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The Flower Adornment Sutra with Commentary

【 如來現相品第二】

Chapter Two : The ManifestationS of the Thus Come One

宣化上人講 Commentary by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua
國際譯經學院記錄 Translated by the International Translation Institute

無量劫中修行海 供養十方諸佛海
化度一切眾生海 今成妙覺遍照尊


毛孔之中出化雲 光明普照於十方
應受化者咸開覺 令趣菩提淨無礙


佛昔往來諸趣中 教化成熟諸群生
神通自在無邊量 一念皆令得解脫


摩尼妙寶菩提樹 種種莊嚴悉殊特
佛於其下成正覺 放大光明普威耀


大音震吼遍十方 普為弘宣寂滅法
隨諸眾生心所樂 種種方便令開曉


往修諸度皆圓滿 等於千剎微塵數
一切諸力悉已成 汝等應往同瞻禮


十方佛子等剎塵 悉共歡喜而來集
已雨諸雲為供養 今在佛前專覲仰


如來一音無有量 能演契經深大海
普雨妙法應群心 彼兩足尊宜往見






Through countless eons, the Buddha cultivated oceans of practices.
Making offerings to oceans of Buddhas in the ten directions.
He transforms and liberates oceans of beings, who become
Wonderfully Enlightened Honored Ones of universal illumination.

Through countless eons, the Buddha cultivated oceans of practices. Limitless eons in the past, the Buddha set his mind on cultivation. He has cultivated so many dharma doors for such a long period of time that they can be called oceans of practices. Making offerings to oceans of Buddhas in the ten directions. What was the main dharma door that he practiced? It was making offerings to the Buddhas of the ten directions. He used his body, mouth, and mind to make all kinds of offerings. With his body he revered and bowed to the Buddhas. With his mouth he praised the Buddhas’ inconceivable merit and virtue. And with his mind he constantly reflected upon the Buddhadharma. That was how he made offerings to the Triple Jewel with his body, mouth, and mind.

In making offerings to the Buddha, you must have no anger on your face. If you have no temper, then you are making an offering. If your mouth is free from anger, it will give off a wondrous fragrance. If your mouth doesn’t utter angry words—if it doesn’t engage in harsh speech, backbiting, idle chatter, or false speech—then you make the offering of a wondrous fragrance. If your mind is devoid of anger, then you are offering a true jewel, a real treasure, to the Buddhas. The basic thing to remember about making offerings is to have no anger. If you have a temper, then it prevents you from making an offering.

He teaches and liberates oceans of beings. After becoming a Buddha, the Buddha wants to teach and transform beings. Since there are limitlessly many of them—as numerous as motes of dust—they are referred to as oceans of beings. Although there are so many of them, the Buddha wants to teach and transform all the oceans of beings, who become Wonderfully Enlightened Honored Ones of universal illumination. All beings are led to become Buddhas, World Honored Ones, who illuminate the entire Dharma Realm.

Clouds appear from his pores.
Their radiance lights up the ten directions.
Those ripe for teaching become enlightened.
They strive for bodhi, pure and unhindered.

Clouds appear from his pores. From each pore of the Buddha, infinite numbers of clouds appear by transformation. Their radiance lights up the ten directions. / Those ripe for teaching become enlightened. All those who should receive the Buddha’s teaching are led to develop wisdom and become deeply awakened. They strive for bodhi, pure and unhindered. The light and the reward they attain is pure and unhindered.

The Buddha traveled to all destinies,
Teaching and nurturing beings, helping them mature.
So boundless are his spiritual powers and self-mastery.
That in one thought he brings them to liberation.

The Buddha traveled to all destinies. In the past, the Buddha also went around and around in the six paths of the wheel of rebirth. He did this for the sake of teaching and nurturing beings, helping them mature. / So boundless are his spiritual powers and self-mastery. The Buddha has innumerable and immeasurable spiritual powers and self-mastery. That in one thought he brings them to liberation. In a single thought, the Buddha can enable infinite numbers of beings to be liberated.

The bodhi tree with its wondrous mani gems
Has a myriad ornaments most sublime.
In its shade, the Buddha realized Proper Enlightenment
And shone with a magnificent, universal resplendence.

