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Living a Meaningful Life (Part I)

羅勃‧布拉克 2006年3月25日講於萬佛聖城道源堂
A Talk Given by Robert S. Block in Dao Yuan Hall at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas on March 25, 2006
郇若慧 中譯 Chinese Translated by Josey Shun





1950年代初期,我把電視節目賣給電視台及贊助商。1950年代中期,我成立一家廣告代理公司,它後來躋身世界第55大排名。在1970年代中期,我賣掉廣告代理公司,成了付費電視業的創始人。1980年代中期,我開始協助手機行業的創立;又參與英國11個新開發有線電視系統中的3個,來成立英國的有線服務;並且為歐洲最大也最成功的付費電視服務Canal Plus出主意。1990年代,我的公司把高科技通訊帶到東歐與亞洲,在波蘭、俄羅斯的新西伯利亞與孟加拉共和國創辦現代化的電話公司,以及在捷克斯拉夫(現捷克共和國)開發有線電視系統。







一、每樣事情都相關聯 ── 一旦你明白每樣事情都相關聯,每樣事情就都變得有趣味而切要。能夠看出相關性是很重要的天分,當你想找出其中的關係,你肯定處處找得到。這兒有兩個例子﹕








On this, the 30th anniversary of the Instilling Goodness & Developing Virtue Schools (IGDVS), Dr. Yeh and Priscilla Yeh asked me to talk with you about “Living a Meaningful Life”. They wanted me to tell you about myself, what I have done and what I have learned in my 78 years aboard spaceship Earth.

So here’s a bit about who I am, what I have done and, a heaping of what I have learned. My wonderful wife, Carol, and I have been married for 55 ½ years… and it doesn’t seem like a day more than 55 ¼. We have two marvelous children, Debbie, who has 2 sons and David who has 2 sons and 2 daughters. All of our immediate family lives in Reno, Nevada except for one of our grandchildren who works in our family businesses and lives in LA.

I’m an inventor with about 200 US and foreign patents and am often called a serial entrepreneur. I am currently involved in multiple business activities in the US and overseas. I’m a lot like horse manure… you can find me almost everywhere. My undergraduate degree is in education. Learning to learn and learning to teach have been two of the most important skills in my life. I also graduated from the US Army Medical Corps School of Pharmacy, I have a degree in foreign trade from the Latin American Institute and an honorary doctorate awarded to me by the United States Sports Academy, America’s only accredited Sports University. I’m a founder of the Academy, its first chairman and have been a Trustee for all of its 34 years.

I was a combat medic and later a pharmacist in the US Medical Corps at the end of WW-II. In the late 1940s I owned an Export/Import company while going to college. Right after college I worked for an airline that started the concept of low cost coach air travel. In the early 1950s I sold television programs to stations and sponsors.

In the mid 1950s I founded an advertising agency that became the 55th largest in the world.

In the mid 1970s I sold my advertising agency and became a founder of the pay-tv industry. In the mid 1980s I began helping to create the cellular telephone industry, participated in 3 of the 11 cable systems launched in England to establish cable service in the UK and created the idea for Canal Plus, the largest and most successful pay television service in Europe.

In the 1990s my company brought high-tech communications to Eastern Europe and to Asia starting modern telephone companies in Poland, Novosibirsk Siberia and Bangladesh and a cable television system in Czechoslovakia (now the Czech Republic).

Since 2000 I have been involved in several business activities in China. Currently, I am the Chairman of Landmark Entertainment Group, a company involved in designing themed location based entertainment. We designed Jurassic Park, the ride, T2-3D; Star Trek the experience, the Forum shops at Caesars Palace and many other entertainment facilities around the world. We are now doing a lot of work in China, Korea and soon Dubai and Russia. Another company, American Entertainment International books major acts like Mariah Carey, Lee Ann Rimes, and Michelle Quan. I am the founder and chairman of 3D Business Tools Enterprise Management System, a large software suite that I designed to help businesspeople make better business decisions. It is in connection with 3D Business Tools that I work with your wonderful and brilliant Dr. Ray Yeh.

