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1980年丈夫逝世後,一天兒子拿回 一本(上人事蹟),讀後知悉香港莦箕灣有西樂園寺,聞說鴨子也去聽經;引起了他的興趣,於是上山朝拜,遇見果良師,他便講述母親因父親過世後,很傷心憂鬱,常生病。果良師教我兒子誦〈普門品〉回向,自此他每星期買花果 走200多石級去西樂園朝拜。不久我也被感化去上香聞法,種善根; 1981年皈 依上人,我己74歲。

在農曆3月15日,我照常去西樂園 ,果良師說,「明日是上人生日,為什麼不去香港大廈找恒益師?」隔天農曆3月16日,中飯後我去跑馬地佛教講堂 ;適巧有一空席,似乎在等客人,我被請了去坐,隨緣吃了一頓素餐。當時果盈、果屺自己熱誠招待,不久我也成為廚房服務員,大家合作得很開心。

1982年農曆九月,我到萬佛聖城參 加開光典禮。在觀音法會每當唸觀音聖號時,不知為什麼我的身體就開始動搖 ,乃至在地上打滾。大眾為我唸佛號,不久我才如夢初醒。幾天後見到上人,上人問:「想講什麼?」我很驚訝上人知道我心事,因我正打妄想,「我的兒女孫子我都為他們請了一尊佛像,唯一孫女未請」:正在思惟,上人又為我特別寫了一個牌位超薦先夫。那時我也不會做超度,立牌位回向功德的事。

離開萬佛聖城到洛杉磯金輪聖寺, 參加彌陀七,唸佛時我的身體又要動,我控制住了,站起來問上人原因,上人只答:「不要坐。」模糊中我聽到上人與旁人說我在受愛別離苦。到今天,這個結我還不能解。

2002年陽曆3月3日,香港大嶼山 慈興寺舉行開光典禮,我正病著不想去 ,最後還是去了;到達龍溪叉路上,山車轉了幾下不能動彈,壞了。我們被迫走山路,慢慢上山,腳又痛,心臟很不舒服。果屺己在後面追上來,說她遠遠聽到我喘氣聲,所以連跑帶走地追上來。她給了我一片高麗參,我含在口裏,很平靜地就抵達慈興寺,已是傍晚六點多 ,天開始黑了。

我記得去萬佛聖城時,我在廚房幫忙,每天替監齋菩薩換水果,上香頂禮 ;來到慈興寺的廚房,見監齋菩薩坐得這麼高,想要上香,腳又不方便爬高,心裏很不安樂。第二天,何居士準備供菜,叫我上香給監齋菩薩,滿了我的心願,才無罣礙。

1996年,我隨喜參加佛教講堂舉辦 的觀音七,那天兒女給了我約一萬元港幣,剛巧在星期日,我不能將錢存入銀行。第二天深夜入賊,我家門全關閉,但在約凌晨3時許有人叫醒我,說:「阿姐,有警察追我,我進來躲避。」我問:「你從哪裏進來?」「從廁所爬進來。」「做什麼?」他很兇,拿著棍子想打我。我當時即刻喊「南無觀世音菩 薩」三稱,他靜下來了;若我喊「救命」他會傷害我。他手上拿著一把廚房的刀。忽然間我想起我的手袋,一摸床頭 ,沒了。我立刻問:「我的手袋呢?」「在房門外桌下。」接著又說:「我找不到門鎖匙才叫醒妳。」其實鎖匙就掛在門旁邊,他太慌張了才沒看到,於是我開了門讓他走了。在佛桌下,我找回了錢包,拉鍊已開,所幸錢還原封不動在裏面。事後回想起來,才怕到發抖,病了一星期。

在佛教講堂,每唱彌陀大讚,我就哭得幾乎暈倒。我也常夢見上人,不久病就好了。一次,我咳得嚴重,仍然來拜佛,就感到好點。有時夢見上人在佛殿,有時夢見上人騰雲駕霧,從廚房飄進來,後面 還有其他出家人跟隨著他。

After my husband passed away in 1980, my son came home one day with a book titled Records of the Life of Venerable Master Hua. From it, he learnt about Western Bliss Gardens Monastery in Hong Kong's Xiao-qi Wan as well as the story of the duck that went there to listen to the sutras. This fueled my son's interest to visit the place. Hence, he decided to climb up the mountain to make offerings. There, he met and told Dharma Master Guo Liang about me being very depressed and ill after his father's death. Dharma Master Guo Liang taught him to recite the "Universal Door Chapter" and to transfer the merit to his father and me. Every weekend thereafter, my son would climb over 200 steps to Western Bliss Gardens bringing fruits and flowers as offerings.

