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[編者按] 2002年12月22日阿彌陀佛聖誕法會當天在萬佛聖城剃度出家的九人,於出家前一晚,在萬佛殿公開報告決定出家的因緣,因為時間有限,每人連講帶翻譯只有十分鐘。茲輯錄他們的報告內容,與讀者們分享,並在此謹祝福他們每一位菩提心燈永常明!
Editor's Note: On Dec. 22, 2002, the day City of Ten Thousand Buddhas celebrated Amitabha Buddha's birthday, nine people shaved their heads.
They spoke about the causes and conditions by which they resolved to leave the home life in the Buddha Hall the evening before the ceremony. Because of the time limit, each speaker was only given ten minutes for their talk including translation.
The editorial staff has compiled their talks to share with our readers. May the lamp of their resolve for Bodhi shine forever!

人生中,我們對事情有很多計劃,但往往事情突然有變化。生死也是如此無常,我們不知道這口氣出去,是不是下口氣還能進來;或者下一刻馬上地震,或天災人禍發生 ,這輩子就去了是不是?這是我要出家的一個主要原因。不久前在佛殿聽上人錄音帶開示,聽到上人說科學家是世界上最愚癡的人,很不幸的,我就是其中一份子。我在台灣讀物理系畢業,到美國來,學生物醫學,返台教學、研究科學廿餘年。(在八九年時才遇到佛法,我幸運地第一個遇到的就是正法的道場,相信這輩子第一位見到的比丘就是上人。當時不懂得皈依,可能甚至沒有跟上人頂禮。)放棄研究科學和職業的主要原因是接續佛法後我才發現科學有極限、科學是不究竟,如上人和永嘉大師所說科學家們是「入海算沙徒自困」,而佛學則無極限。

另一個很重要的因素是:在金輪寺就好像是我自己家一樣,自從認識上人後我很喜歡他的法、聽他的錄音帶,就好像在參加他的法會一樣。有一次上人在錄音帶裏對東北的一位弟子說:「趕快歸隊!!」烙在我心裏很深,就好像上人在對我講話一樣。我一 直記在心裏,未曾忘記。


我的本名是 Rebecca Lee,可在今天我得到了另一個?一個新的出家法名。此外,還有一個缽、幾件僧服、一把剃刀,以及僧團裏的排班。我在「萬佛聖城」待了十八年終於下了這個決定。

在這兒,我想告訴大家,當我因覺悟而發心出家時,當下心裏面即刻產生一種“我解脫了"的快感!何以會有這種感覺呢?因為學佛以前的我,如同世間大多數女子一樣 ,成日朝思暮想的無非是:異性的垂青,和為悅己者容。那時,我追求這些猶恐不及,何嘗想到過要出離?直到有一天,當我聽聞了佛陀的事蹟,知道佛陀最後證得涅槃,通體大放金光的時候,剎那間,我感覺到我的心,似乎也隨之泛出了金光。....這就是我最初解脫歡喜一念的由來。而出家,正是斬斷我種種纏縛的良方。

多年前,我行將邁進四十大關(可能是37歲左右吧),朋友提醒我:「女人到了像 妳這個年紀,一般來說,可有兩種選擇。一種是注重養生駐顏,希望趁著還年輕能交幾個男友,享受生活。另外一種正好相反,她們專注於修身養性的生活。」想了一想,我說:「這不是解脫的大好機會又來了嗎?嗯,我選擇精神生活。」

起了這個念頭以後,我來到了「萬佛聖城」。在這見,從恭聆上人的每一回開示,到親見道場中每位比丘、比丘尼,在在使我更深刻地感受到那種解脫的欣悅。即使偶見黃衣褐袍在眼梢一閃而逝,也都會令我生起這樣的心念:我該發菩提心出家的。當時使我不克出家的原因,是家裏還有年邁的母親需要我去照顧。去年一月,母親往生了,持法師告訴我「Rebecca,現在聖城有一條新規定: 65歲以下的才許出家。」我一聽,就說「哎呀,我已經60了,還有5年,‧‧‧不,不,只剩一天?不如現在出家吧,我可不想再等五年了。」就這樣,那時我便決定出家了,為出家後的前兩年,屬於僧伽訓練階段,得等兩年期滿,我才可以正式受具足戒。


