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【 水鏡回天錄白話解 】

Reflections in Water and Mirrors Reversing the Tide of Destiny

Yue Wumu

宣公上人講於一九八六年六月二十八日lectured by the Venerable Master HUA on june 28, 1986
李治穎 英譯 English translation By Eveline Lee Zhiying


照天照地 至孝至忠
古今未有 武穆英雄
直搗黃龍 誓滅敵兇
願雖未了 義沖天空















A verse in praise says:
Illumining Heaven and Earth, being most filial and loyal,
Unprecedented from of old to the present,
Distinguished warrior and hero.
Fighting to conquer the country of Jin directly,
Vowing to exterminate the enemy,
Although his ambition went unfulfilled,
His righteousness soars to the heavens.


Illumining Heaven and Earth, being most filial and loyal. Distinguished Warrior General Yue's magnificent heroic air, the brilliant light of his just and honorable spirit, dazzles heaven and earth. He was an extremely filial son and a most loyal minister.

Unprecedented from of old to the present, distinguished warrior and hero. From olden times to the present, there will never again be anyone like him, a great hero who repaid his country with utmost loyalty.

Fighting to conquer the country of Jin directly, vowing to exterminate the enemy. He soundly destroyed the Jin soldiers at the garrison post of Zhuxian, and was determined to vanquish Jin there and then. He resolved to exterminate the enemies and free and welcome back his two captive rulers Hui and Qin.

Although his ambition went unfulfilled, his righteousness soars to the heavens. Although he was killed by a traitor before he could fulfill his noble ambition, his honorable and righteous spirit of protecting the country and his countrymen pervades throughout the universe forever.

Another verse says:
In sweet and bitter times, they shared trials and tribulations,
Charging ahead of his troops, he suppressed the enemy rebels.
He extended his great righteousness for his country and countrymen,
Killing marauders and invaders to fulfill his vow.
Out of love for his country, he alleviated the sufferings of the masses,
The banks of the rivers of old flow with red blood.
Among the many outstanding men of talent and valor of China,
The honorable spirit of Venerable Yue knows no boundaries.


In sweet and bitter times, they shared trials and tribulations. Distinguished Warrior General Yue shared both good and bad times with his soldiers, eating the same food and sleeping in the same tent as them, without differentiating between rank and file, and considered their welfare in all matters.

Charging ahead of his troops, he suppressed the enemy rebels: In the battlefield, on horseback, he led his soldiers to courageously vanquish the enemy. Hence his soldiers were very loyal to him and were in high spirits, and they repeatedly defeated the Jin soldiers.

He extended his great righteousness for his country and countrymen. On the strength of his loyalty and righteousness, he advanced tirelessly to resist the Jin soldiers. He was willing to lay down his life for the sake of his country and countrymen.

Killing marauders and invaders to fulfill his vow. He courageously killed and attacked the Jin soldiers in order to fulfill the noble ambition of freeing and welcoming back his two captive rulers and reclaim the territory that had been annexed.

Out of love for his country, he alleviated the sufferings of the masses: He was filled with love for his country and vowed to relieve the masses of the sufferings caused by the marauding Jin soldiers.

The banks of the rivers of old flow with red blood. Like the great ancient rivers, his heroic legacy and his valorous efforts to save his country will flow on forever.

Among the many outstanding men of talent and valor of China: In the history of China, there have been many heroes and outstanding and valiant men who have touched many hearts and are totally respected.

The honorable spirit of Venerable Yue knows no boundaries: The noble and righteous spirit of Venerable Yue is even more wide-reaching and boundless, lasting forever through the ages.

(The End)


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