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【 佛祖道影白話解 】

Lives of the Patriarchs

Patriarchs of the Fortieth Generation
Dhyana Master Wenyan of Yunmen (Cloud Gate)

宣公上人講於一九八四年二月二日 Lectured by the Venerable Master on February 2, 1984
國際譯經學院記錄翻譯 Translated by the International Translation Institute
修訂版 Revised Version













The Master was a son of the Zhang family of
Jiaxing County. From birth, he displayed outstanding intelligence and innate understanding. He was naturally endowed with wisdom and eloquence.

When he came of age, he shaved his head. He first went to study under Master Muzhou. He asked, “I don’t yet understand my own affair. I implore the Master to enlighten me.”

Master Zhou opened the door, took a look, and then slammed the door shut. Master Yan went to him three times like that, knocking on his door. On the third day, when Master Zhou opened the door, Master Yan quickly slipped inside. Master Zhou grabbed him and shouted, “Speak! Speak!” Master Yan deliberated.

Master Zhou pushed him out the door, saying, “You’re spinning deeper into your own rut!” He slammed the door shut, breaking Master Yan’s foot. Thereupon Master Yan had a great awakening. Master Muzhou directed him to go see Master Xuefeng.

The Master went to where Master Xuefeng was. As soon as Master Xuefeng saw him, he exclaimed, “How did you end up this way?” Master Yan bowed his head. From then on they tallied.

Afterwards, Master Yan began to teach his Dharma at Yunmen. People from all directions lauded his school and called it the Yunmen School.

During the seventh year of the Qianhe reign period, in the fourth lunar month, he entered tranquility with ease. His stupa is at Lingshu (efficacious tree). He was given the posthumous title, “Dhyana Master Great Compassionate Cloud that delivered the truth and propagated understanding.”

This Dhyana Master is the Founding Patriarch of the Yunmen School. Yunmen is in Luyuan County, Canton Province. The Mountain is called Yunmen (Cloud Gate). The monastery is named Dajue (Great Enlightenment) Monastery. Behind the mountain live many members of the Yao tribe. In recent years, the Venerable Elder Master Hsu Yun renovated the monastery at Yunmen because it was deteriorating.

The Master was a son of the Zhang family of Jiaxing County. Jiaxing is in Zhejiang Province. From birth, he displayed outstanding intelligence and innate understanding. All you had to do was mention something, and he understood what you were talking about. He was naturally endowed with wisdom and eloquence. He was exceptionally eloquent. Where there was no principle, he could explain one; when something was unreasonable, he could express it so that it became reasonable.

When he came of age, he shaved his head. He first went to study under Master Muzhou. He asked, “I don’t yet understand my own affair. I implore the Master to enlighten me.” His own affair referred to the great matter of birth and death. “I don’t yet understand the dharma door for ending birth and death.” He beseeched Master Muzhou to tell him how to cultivate.

Master Zhou opened the door, took a look, and then slammed the door shut. Master Yan went to him three times like that, knocking on his door. On the third day, when Master Zhou opened the door, Master Yan quickly slipped inside. Master Zhou grabbed him and shouted, “Speak! Speak!” They would yell at you that way in the Chan Hall, to see what you had to say. Master Yan deliberated. He was thinking it over. Master Zhou pushed him out the door. Master Yan got in the door, and Master Zhou caught him and demanded that he express himself. But Master Yan didn’t have an immediate reply. He stood there thinking. And so Master Muzhou shoved him back out, saying, “You’re spinning deeper into your own rut!” His point was that the Master was dense, and that the encounter had been meaningless. He slammed the door shut, breaking Master Yan’s foot. Master Jou closed the door too quickly, before Master Yan had a chance to get clear of it. The door slammed with full force on one of the Master’s legs, breaking his foot. Thereupon Master Yan had a great awakening. Jast at that point, Master Wenyan became enlightened. Just as his leg was broken, he woke up. Master Muzhou directed him to go see Master Xuefeng. “Go to Fujian and visit Dhyana Master Xuefeng.”

The Master went to where Master Xuefeng was. As soon as Master Xuefeng saw him, he exclaimed, “How did you end up this way?” Master Yan bowed his head. From then on they tallied. From that point, he meshed with Master Xuefeng in sealing the mind by means of the mind. He tallied with the Mind-seal Dharma.

Afterwards, Master Yan began to teach his Dharma at Yunmen. Master Yan went to Dajue Monastery on Yunmen Mountain, Luyuan County, Canton Province, and established a Bodhimanda there. People from all directions lauded his school and called it the Yunmen School.

During the seventh year of the Qianhe reign period, in the fourth lunar month, he entered tranquility with ease. He had no illness. It was an extremely auspicious event when he perfected the stillness. His stupa is at Lingshu (efficacious tree). He was given the posthumous title, “Dhyana Master Great Compassionate Cloud that delivered the truth and propagated understanding.”

To be continued


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