The bodhi tree with its wondrous mani gems, / Has a myriad ornaments most sublime / And shone with a magnificent, universal resplendence. The bodhi tree, the king of trees, is adorned with mani gems and all kinds of precious and rare jewels. After becoming a Buddha, while seated at the foot of the tree, the Buddha gave forth a magnificent light that shined throughout the world and the Dharma Realm.

His thunderous roar resounds in the ten directions,
As he everywhere preaches the Dharma of still quiescence.
Catering to beings’ wishes and delights,
He employs various expedients to help them understand.

His thunderous roar resounds in the ten directions. The Buddha’s voice is extremely loud—his booming roar can be heard throughout the worlds of the ten directions, as he everywhere preaches the Dharma of still quiescence, speaking the Dharma of Nirvana for all beings. Catering to beings’ wishes and delights, their hopes and dreams, he employs various skillful expedients to enlighten them and help them understand.

The Buddha has cultivated the paramitas to perfection,
As numerous as the dustmotes in a thousand lands.
He has fully achieved all the powers.
All of you should go and make obeisance.

Within the light, another verse was spoken: The Buddha has already cultivated the paramitas to perfection, the dharmas for reaching the “other shore,” as numerous as the dustmotes in a thousand lands. / He has fully achieved all the powers—various powers such as the Buddha’s Ten Powers. All of you should go and make obeisance to the World Honored One, Shakyamuni.

Disciples of the Buddha, numerous as the dustmotes in a land,
Joyfully gather from the ten directions.
Having rained down clouds of offerings,
They are now before the Buddha, eagerly gazing upward.

Disciples of the Buddha, all of the worthy sages, mumerous as the dustmotes in a land, / Joyfully gather from the ten directions. They were so happy they jumped for joy and came to the Buddha’s bodhimanda under the bodhi tree. Having rained down various kinds of clouds as offerings to Shakyamuni Buddha, before the Buddha’s Vajra Jeweled Seat, they now intently gaze upon him, bowing and paying reverence to the Buddha.

One sound from the Thus Come One is limitless.
He can proclaim the Sutras as deep as the mighty ocean.
He rains wondrous Dharma everywhere, in response to beings’ minds.
You ought to go see that Doubly Perfect Honored One.

One sound from the Thus Come One is limitless. When Shakyamuni, the World Honored One, speaks the Dharma with a single sound, limitless beings each understand it according to their capacity. One sound disperses into infinite sounds; infinite sounds come from a single sound. The Buddha’s sound transforms into infinite sounds, and he can proclaim the Sutras, “tallying texts,” whose wondrous meanings are as deep as the mighty ocean.

The Buddha is now under the bodhi tree speaking Dharma. He rains inconceivably wondrous Dharma everywhere, in response to beings’ minds. He speaks the Dharma that beings wish to hear. You ought to go see that Doubly Perfect Honored One, Shakyamuni Buddha, who is perfect in both blessings and wisdom. He is a fertile “field of blessings” in which beings can plant blessings. All of you Bodhisattvas, disciples of the Buddha, and worthy sages should quickly go to see him.

Does anyone have questions? A disciple’s question was inaudible.

Shr Fu: …I have no idea. When we handle things, it must be based on the idea of the assembly. I don’t want to give opinions on how things should be done, because this is a democratic country. I can’t put on the air of a teacher and then force people to do things in a certain way. Moreover, we’re praying for World Peace. In doing this first we must have peace within ourselves. What does this mean? We must be free from the fire of ignorance, i.e. temper. Free of hatred, delusion and greed. When we smash these three poisons within ourselves, then there is real peace. We have no troubles whatsoever.

Therefore, whoever is going to Seattle, should have peace within your own self. Even though you can’t attain the state where everything is okay, you should work towards that goal. Don’t pray for peace outside and have no peace inside. For instance, those who are doing the Three Steps One Bow pilgrimage, long ago had said inside of them it was very, very peaceful. This is their experience. We are going there in order to help them pray for peace, so we shouldn’t cause lots of non-peaceful things and trouble. …On the other hand you can do anything that is beneficial to people. Investigate this for yourselves.

To be continued


法界佛教總會 Dharma Realm Buddhist Association© Vajra Bodhi Sea