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Memories of the Venerable Master

It Is Still Too Early for You

陳毓襄 述 By Gwhyneth Chen



The first time I joined a concert tour in Europe was in 1994. The first stop was Munich, Germany. There were two piano performances. News spread far and wide. Praises filled all the local newspapers. After the performances, there was a banquet to celebrate this successful event. Personages from Munich’s political, editorial and entertainment worlds flocked in to congratulate us. That evening, I was overjoyed and felt like I was floating in heaven. I went back to the hotel at midnight. Very exhausted, I fell asleep right away.

Unexpectedly, Shr Fu [the Venerable Master] appeared in my dream. He warned, “Gwhyneth, this is not right. It is still too early for you.” I woke up with a start. It was then that I realized the omnipresence of Shr Fu’s Dharma Body, following me to Munich! After that, in the course of the remaining performances, I constantly reminded myself of Shr Fu’s admonition, in order not to lose myself.

宣公上人弘法西方三十餘年,德風廣被,教化眾生無數。上人任運自在,說法精深博大,圓融無礙。今就現成檔案中摘錄數則,不足以道 上人教化於萬一,謹願值此涅槃八週年之際,略表吾等弟子對 上人無盡的感恩與追思。   The Venerable Master Hua propagated the Buddhadharma for more than thirty years in the West, influencing countless beings with his virtue and his teaching of the Dharma, which was subtle, profound, all-encompassing and unobstructed. We have presented several articles, yet they do not suffice to report even a bit of the Master’s Dharma. On this commemoration of the 8th Anniversary of the Venerable Master’s Nirvana, we simply wish to express his disciples’ limitless gratitude and recollections!


法界佛教總會Dharma Realm Buddhist Association │ © Vajra Bodhi Sea