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News from the Dharma Realm

DRBA Buddhist Lecture Sessions This Summer

全本楞嚴經講修班 法界金海岸

《楞嚴經》、《華嚴經》、《法華經》是北傳佛教的重要經典。經中佛陀為教化他聰明反被聰明 誤的堂弟阿難尊者,有一番精彩生動地問答。整部經對常住真心有連貫性的解釋,是靈修啟慧的寶典。


在佛教裡,所有的經典,都很重要,但是《楞嚴經》更為重要。凡是有《楞嚴經》所在的地方,就是正法住世。《楞嚴經》沒有了,就是末法現前。在《法滅盡經》上說:「末法時代,《楞嚴經》先滅。其餘的經典,逐漸而滅。」如果《楞嚴經》不滅,正法時代就現前。因此,我們佛教徒,必須以性命來護持《楞嚴經》,以血汗來護持《楞嚴經》,以行願來護持《楞嚴經》。令《楞嚴經》永住於世,發揚光大,流通到每粒微塵中。到全世界每個角落去,流通到盡虛空遍法界中去。如果能這樣,正法就能大放光明。          ─  宣公上人

Shurangama Sutra Session at Gold Coast Monastery, Australia

In the Mahayana Buddhist tradition, the Shurangama Sutra is an essential text, equal in importance to the Avatamsaka Sutra and the Lotus Sutra. The Sutra centers around a Socratic dialogue between the Buddha Shakyamuni and his brilliant but erring cousin Ananda. The Sutra presents, at once a coherent explanation of being and a manual for spiritual practice.

Daily schedule includes three meditation periods, exercise, work period, vegetarian meals, lectures, review classes & special events. The entire Sutra will be explained bilingually (English-Chinese) by DRBA Dharma Masters during the 4-month period. Audio-visual aids and review classes will enhance the lectures.

“Within Buddhism, there are many important sutras, however, the most important sutra is the Shurangama Sutra. If there are places that have the Shurangama Sutra, then the Proper Dharma dwells in the world. If there is no Shurangama Sutra, then the Dharma-ending Age appears. In the Sutra of the Ultimate Extinction of the Dharma, it says very clearly that in the Dharma-ending Age, the Shurangama Sutra is the first to disappear. "Because of this, we Buddhist disciples must use our lives to protect the Shurangama Sutra, must use our vows and resolutions to protect the Shurangama Sutra, and cause the Shurangama Sutra to be known far and wide, reaching every nook and cranny, reaching into each and every dust-mote, reaching out to the exhaustion of empty space and of the Dharma Realm, if we can do this, then there will be a time of Proper Dharma radiating great light."

地點Venue: 106 Bonogin Rd, Mudgeeraba, Queensland, Postcode 4213 Australia
日期/ Dates: 2006/5/27-9/27
電話/Tel: +61-422 312 958, +61-7-5520 1988
傳真/Fax: +61-7-5520 1988
詳情請上網站For application and further details: http://www.gbm-online.com/australia

《華嚴經》卷三十九 入法界品
“Entering the Dharma Realm”, Book 39 of the Avatamsaka Sutra

第一段Section I: 2006/7/ 1 - 7/23
第二段Section II: 2006/7/24 - 8/18




City of Ten Thousand Buddhas in Mendocino County, California with one special week in the Oregon Coast Range

This summer in a tranquil monastic setting, Dharma Realm Buddhist University will host a seven-week intensive immersion experience in the Buddhist tradition. Students will read, reflect upon, and discuss the Avatamsaka Sutra’s epic thirty-ninth book, which narrates the spiritual quest for awakening undertaken by the youth Sudhana. The program will follow a traditional monastic lifestyle of work, study, and meditation designed to calm the mind, strengthen the body, and prepare the spirit for insight and understanding.

Classes will be led by faculty of Dharma Realm Buddhist University, both lay and monastic, with informal roundtable discussions in the evening balancing the more formal classes of the day. Time will be set aside for quiet reading, writing, and personal reflection. Workshops on yoga, chan/zen meditation, chanting, and ethical discipline will be available throughout. Please visit the website for more details: http//www. drbu.org


法界佛教總會Dharma Realm Buddhist Association │ © Vajra Bodhi Sea