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Dharma Realm Recipes

Dharma Realm Recipes
Aromatic Stir-fried Peanuts

English Translated by Shramanerika Jin Jing

法語:莫謂蟲命微 沉溺而不援 應知惻隱心 是為仁之端 ──弘一大師

Don't say that the lives of insects don't count.
Don't say it's alright to let them drown.
Do you know that one thought of kindness
Is where the basic human kindness begins?
   ── Great Master Hong-Yi

材料 Main ingredients:


raw peanuts 600 gm (about 2 ½ lb)
sea salt   1 bowl

作法 Directions:

1. 花生洗淨,瀝乾水份。
2. 將海鹽入炒鍋,用中小火,放入花生,不停的翻炒,至花生表皮變色,並感覺較堅硬、清脆聲,起 鍋,篩去鹽,待涼,即可食用。

1. Wash peanuts. Let dry.
2. Place sea salt into wok and roast peanuts over a medium fire. Stir peanuts continuously until peanut skin changes color. When peanuts become hard and make clear sounds when they knock against the wok, it is time to scoop up the peanuts. Sift out the salt. Ready to serve when cool.

秘訣 Tips:


If one is frying peanuts this way for the first time, one may use low fire to roast slowly. When one is more experienced, one can use medium fire. However, be sure to constantly stir the peanuts without stopping until the peanuts turn lighter in color and makes clear sounds. Then, the peanuts can be scooped up.

變化 Alternative:


If one likes salty flavor, one can stir fry the peanuts right after they are washed. Peanuts will absorb the salt better when wet.

知識 Facts:


Incorporating peanuts in the daily diet helps to maintain good health. Therefore, peanuts are also called “the fruit of longevity”. Their nutrient values are extremely high. They contain fat, protein, phosphorous, calcium, iron, Vitamins A and B, and elements to congeal blood (the skin of the peanuts has more of this) Peanuts nourish one's skin and keep it supple. They can also cure athlete's foot and stop bleeding.


法界佛教總會Dharma Realm Buddhist Association │ © Vajra Bodhi Sea