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宣化上人講 Commentary by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua
國際譯經學院記錄 Translated by the International Translation Institute













This person, unaware that he is actually possessed by a demon, claims he has reached unsurpassed Nirvana. When he comes to see that good person who seeks union, he arranges a seat and speaks the Dharma. Neither his own body nor the bodies of those listening to the Dharma go through any external transformations. But he makes the minds of the listeners become “enlightened” before they listen to the Dharma, so they experience changes in every thought. They may have the knowledge of past lives or the knowledge of others’ thoughts. They may see the hells or know all the good and evil events in the human realm. They may speak verses or spontaneously recite Sutras. Each person is elated and feels he has obtained something unprecedented.

This possessed person is unaware that he is actually possessed by a demon. He claims he has reached the wondrous fruition of unsurpassed Nirvana. When he comes to see that good person, the cultivator who seeks union, he arranges a Dharma seat, takes it, and speaks the Dharma. Neither his own body nor the bodies of those listening to the Dharma go through any external transformations. His own appearance does not change, nor do the appearances of his listeners change. Nothing happens on the outside. It is not as in a previous passage, where the listeners saw themselves sitting on precious lotus flowers or saw their own bodies radiating purple-golden light. Nor is it as when they saw the person speaking Dharma change into a Bhikshu, a Bhikshuni, Shakra, a woman, and so forth. There are no such transformations.

But instead he makes the minds of the listeners become “enlightened” before they listen to the Dharma. After their “enlightenment,” they feel as if they were drunk or having a dream in which they struck it rich. This is not true enlightenment. It is an illusory state, like watching a movie or taking a hallucinogenic drug. They see everything in an altered state so that in their minds they experience changes in every thought.

They may have the knowledge of past lives, but again this knowledge of past lives is not real. What they see is totally illusory. Or they may have the knowledge of others’ thoughts. They may see all of the states in the hells. Or they may know all the good and evil events in the human realm. They may casually be able to speak verses on their own, or they may spontaneously recite Sutras. Each person is elated and feels he has obtained something unprecedented. They all say, “He truly is a Bodhisattva! He’s really a Buddha! He has made me enlightened! He has given me the power of knowing past lives.” However, the experience lasts only as long as they are listening to the Dharma. That is why it is not genuine.

[May 1989]

Layperson: Venerable Master, Dharma Masters, and Good Advisors: I’d like to share something which is closely related to everyone’s cultivation.

When the feeling skandha comes to an end, the cultivator tends to be in a state of anxiety in which he craves clever and skillful expedients. He wants to merge with the cosmic principle, unite with potentials, and convert living beings. When he has this kind of anxiety, several things may happen. For example, some people who have never read Sutras before will become possessed by demons, and then they will be able to explain many Sutras. There are many “cultivators” in Taiwan who have read very little of the Sutras and who may have violated the substance of the precepts they received. Yet they want to obtain clever and skillful expedients; when they see other people explaining Sutras and gaining a large following, they hope to quickly attain wisdom themselves so that they can also explain Sutras to many people. Having such a thought, they become possessed by demons as they sit in meditation.

Many people who seem to be very good at explaining Sutras are actually possessed by demons. Of course, if a person strictly follows the precepts, diligently recites mantras and Sutras, and cultivates very hard, then he may not be possessed. However, there are some people who are very casual about holding precepts and who do not recite Sutras or bow to the Buddhas; yet when they go onstage and close their eyes, after two or three days not only they themselves, but also those in the audience who gave rise to false thinking will be able to lecture very well on the Sutras without having studied them before.

I don’t think this will happen at the Venerable Master’s Way-places. But if you go to other Way-places where the Dharma-protecting spirits don’t do a good job and you give rise to false thinking and greedy attachments, then you may have these states, especially if you like to meditate. People who don’t meditate usually don’t have these states. There is an elderly woman in Taiwan who was basically illiterate, but after three or five days, she could write beautiful Chinese calligraphy. I’ve seen many cases like this, where people suddenly “become Buddhas” in a few days’ time. That woman had not been able to explain Sutras before, but after three days, she was very good at explaining them. Such strange things really happen.

That is why everyone wants to learn deviant dharmas and no one wants to learn the Proper Dharma. If you explain the Buddhadharma to them, they won’t listen. Those of us who are here are probably more aware of such phenomena. These states probably won’t happen to people at this Way-place, but you have to be careful when you go out.

Venerable Master: These are all cases of people being possessed by fox spirits. This is what is meant by “its spirit possesses a person.”

To be continued


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