I am chairman of ShipCom, America’s only HF radio facility that provides voice, e-mail and data services to ships at sea. I am also the Chairman of ITG a joint venture company that solved the problem of connecting non-compatible communication systems. You may not know that Police departments, Fire departments, Sheriff Departments, Highway Patrol, Hospital Ambulances, and so on cannot talk with each other over their radios because they use radio systems that are not compatible. This is a tremendous problem for Homeland Security. Our company has designed an elegant, inexpensive and efficient way to overcome this problem without changing anyone’s radio system. We call it a Smart Network Platform.

Immediately following hurricane Katrina ShipCom was called by the US Coast Guard and asked if we could take over communication management for the Coast Guard because the roof of their facility was blown off by the hurricane and their radio equipment was damaged. We experienced damage from the storm as well but we stayed on the air. Of course, we jumped in and took over communications for the rescue operations as well as the sea watch for ships at sea in trouble. Our interoperability technology was put to the test and worked flawlessly. When you watched the Coast Guard helicopters picking people off of roofs in New Orleans, it was our company that was communicating with those helicopters through our Smart Network Platform to tell them where to go. We received a very nice award from the Coast Guard for helping them to save the lives of 33,000 people.

So it’s pretty obvious that I keep busy. That’s the way I want it.

Now, to what I have learned.

As I thought about sharing my thoughts on “Living a Meaningful Life” I did what I always do, I made a list. I boiled the list down to 11 of the most important lessons I’ve learned in my short visit to this life. I call my list, “Lessons to LIVE By”. So here goes, Lesson number 1

1. Everything is connected to everything – Once you understand that everything is connected to everything, everything also becomes interesting and relevant. Seeing connectedness is an important talent. When you look for connectedness you are sure to find it… everywhere. Here are two examples of connectedness:

My being here today is the first example. If even one of you leaves with a better chance to live a meaningful life because of what I say today, it will make my life more meaningful. Though we’ve never met, you and I are connected; we’ve always been connected because everything is connected to everything.

On another level, if there ever was a challenge to the postulate that everything is connected to everything, Einstein certainly ended the discussion with a famous equation E=mc2.

During the summer of 1905, while working in the patent office in Bern, Switzerland, Albert Einstein realized that his Special Theory of Relativity, published in June of that year, implied a startling relationship between matter and energy heretofore not understood. That led Einstein to wonder whether “the Lord might be laughing ... and leading me around by the nose.”

In September Einstein wrote a three-page supplement to his Special Theory of Relativity. It is probably the most profound afterthought in the history of science. The final equation of Einstein’s short article was E = mc². So what does E=mc2 have to do with “Everything is connected to everything” or with you, or with Living a Meaningful Life? The answer is, everything… everything you do, every move you make and every thought you have maps directly to E = mc². Einstein’s simple equation explains a fundamental truth about how the universe works. It’s an equation that speaks of the building blocks of everything, matter (or mass) and energy and the remarkable relationship between them. Unfortunately, it goes largely unnoticed in our everyday life.

When I was in grade school, I was taught that “matter and energy are different and that neither could be created nor destroyed”. In the 8th grade, when I wrote a paper on Einstein’s Theory of Relativity and the implications of E=mc2 for my science class the teacher told me that there were only 12 people in the world that understood Einstein’s theory. I brashly told her that I understood it and that if she read my paper and tried hard, she could probably understand it too. Of course, I didn’t really understand Einstein’s work but I did understand enough to know that what they were teaching me about matter and energy in school was not correct. Matter and energy were the same thing in different forms… like water is a liquid until it gets cold enough to become ice and then it’s a solid. You can think of mass (matter) as a frozen form of energy.

Of course, E=mc2 is the fundamental concept that underlies atomic energy and atomic bombs… a subject we hear about and read about in the headlines every day… another way everything is connected to everything.

When you understand that everything is connected to everything you will realize that, what you say and what you do affects everything and everyone. Your life has meaning and you get to decide what that meaning is. This leads to my second lesson to live by.

To be continued


About the speaker: Mr. Blark is a serial entrepreneur, an innovator, and a compassionate human being. As a person who is interested in almost everything, Mr. Blark has a long and successful career and widely known for his innovative work. From the community services he rendered in the past, giving back to the society and helping to make the world a peaceful place is something rooted deeply in his heart.



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