四年前聖誕期間我第一次在馬來西亞分支道場參加佛七。當時我不願如常人「畢業後結婚生子,老死後,下輩子又重覆如此這般」,所以去廟上靜一靜,思索未來的路。這個佛七很嚴格,止靜時監香會來叫醒昏沉 的人。所以在打七時,我都把眼睛睜大。看見牆壁上請法的偈頌「恭請大德僧聽,為此 法會及一切眾生,請轉妙法輪,教導我們,如何了生脫死,速證無生。」特別是了生脫死、了生脫死...七天我都看著它,心想:「對!就是要有一位善知識來教導我們。」我一直想到底如何能了生脫死?上人的照片就在旁邊,我對上人說:「真苦啊!我想睡又一直被叫醒。」九九年我來聖城參加華嚴法會,三個月後回去申請簽證,我決定常住下來,感謝家人都支持我走修道的路。二千年回來,也非常感謝上人和僧團滿我的願,讓我今年能出家。

以前我在台灣念大專時,寒暑假期間都 會參加齋戒學會,受八關齋戒,十幾天下來心中都很平靜,當時不明白這就是法喜。我 是二千年來萬佛城拜萬佛懺,當時媽媽在〈智慧之源)看到萬佛城舉辦萬佛懺的消息,她同意我到萬佛城。當時是四月一日,四月十三日要上飛機,我未曾出過國,相片、護照、簽證都沒有,不知道來不來得成。祈求觀音菩薩後,四月七日有護照,八日簽證,十二日拿到證件,隔天就上飛機了。離家前,妹妹預言,我到了萬佛城就不會再想回去,果然被她料中!因為不會離家這麼遠,身心方面都要做很大調整;每次遇到小小的境界,對我來說都是大大的考驗。可是我不斷提醒自己:既然是自己的選擇就要無怨無悔 。所以我開始尋找沒有煩惱的方法,我深信這一條路是解脫的道路。阿彌陀佛!  

我在台灣一間廟裏看到〈智慧之源〉讀上人的教法覺得很特別。九五年上人追思法會,我做義工,上人法相好像一直在對我微笑,彷彿他未離開我們似的。九八年弘法團回台,我又作全程義工,由接機到送機,法喜充滿,毫不疲累。九八年十月下旬,與高雄佛友一行三人要到聖城修行。我的簽證過程也因為上人和觀音菩薩的加持,拿得順利無比!到萬佛城第一晚,天空真美,星星猶如垂手可得。我強烈地感覺到由污濁世界到清淨世界的對比。自從來到這裏很多事和善知識,讓我見到無常迅速,對生死一點把 握也沒有。我出家為報三寶恩,也希望努力 "修行可去極樂世界,蓮品增上。希望妙覺聖殿計劃早日完成,使大家在菩提道上能同聚一堂,大轉法輪。也祝福大家都能把握善因緣,能早日出家無障礙,有情無情,同圓種智。



Maw-Chang Lee (Kuo Chang Shi)  
In our life, we plan many things very well, but things change suddenly. Thus is birth and death. We are not sure whether after this breath, the next breath will come in again. You never know whether an earthquake or other disasters may happen at the next moment causing our death. This is a major reason I decided to leave home. Last week at lecture time, we heard the Venerable Master say on the tape that scientists are the stupidest people in the world. Unfortunately I was one of them I majored in physics in Taiwan and came to the United States to attend graduate school in physiology. After that I worked and taught in the field of biomedical engineering for over twenty years. I didn't encounter Buddhism until 1989. Fortunately I met the Venerable Master Hua, who was the first Bhikshu I had ever met in my life. I didn't know what taking refuge was; I might not have even bowed to him. I feel that science is not ultimate, because there are many limitations. Buddhism, on the other hand, is ultimate. Scientists are like people who count the sand on the beach and are never able to finish that. So, I guess, that's why the Venerable Master said that.  

