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The Flower Adornment Sutra with Commentary

【 如來現相品第二】

Chapter Two : The ManifestationS of the Thus Come One

宣化上人講 Commentary by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua
國際譯經學院記錄 Translated by the International Translation Institut

佛身等剎塵 普雨於法雨
無生無差別 現一切世間


無數諸億劫 一切塵剎中
往昔所行事 妙音咸具演


十方塵國土 光網悉周遍
光中悉有佛 普化諸群生


佛身無差別 充滿於法界
能令見色身 隨機善調伏


三世一切剎 所有眾導師
種種名號殊 為說皆令見


過未及現在 一切諸如來
所轉妙法輪 此會皆得聞




此會諸佛子 善修眾智慧
斯人已能入 如是方便門


一一國土中 普演廣大音
說佛所行處 周聞十方剎


一一心念中 普觀一切法
安住真如地 了達諸法海


一一佛身中 億劫不思議
修習波羅密 及嚴淨國土


一一微塵中 能證一切法
如是無所礙 周行十方國


一一佛剎中 往詣眾無餘
見佛神通力 入佛所行處



The Buddha’s bodies, numerous as dustmotes in lands,
Everywhere send down the rain of Dharma.
Beyond birth and discrimination,
He appears in all worlds.
Through countless billions of eons,
In lands as numerous as dustmotes,
All the past deeds of the Buddha
Are told in full with wondrous sound.

The Buddha’s bodies, numerous as dustmotes in lands, / Everywhere send down the rain of Dharma. The manifestations of the Buddha’s Dharma body are as numerous as the dustmotes in countless Buddhalands. In order to teach and transform beings, the Buddha sends down the great Dharma rain everywhere. Beyond birth and discrimination, / He appears in all worlds. The Buddha is unborn and undying, and does not make any discriminations. He appears everywhere in the worlds of the Ten Directions.

Through countless billions of oceans of eons, / In lands as numerous as dustmotes, / All the past deeds of the Buddha, all the states of the Buddha’s past cultivation, are told in full with wondrous Dharma sound, in a great shower of Dharma rain.

Lands many as dustmotes in the Ten Directions
Are completely suffused with radiant nets.
Every luminous ray reveals a Buddha
Teaching all sentient beings.
The Buddha’s body, undifferentiated,
Fills the entire Dharma Realm,
Beings who see his physical form
Are skillfully subdued according to their capacities.

Lands many as dustmotes in the Ten Directions / Are completely suffused with radiant nets. The light put forth by the Buddhas pervades all Buddhalands. Every luminous ray reveals a Buddha appearing and teaching all sentient beings.

The Buddha’s body, undifferentiated, / Fills the entire Dharma Realm. The Buddha has only a single, nondual Dharma body, yet it fills the Dharma Realm. Beings who see his physical form / Are skillfully subdued according to their capacities. Through expedient and skillful means, the Buddha tames and subdues obstinate and unruly beings.

In all lands throughout the three periods of time,
The guiding teachers of beings,
Their names various and unique,
Speak for them and enable them to see.
The wondrous Dharma wheel
Turned by all Thus Come Ones
Of the past, present, and future
Can be heard in this assembly.

In all lands throughout the three periods of time—the past, present, and future, the guiding teachers of beings—the Buddhas are the guiding teachers of beings—their names various and unique, / Speak Dharma for them and enable them to see the Buddha’s wondrous physical form.

The wondrous Dharma wheel / Turned by all the Thus Come Ones / Of the past, future, and present / Can be heard in this assembly. The inconceivably wonderful Dharma wheel turned by the Buddhas of the three periods of time and the ten directions can be heard by all those gathered around Shakyamuni Buddha in the bodhimanda beneath the bodhi tree.

Then in the assembly’s midst, another Bodhisattva Mahasattva named Meritorious Treasury of Dharma Sea Wisdom received the Buddha’s awesome spiritual power, contemplated the ten directions, and spoke a verse.

Then in the assembly’s midst, another Bodhisattva Mahasattva named Meritorious Treasury of Dharma Sea Wisdom received the Buddha’s awesome spiritual power, contemplated the beings in the ten directions of the Dharma Realm, and spoke a verse about this dharma door.

The disciples of the Buddha in this assembly
Skillfully cultivate multi-faceted wisdom.
These individuals can already enter
Expedient means such as these.
In every country and land,
They proclaim with mighty voices.
The Buddha’s practices of which they speak
Are heard widely in the lands of the ten directions.

The disciples of the Buddha in this assembly beneath the bodhi tree skillfully cultivate the myriad kinds of wisdom. They are very good at cultivating the dharma door of Prajnaparamita, the perfection of wisdom. These individuals can already enter the door of wisdom. They all understand doors of wisdom and expedient means such as these.

In every country and land where a Buddha teaches beings, they proclaim with inconceivably mighty voices, / The Buddha’s practices of which they speak, how the Buddha cultivated, made vows, and attained to Buddhahood, are heard widely, all over the place, in the Buddhalands of the ten directions.

In each thought of their minds,
They contemplate all dharmas.
Dwelling fast in true thusness,
They comprehend the ocean of all dharmas.

In each thought of their minds and of each being’s mind, they contemplate and understand all dharmas. / Dwelling fast in the true thusness of the Dharma nature, they comprehend the ocean of all dharmas, the sea of the reality of all dharmas.

The Buddha, in each and every body,
Spanning inconceivable billions of eons,
Cultivated the paramitas,
And adorned and purified lands.
In each fine mote of dust,
He certified to all dharmas.
In this way, unimpeded,
He traveled the lands of the ten directions.

The Buddha, in each and every body manifests infinite numbers of Buddhalands in every pore, spanning inconceivable billions of eons. The Buddha cultivated inconceivable practices in the past, is speaking inconceivably wonderful Dharma in the present, and will liberate inconceivable numbers of beings in the future. He cultivated the paramitas, / And adorned and purified lands. In his past lives, the Buddha cultivated limitless paramitas and boundless practices, such as making offerings to the Buddhas and adorning Buddhalands.

In each fine mote of dust, manifesting the small within the great, he certified to all dharmas and was able to expound all Buddhadharmas. In this way, unimpeded, in this unobstructed realm, which is beyond the understanding of ordinary people, he traveled the lands of the ten directions to teach beings.

He went to every Buddhaland,
Missing not a single one.
Observing the Buddhas’ spiritual powers,
He entered their practices.

He went to each Buddhaland to teach beings, missing not a single one. / Observing the Buddhas’ spiritual powers, / He entered their practices, the dharma doors cultivated by the Buddhas.

To be continued


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