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My Unforgettable Visit to the City
of Ten Thousand Buddhas:

何愛寧 文 by Nina Ha
李麗貞 中譯 Chinese translation by Li-Jen Lee



八月二十一日我們從卡加利飛往三藩市。在飛機上我偷偷地對阿妮妲說:「我要怎麼樣才能度過這漫長的十天呢?」 從三藩市到萬佛城還需三小時車程。途中,我大部份的時間都在睡覺,直到快到聖城的十分鐘前才醒來。當我舉目四望,看到前方萬佛城歡迎訪客的標示牌時,我竟然有些興奮!



到了第四天,我開始喜歡那裡。我感覺非常平靜、祥和、喜悅,並且覺得沒有任何事可以困擾我。我開始想是否該要求媽媽讓我留在這兒上學。最後我下定決心問她,她毫不遲疑地回答:「當然可以!」 我聽了很高興。但不幸的是,爸爸並不同意,我感到非常失望。在誦《地藏經》時,我祈求地藏菩薩幫助我。稍後,我比較不難過,只是全神貫注參加法會。



編按:Nina 今年14歲,九年級學生。她出生於佛教家庭,從出生就吃素迄今。她每星期日都和祖母、母親、及妹妹一起參加華嚴寺的法會。她喜歡旅遊及和家人在一起。她學彈鋼琴已七年,她同時還學樂理及中文。Nina希望她許多的夢想,將來都能成真。

My recent visit to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas (CTTB) was absolutely amazing. I never thought I would like it so much.

A few years ago, I started to save money for a plane ticket to go to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas. This past year, my mom told me that she really wanted to take Anita and me to go to school there, but she didn’t have enough money to pay the school fees. What did I think about that? Oh, I didn’t like it at all. I opposed the idea, and I got mad. Time passed, and she said, “We’ll just go there for the Earth Store Bodhisattva Recitation session.” So, I thought, okay, it’s only for 10 days, I can stand that. On August 21, 2003, I was ready to leave Calgary for San Francisco.

On the plane, I whispered to Anita, “How am I going to be able to stand it there for 10 days!” When we arrived in San Francisco, we drove approximately 3 hours to our destination, and I slept most of the way. I woke up about 10 minutes before we got there, and I looked around. In front of us, I saw a welcoming sign, “The City of Ten Thousand Buddhas”. I don’t know why, but I felt a bit excited! Anyway, when the Earth Store session started, I was told to get up at 3:30 a.m. for the morning recitation. I thought I would pass out, having to do this for a week, because when I tried doing it in Calgary, I couldn’t stand it even for one day. Morning recitation went from 4:00-5:00 a.m., followed by bowing, from 5:00-6:00 a.m. and then, breakfast for the laypeople from 6:00-7:00 a.m. Everyone there was diligent; getting up early in the morning and reciting.

The first couple of days, I ate breakfast and at 7:00 a.m., everyone recited the Earth Store Sutra. I think we had the choice of sitting or kneeling to recite and I chose to kneel. Although I didn’t think I would make it kneeling through this period, I just kept thinking about reciting the sutra sincerely, and I succeeded. After finishing the Earth Store Sutra, it was time for meditation and walking. I don’t like to meditate, so I sat in the Venerable Master’s room [Patriarchs Hall], reading his biography.

Dinner was scheduled for 5:00 p.m., and I thought maybe I should try and eat only one meal a day, and again I didn’t think I could do it, but I ended up not eating dinner that evening. Since I wasn’t eating, I went looking for something to do. I met a Dharma Master, who formerly lived in Calgary, and I started doing many chores with her: sweeping leaves, helping in the kitchen, picking vegetables, stamping books, and cleaning the big Buddha image in the guest building. Soon, I started to follow her almost everywhere she went. Every time there was a break, we would go and find work, usually sweeping the leaves. It then became our daily duty, as the leaves kept falling every night. She would tell me stories about our Venerable Master Hua (e.g. about how he found water at CTTB) which I found totally amazing!

About the fourth day, I started to love being there. I felt so calm, peaceful and happy, and felt that nothing could bother me. Then, I started to question myself, whether or not I should ask my mom if I could stay here to go to school. I decided to ask her. She answered me without hesitation and said, “Of course!” I was very happy to hear that. Unfortunately, my dad opposed the idea, and I was quite upset, so, when we were reciting the last part of Earth Store Sutra, I asked Earth Store Bodhisattva to help me. Later, I felt a bit better and just concentrated on participating in the Earth Store session. When the session finished on Saturday, I felt great! I thought to myself: This is such a great place! I’m able to get up at 3:30 in the morning while eating only one meal per day! I was surprised that I wasn’t tired or hungry! I was very happy to meet people, who were so kind and generous; everyone was so friendly!

Sadly, it was time for us to go. I really wanted to stay. Words just can’t describe how wonderful and beautiful CTTB is and I truly recommend that everyone go there as quickly as they can. I just can’t wait to go back! Amitabha!

Editor’s Note: Nina is 14 years old and currently in grade nine. She was born and raised Buddhist and has been a vegetarian her whole life. She goes to Avatamsaka Monastery every Sunday with her mom, younger sister and grandma. She loves to travel and to spend time with her family. She also plays the piano (since 1996), takes music theory lessons and goes to Chinese school. Nina has many hopes and dreams that she wishes to accomplish in the future.


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