Another important reason is that as soon as I met the Master I really liked Buddhism I went to Gold Wheel Monastery and felt that I had come home. So I started to study Buddhism and particularly liked to listen to the Master's taped lectures. I remember once he was talking to a disciple from Manchuria, saying, "Come back quickly to join the team! " That struck me so deeply. It was like he was talking to me personally. Even though he was in the U.S. and I was in Taiwan, I have never forgotten this.

It wasn't an easy decision to resign my job which many people would am have coveted. I like to attend sessions. The first session I attended was an Amitabha Recitation Session. I had such a good experience in that session that I felt I had taken a trip to the Western Pure Land. During the session my mind was very calm and that helped me to make the best decision of my life. It took me two or three sessions like that to confirm that my resignation was right. So finally in 1995, I submitted my resignation.

The Venerable Master often said, "If one cannot forsake the false, one cannot obtain the true." What is false? What is true? It is up to you to decide.

Rebecca Lee (Jin Rou Shi)
Today I received a new name, a new left-home name, and I also received a bowl, robes, a razor, and a place in line. After being here at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas for eighteen years, I finally made the decision to leave the home life.

What I want to talk about as far as the resolve for Bodhi is concerned is a statement: "The resolve for Bodhi to me is the joy of the first thought that I had of disentanglement." Before I met up with Buddhism, I liked to be tangled up. I was always being tangled up in love and beauty and having a good time and the good life. But then I heard the story of the Buddha's life and I heard that at the end of his life when the Buddha realized Nirvana, his body shone with golden light. When I heard that story, I felt my heart also shone with golden light. And that was my first thought of the joy of disentanglement. Now maybe there is a way to get untangled.

Now the second time I had this thought was a few years later, when I was almost forty years old, maybe I was thirty-seven years old, and someone said, "Well, you know, at your time of life you probably have two choices to make. Most women your age choose to restore their beauty. They try to be beautiful and young and healthy. They want to have a lot of boyfriends, they want to have a lot of sex, they want to really enjoy life as long as they still have some of their youth. And there are other women who choose a spiritual life." I thought, "Oh, the second joy of the thought of disentanglement. I would like to pursue the spiritual life."

After that point I came to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas. And coming here, every lecture I would hear the Master give, every monk I would see, every nun I would see, would be an opportunity for me to have more joy of disentanglement. Even a flash of yellow or a flash of brown of a robe, and the thought would come, "Oh, I should bring forth the Bodhi mind and leave the home life." But I stayed with my mother and I did not leave the home life because I wanted to spend time with my mother before she had to depart, because she was getting old and she depended on me to help her. So in January this past year she passed away and at that time Heng Ch'ih Shr says, "Well, Rebecca, there is a new law at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, a new rule, and the rule is that you have to be under 65 years old to leave the home life." And I said, "Gee, I'm sixty, that means I have five years or I have one day. I think I'll do it right now. I don't want to wait five years." So I made the decision right then. If I left the home life, I would receive two years of training and then I could receive the precepts.  

I want to share with you what someone else told me: "To leave the home life is the very highest position." I thought about this for many, many years and this is one other reason I have been working to leave the home life. So today when I received my bowl, I held my bowl in my hands, and then I remembered, I remembered the bowl. I remembered that I held this bowl before, at some time, many times perhaps, in my past lives. It was very vivid to me. So tomorrow I hope to join the family of Sangha.  

