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News from the Dharma Realm

CTTB Conducts Ceremony for Entering the Monastic Life

蘊藏 文 by Yun Cang
永明 英譯 English translation by Yung Ming


On the cold and drizzly morning of December 26, 2004, the Buddha Hall of the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas (CTTB) was peaceful and serene, filled with the chanting of the Amitabha Buddha’s name. The assembly had just finished the Universal Bowing ceremony in celebration of Amitabha Buddha’s Birthday and was ready for the 2004 Dharma Realm Buddhist Association Ceremony for Entering Monastic Life.

今年一共三位居士通過出家的申請,分別是西班牙籍的男眾 Jose Gomez (法名親和)、以及台灣籍的女眾邱素華(法號近山),與越南籍的凱蒂(法號近歡)。





Three laypeople had applied and received approval to enter the monastic life: Jose Gomez (Dharma name Chin Ho), a native of Spain who has been in the Male Novice Trainee Program, Su-Hua Chiu (Dharma name Jin Shan) from Taiwan, and Cathi Tran Nguyen (Dharma name Jin Hwan) from Vietnam.

As usual, the candidates for entering the monastic life spoke about their reasons for wanting to join the Sangha the night before the ceremony. Jose came to CTTB to attend the Amitabha Session last year and was asked to share his experience. In the same place and on the same day one year later, he decided to devote himself to Buddhism and to truly experience the life of spiritual practice. In addition to feeling grateful for the past year, he now has a sense of mission towards Buddhism and all beings.

Su-Hwa Chiu was a lay supporter at Avatamsaka Vihara in Maryland and more recently has been staying at Gold Sage Monastery. Her children and son-in-law came from the East Coast to attend the ceremony. When she decided to renounce her family and the career she had established through hard work, her son asked her, “Why do you have to go so far away to California? Can’t you practice here in the East?” She explained by using the analogy of how she had supported her son to go to New York to work, knowing that although it would be hard to bear being apart from him, it would be worth letting him go so he could pursue a more meaningful life. Laywoman Chiu’s goal for the rest of her life is to seek a way to end the suffering of reincarnation; that’s why she resolved to enter the monastic life.

Vietnamese laywoman Cathi has been living at the City of the Dharma Realm for three years and will return there after the ceremony. When she talked about her reasons for entering the monastic life, she was most grateful to her mother. Since she was often sick in her childhood, her mother would take her to the temple to worship and taught her to constantly recite Guanyin Bodhisattva’s name. That was how she survived hardships. She also joked that ever since she was little, if she got her mother’s permission to do something, she would eventually succeed in doing it. Before she encountered the Venerable Master’s monasteries, every time she brought up the idea of becoming a nun, her mother would reject it. However, this time when she asked for approval, her mother not only did not refuse, but happily agreed, so Cathi felt quite confident.

The ceremony for entering the monastic life concluded with the transference of merit and virtue. For the three great heroes who have just entered the monastic life, a long path of heavy responsibilities and spiritual practice lies ahead. May they successfully pass all tests and go with courage on the spiritual path. And with three members of different nationality, may the DRBA Sangha display the strength of greater diversity to spread the Dharma to all corners in the world and benefit all living beings.


法界佛教總會Dharma Realm Buddhist Association │ © Vajra Bodhi Sea