It was not long before I too was influenced to listen to the Dharma as well as plant good roots. In 1981, I took the Three Refuges with the Venerable Master. I was already 74 then.

On the 15th day of the third lunar month in 1981, I visited the temple as usual. Dharma Master Guo Liang said, "Tomorrow is Venerable Master Hua's birthday. Why don't you go to the Hong Kong Building to look for Dharma Master Heng Yi?" The next day, after lunch, I went to the Buddhist Lecture Hall in Happy Valley. Coincidentally, an empty seat was left, as if awaiting a guest. I was invited to take that seat and was offered a vegetarian lunch as well. During that time, Guo Ying and Guo Zi attended to me very warmly and in no time, I became a volunteer in the kitchen. Everyone worked happily in full cooperation.

In September of 1982, I attended the "Opening the Light Ceremony' at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas (CTTB). During the Guanyin Recitation, whenever Guanyin Bodhisattva's holy name was recited, my body would shake for no reason, until I was rolling on the floor. Members of the assembly helped me by reciting the Buddha's name. Before long, I awoke seemingly from a dream. A few days later, when I met Venerable Master Hua, he asked, "What do you wish to say?" I was very surprised that the Venerable Master knew my inner thoughts as I was having discursive thoughts; I had donated a Buddha image for all of my children and grandchildren, except for one granddaughter. In the midst of my thoughts, Venerable Master Hua specially helped me to put up a "Pai Wei" (ancestral plaque) for my deceased husband. At that time, I didn't yet know how merit and virtue could be transferred to the deceased by putting up plaques.

After leaving CTTB, I went to Gold Wheel Monastery in Los Angeles to attend an Amitabha Buddha Recitation Session. During recitation, my body again began to shake. I managed to control myself, stood up and asked Venerable Master Hua for the reason. He only answered, "Do not sit." In a daze, I heard the Master telling the person next to him that I was undergoing the suffering of being apart from the person I loved. To this day, I am still unable to untie this knot.

In 2002, on the third day of the third lunar month, Ci-xing (Flourishing Compassion) Monastery on Lantao Island organized an "Opening the Light Ceremony." I was sick and did not feel like attending; eventually, I still went. Upon reaching the junction of Long-xi Road, the little cart van that was used to ferry people up the mountain refused to move. The vehicle had broken down. We were forced to walk up the mountain track (it takes about 1 1/2 hours to reach the temple from the foot of the mountain). We walked very slowly, my feet were in pain and my heart was feeling very unwell. Guo Zi, saying that she heard my panting from afar, had hurried from behind to catch up with me. She gave me a piece of ginseng to put into my mouth, enabling me to arrive at Ci-xing Monastery peacefully. It was about six in the evening and the sky was getting dark when we arrived.

I recall that when I was helping out in the kitchen at CTTB, I would help to offer fruits/ flowers and incense to the Jian-zhai Bodhisattva everyday. In the kitchen at Ci-xing Monastery, the Jian-zai Bodhisattva's seat was very high. I had wished so much to offer incense but my feet didn't allow me to climb high; I was not at ease. At the meal offering on the next day, Upasaka Ho asked me to offer incense to Jian-zai Bodhisattva, fulfilling my wish and putting me at ease.  

In 1996, I rejoiced and participated in the Guanyin Recitation Session at the Buddhist Lecture Hall. That day, my children gave me HK$10,000. As it was a Sunday, I was unable to deposit the money in the Bank. In the middle of the following night, there was a break-in at my house. The doors were locked, but at around 3 am, someone woke me up, saying "Sister, the police are after me, I came in to hide." I asked him, "How did you come in?" He replied, "I climbed in through the toilet." "What do you want to do?" He was very fierce and wanted to hit me with a stick I instantly chanted "Namo Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa" three times, and he quieted down. If I had shouted "Help!" he would have hurt me. He was holding a kitchen knife. Suddenly, I remembered my handbag and reached for it at the headboard, it was no longer there. I quickly asked "Where is my handbag?" He replied, "Under the table outside the room," adding, "I woke you because I could not find the door key." Actually, the door key was hanging just beside the door, but he did not notice it in his panic. I opened the door and let him out. Under the Buddha altar, I found my wallet and fortunately, my money intact. Recalling the incident later, I shivered with fear and fell sick for a week.

In the Buddhist Lecture Hall, each time the Amitabha Praise was sung, I would cry till I almost fainted. I also frequently dreamt of Venerable Master and not long after the dreams, I recovered from my illness. Once, I was coughing very badly but still went to pray, and I got better. In my dreams, Venerable Master would sometimes be in the Buddha Hall. Other times, he rode on clouds through the kitchen, followed by other fellow Sangha members.  



法界佛教總會Dharma Realm Buddhist Association │ © Vajra Bodhi Sea