Tan Sook-lai (Jin Da Shi)  
Four years ago at Christmas time I attended the first time Amitabha Buddha recitation at the Venerable Master's temple in Malaysia. At that time I didn't want to be like an ordinary person, graduating, getting married, raising children, getting old and dying and doing it all over again in the next life. There should be a way to escape this revolving cycle.  

This recitation session was quite strict. When people fell asleep during the silent recitation time, the proctor would come to wake them up. I looked up on the wall and saw the verse for requesting Dharma, "Will the greatly virtuous Sanghan, out of compassion, for the sake of this assembly and all living beings, turn the wonderful Dharma wheel to teach us how to end birth and death and quickly realize non-birth?" For those seven days I looked at the words 'to end birth and death.' That's what I want to do. At that time I saw the Venerable Master's picture on the wall. I said to him in my mind, "This is really suffering. I am really tired and in pain. I wish to sleep but am constantly woken up."  

In June 1999, I came back to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas (CTTB) to attend the Avatamsaka Sutra Recitation Session. After a stay of three months, I decided to stay as a permanent resident so I went back to apply for a visa. I got the support of my family for which I am very grateful. In 2000, I came back to CTTB. I also appreciate the Venerable Master and the Sangha for allowing me to leave the home-life this year. Amitabha!

Hsiao Pei-chi (Jin Lin Shi)
When I was an undergraduate in Taiwan, I would join the Vegetarian and Precepts Society during my summer and winter vacation to observe the eight vegetarian precepts. I felt calm for the subsequent ten days. I did not understand that this was actually Dharma bliss. I came to the City in the year of 2000 to attend the Ten Thousand Buddhas Repentance Ceremony. At that time, my mother learned from the Source of Wisdom about the Ten Thousand Buddhas Repentance. She allowed me to participate in the ceremony. It was April 1st. I had to leave on April 13th. I had never traveled overseas before. I did not have a passport, photo, or visa. I was not even sure whether I could make it on time. After I prayed to Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, I obtained my passport on the 7th and then went to apply for a US visa on the 8th. I got it on the 12th and I boarded the plane the next day. Before I left, my younger sister predicted that I would not come back home after I arrived. It turned out exactly as she had anticipated. As I had never been so far away from home, I was physically and mentally unprepared. Every time I encountered a state, it was a big test for me. But I kept reminding myself that I should not be resentful because this is what I had chosen. I tried to seek for a way to lessen my worries and I deeply believe that leaving the home life is the only way to liberate ourselves. Amitabha!  

Kuo Pi-yu (Jin Yi Shr)  
I was in a temple in Taiwan when I saw the Source of Wisdom and read the instructional talks by Venerable Master Hua. They were very unique. In 1995, I volunteered to help in the Venerable Master's Memorial Service. The Dharma image of the Venerable Master seemed to be smiling at me all the time, as if he had not left us.

In 1998, during the DRBA delegation trip to Taiwan, I again volunteered my services, from receiving through sending off the Sangha members at the airport. I was indeed happy to do this work and didn't feel tired at all. In October, together with three Dharma friends from Kaohsiung, we traveled to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas (CTTB). My visa application was processed smoothly as a result of assistance from the Venerable Master Hua and Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Upon our arrival at CTTB, on the first night, the sky was very beautiful, and the stars looked as if one could just reach out and touch them with one hand. I could strongly feel the difference between being in a turbid world and in a pure place. Ever since I have arrived here, many events and advice from good friends in the Dharma have made me aware of impermanence and my own lack of control over birth and death. I left home in order to repay the kindness of the Triple jewel, and hope that through hard work in my cultivation, I can go to the Land of Ultimate Bliss in a high grade of lotus .

May the construction of the Wonderful Enlightenment Sagely Hall be completed soon, so that everyone on the path to Bodhi can gather together and turn the great Dharma Wheel. I wish everyone will seize the opportunity of their good roots to leave the home life without obstruction. May those with sentience and those without sentience together realize perfect wisdom.  

  ~ To be continued



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