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News from the Dharma Realm

DVS Attends 2005
Northern California Chinese Competition

培德學校 提供 By Developing Virtue Schools
庚午 英譯 English translated by Geng Wu

北加州中文學校聯合會2005年學術比賽,於四月十日(星期日)在加州柏拉阿圖的貞史坦佛中學盛大舉行,共有來自36個學校的學生595人報名參加比賽。比賽依年齡分A、 B、C、D四組,內容有演講、作文、翻譯、書法、中西畫、查字典等共十六個項目。




The 2005 Northern California Chinese Competition, sponsored by the Association of Northern California Chinese Schools (ANCCS), was held on Sunday, April 10, at Jane L. Stanford Middle School in Palo Alto. The 595 participating students from 36 schools were divided into age groups: A, B, C, D, and competed in various categories, such as impromptu speech, essay writing, translation, calligraphy, painting (both Eastern and Western), and dictionary searching. There were a total of sixteen categories.

Each school could send only one student to each category, with the exception of translation and Cantonese impromptu speech, for which a school could send two students. Thus, the participants were definitely the best students in their particular school. The contestants were very well-trained, and needless to say, the competitions were fierce. The most grueling categories were impromptu speaking, essay writing, and translation, for students were required to apply their talents on the spot, without being able to prepare ahead of time. Students without genuine talent would not dare to compete in these categories. Also, this year’s translation contest was made harder by a new rule prohibiting the use of dictionaries.

Eight students from the Boys’ School and four from the Girls’ School attended the competition. At the end, Developing Virtue Boys School sophomore Qin Zhi Lau won first place in Translation Group A. Developing Girls School freshman Grace Jeng received first place in Calligraphy Group A, and sixth-grader Ming Shan Lee placed third in Impromptu Speech Group B. Both the Boys’ and Girls’ Schools encourage students to participate in such talent and art contests outside, so that they can learn and gain more experience from these activities. This time was no exception. For instance, after the dictionary searching contest, the student who participated complained to his teacher, “Why did you sign me up for this contest?” This was because all the contestants were very skillful in answering the 80 questions within 50 minutes and he couldn’t. However, observing from outside the room, the student’s mother was overjoyed because when her son first came to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, he didn’t know a single Chinese character and now he is able to look up information in a dictionary by himself. We think the competition results are of no importance. The actual benefit for students comes from the experience of participating in the contest.

There are many Chinese people in California, and Chinese education is regarded very highly. Every year, the ANCCS contests grow bigger in scope, and this can be attributed to the enthusiasm of the member schools. In the future, we would be delighted to see the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas host such big events, including similar contests, teacher training workshops or perhaps even the Grand Ceremony for Worshipping Confucius and other meaningful activities.


法界佛教總會Dharma Realm Buddhist Association │ © Vajra Bodhi Sea