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【 水鏡回天錄白話解 】

Reflections in the Water-Mirror: Turning the Tide of Destiny

憶至聖先師 (續)
In Memory of the Foremost Sage and Teacher,

宣公上人講於一九八六年八月十四日 Lectured by the Venerable Master HUA on August 8, 1986
仁德 英譯 Translated by ren de


仰之彌高 鑽之彌堅
瞻之在前 忽焉在後
神不可測 大不可及
聖中之至 更無二三










麟吐玉書兆吉祥 龍噴甘泉浴英奇
從政三月魯大治 罷朝數晨孔子行
周遊列國倡教化 杏壇設塾度群萌
水月童子生震旦 預為佛教奠宏基










世界上什麼事情都是互相通達,譬如現在在美國有真正的佛教了,所以這些妖魔鬼怪,旁門左道也不出來了。本來他們都想來佔地盤的,好像RAJNEESH,他們有段時間錢也多得不得了,人也多得不得了,現在一敗塗地都完了。邪不勝正,這是最好的證明。 (全文完)

A verse in praise says:
When I gaze at him, he appears to grow taller.
When I try to penetrate him, he seems even more solid.
I see him before me, but suddenly he’s behind me.
His spirit cannot be fathomed.
His greatness is beyond compare.
He is foremost among the sages, with none other like him.

When I gaze at him,
there is no way to see the top of him, and he appears to grow taller. / When I try to penetrate him, the more I try, he seems even more solid. Confucius was truly knowledgeable. I see him before me. Originally he was before me, but suddenly he’s behind me. His transformations are limitless and inconceivably wonderful.

His spirit cannot be fathomed. Since he is inconceivable, even spirits cannot figure it out. His greatness is beyond compare. No one is greater than him. He is foremost among the sages, with none other like him. No one can compare with him.

Another verse says:
The unicorn carried a jade tablet—an auspicious sign.
Dragons bathed this remarkable man with sweet water.
During his three months in office, Lu was governed well.
When the duke was absent from court several days, Confucius left.
Traveling throughout the states, he advocated education.
He established a school in Apricot Grove to teach the masses.
The Pure Youth, Water Moon, was born in China,
Establishing a solid foundation for Buddhism.

A unicorn carried a jade tablet—an auspicious sign.
A unicorn carrying a jade tablet in its mouth was a very auspicious prophecy. Dragons bathed this remarkable man with sweet water. Nine dragons used water to bathe him, which was also very unusual.

During his three months in office, Lu was well governed. Confucius acted as the Head of the Judiciary for three months and the State of Lu became well ordered.

When the duke was absent from court several days, Confucius left. The Duke of Lu had not gone to court to perform his duties for three days. Seeing that he was deluded by beautiful women, Confucius lost interest, resigned his post, and set out to travel. Confucius knew when to advance and when to retreat. Traveling throughout the states, he advocated education. He traveled among several states and propagated education everywhere.

He established a school in Apricot Grove to teach the masses. When he returned to the State of Lu, he set up a school to teach many young disciples.

The Pure Youth, Water Moon, was born in China. What was his background? Confucius was the transformation of the Pure Youth, Water Moon, in Buddhism and was born in China.

Establishing a solid foundation for Buddhism. The Pure Youth Water Moon and Shakyamuni Buddha had an agreement: If Buddhism were passed all of a sudden from India to China, the Chinese might not easily accept it. Therefore the Pure Youth Water Moon served as a pioneer for Buddhism. He advocated the Six Arts—ritual, music, archery, charioteering, calligraphy, and mathematics, and taught the citizens what it meant to be human by advocating Confucianism. Lao Zi was also actually a Buddhist personage; he was a transformation of Patriarch Kashyapa. He advocated Taoism which helped the transmission of Buddhism into China so that it would be easily accepted by the Chinese.

Everything in the world is interconnected. For instance, in the United States when there is orthodox Buddhism, all demons, weird creatures, externalists and cults will not show up. Originally, people like Rajneesh, who had lots of money and followers, wished to own land. Now they have completely collapsed. The deviant cannot conquer the proper; this is the best proof. (The End)


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