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News from the Dharma Realm

Sharing the Joy—
The Chinese Orchestra Performs on July 4th

顏亞日 文與譯 by Agis Gan


下午一時三十分,一行九輛車浩浩蕩蕩的從聖城開往(Todd Grove Park)公園。到了公園,我們受到負責人戴比夫人(Mrs. Debby)熱烈歡迎,大家在蔭涼的樹下把樂團陣容擺好。在司儀的簡短介紹後,表演就開始了。

公園佔地很大,有些人坐在帳篷裏,有些人聚在樹下,有些孩子在四處遊戲, 聽到有國樂表演,大家忍不住扶老攜幼的來到樂團前席地而坐。福居樓有幾位老法師也一同前往,與民眾一起坐在樹下觀賞表演,使民眾有機會接近出家人,很有意義。戴比夫人特地繞場一週聽聽音響效果,回來後,很高興的說:「好極了!我在游泳池那邊都可以很清楚的聽到你們優美的音樂。你們的樂器都是古色古香,音樂更是美極了。」



On July 4th, nine laypeople from Institute for World Religions in Berkeley, seven laypeople from the City of the Dharma Realm Sacramento, and eight adults and children from the City of 10,000 Buddhas (CTTB) formed a Chinese orchestra of 24 people. This group rehearsed at Daoyuan Hall in CTTB in preparation for a performance on July 4th. The Ukiah Chamber of Commerce, the sponsor of the Independence Day celebration, had in June invited students from Developing Virtue School to participate in the celebration. However, many students were away on summer vacation. The laypeople from the Berkeley and Sacramento branch temples were happy to have the opportunity to represent CTTB in this community event.

At about 1:30 p.m., a caravan of nine vehicles set out from CTTB When we reached Todd Grove Park in Ukiah, we were warmly welcomed by Mrs. Debby, the organizer of the program. We selected a shady area under a tree to set up the orchestra. The emcee made a short introduction and the performance began.

The park was very large and people were scattered all over. There were people under the tents, people under the trees, and children playing everywhere. After hearing the announcement, many families with children came and sat on the grass under the trees, in front of the orchestra, to enjoy the music. Some elderly nuns also came to watch the performance. They sat under the trees with the audience, giving people a chance to draw near the Sangha. Mrs. Debby walked around the park to see how the sound carried. When she came back, she happily told us, “It was great! I could hear your instruments even from the side of the swimming pool. I like your instruments. They are classical and elegant, and the music is just beautiful.”

The orchestra performed four pieces, which took about half an hour. The first piece was “Ocean of Laughter,” a traditional melody based on the pentatonic scale that was used as a movie theme. The second piece was “Drum Melody of Feng Yang,” a popular folksong from An Hui Province, China. The third piece was the mantra of Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, “Om Mani Padme Hum.” The fourth was a classical piece called “The General Command,” also the theme for a Chinese movie.

After the performance, out of curiosity, some children came forward to try the Chinese musical instruments. Everyone was glad to share the joy of Independence Day with the community and they went back joyfully. What a meaningful way to celebrate July 4th!


法界佛教總會Dharma Realm Buddhist Association │ © Vajra Bodhi Sea