.

Seeing the Buddha’s true body,
One awakens to the profound Dharma.
Contemplating all dharma realms,
One takes birth wherever one wishes.

Seeing the Buddha’s true body, / One awakens to the profound Dharma. If you understand the Buddha’s true substance and appearance, which is free and at ease, neither possessing an appearance nor lacking one, you will comprehend the Buddha’s deeply profound Dharma. Contemplating all dharma realms, / One takes birth wherever one wishes. You can be born anywhere in the Dharma Realm, according to your vows.

Born from the ocean of blessings,
He dwells upon the ground of wisdom.
Observing all dharmas,
He cultivates the supreme Path.

Born from the ocean of blessings, / He dwells upon the ground of wisdom. The Buddha abides in the stage of wisdom. Observing all dharmas, / He cultivates the supreme Path. He cultivates the most superior dharma door. 

To be continued


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