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Dharma Realm Recipes

Dharma Realm Recipes
Tofu with Pureed Carrot (4 servings)

周芳枝 英譯 English translation by Fanny Chou

法語:時時念佛 日日吃素 年年戒殺 月月放生──宣化上人
Dharma Words: Recite the Buddha’s name at all times. Be a vegetarian every day. Refrain from killing all year every year. Liberate lives every month. —— Venerable Master Hua

材料 Main ingredients:

嫩豆腐 1盒    soft tofu   1 box
紅蘿蔔泥1大匙  pureed carrot 1 tbsp
熟青豆仁1/2茶匙 frozen peas  ½ tsp

調味料 Ingredients for sauce:

海鹽1茶匙  香油少許

sea salt 1 tsp
sesame oil


作 法 Directions:


Heat one tablespoon of oil. When hot, put in pureed carrots and stir fry. Add one cup of water. Let boil. Add tofu cubes and sea salt and simmer for 2 minutes. Pour in water mixed with cornstarch and stir a little. Finally, add peas and drizzle in some sesame oil. Ready to serve.

小技巧 Tips:


Since soft tofu crumbles easily, it is better to cook it in a wok with a handle. Instead of stirring the tofu with a spatula, one can move the wok around and keep the tofu intact.


法界佛教總會Dharma Realm Buddhist Association │ © Vajra Bodhi Sea