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The Shurangama Sutra With Commentary

【 卷九 】 Roll Nine

宣化上人講 Commentary by the Venerable Master Hua
國際譯經學院記錄 Translated by the International Translation Institute
修訂版 Revised version









He will say, “Since
Great Vehicle Bodhisattvas have already awakened to the emptiness of all dharmas, what is there to hold or violate? How can there still be a holding of precepts or a violating of precepts? There’s no such thing.” This person who is possessed by the demon, in the presence of his faithful danapatis, in the homes of Dharma-protectors who believe in him, will often drink wine, eat meat, and engage in wanton lust. The phrase “engage in wanton lust” is very important. Buddhism teaches people not to have lust and desire, yet his desire is excessive. He engages in defiled practices of lust, yet people still believe in him because he has a demonic power. The power of the demon will keep his followers from doubting or denouncing him. They have tremendous faith in him.

After the ghost has possessed him for a long time, he may consume excrement and urine or meat and wine, claiming that all such things are empty. Because he is possessed by a ghost, he will not think of excrement as something unclean, and he will also casually drink urine. He will say that eating excrement and drinking urine are “neither defiled nor pure,” using the phrase from the Heart Sutra. That’s how he will distort the Sutra’s meaning. This demon will behave in a way which shows that he doesn’t care whether something is clean or dirty. He will say that eating meat and drinking wine are empty, and that eating excrement and drinking urine are empty. In general, everything is empty. He will break the Buddha’s moral precepts and mislead people into committing offenses. Then, lacking proper samadhi, he will certainly fall. He deserves to fall into the hells.

Further, in this state of samadhi, the good person sees the disintegration of the form
skandha and understands the feeling skandha. He savors the state of illusory clarity, and it deeply enters his mind and bones. Boundless love may suddenly well forth from his mind. When that love becomes extreme, he goes insane with greed and lust. This is called “when an agreeable state of samadhi enters one’s mind, lacking the wisdom to control oneself and mistakenly engaging in lustful behavior.” If he understands, then there is no error. This experience does not indicate sagehood.

Further, in this state of
samadhi, when the cultivator has attained the samadhi of the feeling skandha, the good person sees the disintegration of the form skandhathe form skandha is gone—and he understands the feeling skandha, being clear about it. He savors the state of illusory clarity which he has already attained, and now it deeply enters his mind and bones. A mental transformation may suddenly occur. What transformation? A boundless, immeasurable love may suddenly well forth from his mind. This is like a certain person who says he loves everyone. He has the kind of temperament being discussed. When that love and desire in his mind build up and become extreme, he goes insane with greed and lust. He cannot control his emotions. When he goes crazy, he is just like the woman Liu Jintong I mentioned earlier. Seeing a man, she would hug him, and cry, and make all sorts of seductive gestures. She was an example of this type of demon. How could the average man remain unmoved by such tricks? After she had confused him, she would tell him, “Take this amount of money and buy me that piece of jewelry,” and he would say, “Okay, okay.” Then she would say, “Take that amount of money and buy me that other thing,” and he would agree to do it. Why? Simply because she engaged in lust with the man, and he was taken in by her demonic power. Here, when the love becomes extreme, the person goes insane with greed and lust. Lust arises from greed.

This is called “when an agreeable state of samadhi enters one’s mind, lacking the wisdom to control oneself and mistakenly engaging in lustful behavior.” A state of samadhi, with light ease and compliance, comes into his mind, but he lacks the wisdom to control his emotions and desire, and ends up indulging in all manner of lust. If he understands, then there is no error. This is only a temporary and occasional state. He should understand that this experience is a demonic state and does not indicate sagehood. If you understand, then it’s all right. It is just to be feared that you do not recognize the state when you are in it, and you fall into an inescapable maze of confusion.

To be continued


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