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出家生活問答錄 ()
Questions & Answers about the Monastic Life(continued)

摘自法界佛青會年會 2003年3月29日於金聖寺excerpt from discussion at dharma Realm Buddhist Youth Annual conference on march 29, 2003 at gold sage monastery
孫麗鈺 中譯chinese translation by Li-Yu Sun




持法師答:在亞洲佛教國家中,有些單身的女子 ,就已經決定要走這條路了。她們無論從風俗習慣到研究教義,都對出家有了充分的理解。我們僧團的許多尼師就屬於這一類型,她們是很有潛力的一群。

上人准許一些已婚有子的女眾出家。他可能會罵我們:「誰叫你去結婚生子的?」但是若因緣成熟,他會答應我們。不過這不是對所有已婚有家的人 。上人教導已婚的人要重視家庭關係,履行婚姻的責任,所以他往往不會答應有家庭的人出家。但是因為上人允許年紀大的人來出家,所以也開了善門使許多有家室責任圓滿的人也能出家。

















Q: Is there a difference between leaving home as a single person or after you have a family?

A: DM Sure: It's precisely the ties of a loving family that allow someone to see through and leave home and stay left-home. If your parents provided you this solid foundation of care, even if they are broke, you are blessed with that core of well-being. And you come forth from that to leave home. There is a certain amount of suffering. I never knew anybody who came forth from a loving family who didn't make the family happier as a left-home person, than if they had started a family and delivered grandkids.

The word “monk” comes from the Greek word monos, meaning alone. It is only by “going alone,” that you accomplish wisdom in any tradition. There is no other path to wisdom or liberation.

A: DM Heng Chih: Women make that decision young in the Buddhist countries. They decide while they are a virgin that they are going to follow that path, and they know enough through custom, and through studying the teachings. There are many nuns in our association who are like that and they have tremendous potential.

The Venerable Master allowed some women who had been married and had children to leave home. He might admonish us, “Who told you to get married and have a kid?” but if our conditions were right, he would accept us as nuns. However, that was not true for most married people with families. The Master taught married people and families to nurture their family ties and fulfill their marital responsibilities. So, he did not often allow married people to leave home, given his concern for family commitments. However, our teacher did allow older people to leave home, and that opened the door for a lot of people who had already fulfilled their family obligations to leave home.

Q: What if we are not sure about such a commitment?

A: DM Chih: In the Theravada tradition, it is acceptable to leave home temporarily as a child to get the taste, then go back into lay-life to raise a family. Then at the end of your life, everyone understands that it is now time for the monastic life.

A: DM Sure: People know the cliché in Thailand. “If you leave home for two years, you make a better husband.” They say that you are a preferable match if you have left home.

A: DM Chih: The Venerable Master never advocated temporarily leaving home. I think he had a big vision; the duty and responsibility in the United States to try to install monasticism as it came in, but “monastic” meant a profession for life. I believe he has succeeded in doing that. Because in our Sangha, we interview our women many times before they leave home, and we are sure. We are not allowed to let people leave home who are leaving home for various kinds of escapism. They have to pass beyond escapism. If they still want to, then the doors are open to them.

Q: What are the different stages to become a nun or a monk at CTTB?

A: DM Chih: As a woman you come in for a while, and if you are interested, you can decide to stay. At some point you have to sign a paper and say you would like to leave home. Then you must remain in a monastery for two consecutive years. It doesn't have to be at the same place, and normally it is wherever you are assigned. During that time, we interview you to find out what your interests are. If you reach the point where people feel you really want to leave home for the right reasons, then you get your hair shaved and go through three more years living wherever you are asked to, training as a novice and learning what monastic life is like. Again there is an interview. If you pass all that then in the fifth year you can become a fully ordained nun. So there is a lot of time to think about it all along the way.

Q: During that time, who pays for the expenses?

A: DM Chih: In Asian countries women would decide to leave home who had gotten their education for a while. Knowing they were going to take this track, they would save money and contribute to the monastic environment. In the Western model, they don't think about overhead for the most part. We allow them to work for their keep.

Q: How do you know when the time is right?

A: DM Sure: There is a saying: “If the time is right then fifty horses couldn't keep you from entering the door of the monastery. If the time is not right, fifty horses couldn't pull you through.”

I say you need to ask yourself that question and listen very carefully because you could wind up dancing at the door of the monastery for a very long time. If you allow yourself to have doubts, there will be plenty of doubts. All these voices come up: “You haven't seen Paris. Or maybe you can get your PhD now.” So there is a time that you have to step into the monastery.

On the other hand, if you force yourself in and still have all kinds of things you want to accomplish in the world, then you will bounce right out. So you have to listen to yourself carefully. Listen to your own mind. When the time comes, you can't avoid it.

If you really recognize suffering for what it is, then what are you waiting for? It is like saying: “I recognize suffering, but I like it. The more the better.” Doubt is suffering. Confusion is suffering. Not being clear is suffering. The first question if I was going to leave home is: “Do I recognize suffering?” If you do, then what do you do? Do you cope with it? How do you handle it?

Q: How do you replenish yourself and continue to be part of the monastic life?

A: DM Sure: When you consider the alternative, all it takes is guan shi yin, [“listening to the sounds of the world”] and you realize, “Yes, I'm right where I want to be.” I started out in the sixties, which was a turbulent time of the Free Speech Movement, the Vietnam War, assassinations, police riots, where my friends had their heads hit by police batons. It was amazing because my friends were very pure, determined, innocent young people who wanted to make a difference in the world, but they faced the reality at the end of the “bigger sticks.” There was something wrong with this system. All this good feeling and willingness to get engaged was outlawed. I moved away from the idea that my good wishes could make any change in the world. The next thing was drugs – “tune in and tune out.”

After smoking dope for two years, you just became dopey and numbed yourself while the world was going on. So hedonism and activism weren't the answers. If my mind was full of anger and confusion, I was no different from the people who were angry, except that they had a “bigger stick” than I had. When I saw Master Hua, he was like someone who stepped out of the sutra that I had studied. He was basically a gu ren (an “ancient”). He was deeply, deeply happy. Nothing outside could change his equanimity. I couldn't lie to him. He would just look at me and say “Yeah, that was really stupid. I’ve seen that. What else can you show me?” When I saw that, I knew that the way to change the world was to change my mind. I wondered if I could do that.

I saw how he could offer everything he had to someone who seeks freedom, that he would give up his life for these young men to leave home, and then be disappointed and hurt. And then he would be fine. I saw wisdom. It is alive in the world. I want to give my life to keep it going in the western world. That's how I keep going. The Master took more disappointment then I can imagine. He said his #1 strength was ren, patience to deal with young people in this country. That's how you keep the fountain going.

It is not that leaving home is not suffering - it is suffering that is voluntary. You choose to sit through the pain in your legs. You choose to go through the long hours. Because the alternative is suffering that is involuntary, so I'd rather have a choice. I feel I finally have a chance to influence society and the world through the Dharma that I practice. I'm not a political activist, or a hedonist, but I'm a cultivator of the Way, and that gives me hope of changing things.

To be continued


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