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【 佛祖道影白話解 】

Lives of the Patriarchs

Patriarchs of theThirty-eighth Generation:
Dhyana Master Xuanjian(“Proclaiming Mirror") of Deshan
(“Virtue Mountain")

Lectured by the Venerable Master on February 2, 1984
國際譯經學院英譯 English Translation by the International Translation Institute

師簡州周氏子。侍龍潭。夜深。潭日更深何不下去。師便出卻回。日外面黑。潭點紙燈度與。師擬接。潭便吹滅。師大悟。便禮拜 。潭日子見個什麼。師日從今向去。更不疑天下老和尚舌頭也。來日。潭陞座。日可中有個漢。牙如劍樹。口似血盆。一棒打回頭。他時向孤峰頂上立吾道去在。師將疏鈔堆法堂。舉火焚之。師後唐懿宗咸通六年丑月。告眾曰。捫空追響。勞汝心神。夢覺覺非。竟有何事。端坐而化。諡見性禪師。

在中國四川,有一個法師他姓周,他擅於講解《金剛經》。不但擅於講解,而且他還又作出來一部《金剛經》的註解,他自己就給這一部註解起一個名字叫「青龍疏抄」。他聽見中國南方,在揚州一帶,一般的出家人都是參禪打坐的,沒有講經說法的,「唉!」他就很嘆息說,「這一般人,都是魔子魔孫。在佛教裏頭應該講經說法;你天天就參禪打坐,這有什麼用處!」於是乎他 就把他這個青龍疏抄裝到兩個筐裏頭,挑著就到三江一帶一一揚州、南京、上海這一帶,預備到那邊去講經,教化眾生。

挑著他所著的《金剛經》,走到了離揚州很近的一個地方,他就遇到一個老太婆在賣點心,老太婆就說:先請問你一個問題, 你要能答出來,我就不要你錢;你要是答不出來,你要買,我也不賣給你。這個周金剛就說:好了!妳問吧!老太婆說:金剛經上說:過去心不可得,現在心不可得,未來心不可得。我請問上座,你現在是要點那一個心?你說點心,要點哪一個心?那麼周金剛想點現在心嘛,現在心不可得;點過去的心 ,過去心亦不可得;點未來心,未來心亦不可得。那麼就沒有口好開了。不知道怎麼說好了。那麼這個白衣婆婆說:還要去到江南破禪宗,我問你這一個問題都答不出來,還有什麼資格去破禪宗去呀?那麼他一想啊,哎呀!真的!雖然寫金剛經的註解,人家一問就不懂了。所以由於這個,他就到龍潭那個地方去,在德山那兒做宣鑑禪師。






「更不疑天下老和尚舌頭也」,說:從今天以後我就不懷疑老和尚的舌頭所說的話。我不懷疑了,我現在懂了。這個懂啊,「迷時千卷少,悟後一字多。」他以前寫金剛經的註解,在那隔靴抓癢,也抓不到痛癢處。那麼他現在明白自性本來是光明的,不需 要假借外邊的光明來照。所以他明白自性了,自性是光明的。所以他從今以後不疑天下老和尚的舌頭。







「竟有何事」,你要一切都明白了,什麼事也沒有了。「端坐而化」,就坐在那兒 圓寂了。


吹滅紙燈 光明洞達
掀翻樞機 三心無著
氣吞佛祖 奴呼菩薩
白捧一條 啊啊喇喇


「掀翻樞機」,樞紐被打破了。「三心無著」,過去心、現在心、未來心,也都沒 有了。


文字執著障本明 貢高我慢挑擔行
青龍疏鈔為寶藏 黃鶴飛翔戾九重
點燈吹息示真義 棒打回頭迷夢驚
孤峰頂上闡大教 化被蠢動與含靈






The Master was a native of Jianzhou. His lay surname was Zhou. He attended upon Dhyana Master Longtan. Late one night, Tan said, "It's getting late. Why don't you leave?" The Master went out but then came back and said, "It's dark outside." Tan lit a paper lantern and held it out to him. As the Master reached to take it, Tan blew it out. The Master had a great awakening, and then he made obeisance. Tan said, "What did you see?" The Master said, "From this day onwards, I will not doubt the words of any elder monk under heaven." The following day, Tan ascended to his seat and said, "There is a man among you whose teeth resemble trees of swords and whose mouth is like a basin of blood. Yet with one blow, I caused him to turn around. At a later time, he will stand upon a peak by himself and propagate this Way of mine." The Master piled his commentary beside the Dharma Hall and set it on fire. Later, during the month of chou, in the sixth year of the xiantong reign period of Tang Emperor Yi, he announced to the assembly, "To strike emptiness till it sounds simply gets your mind worked up. Once you awaken from the dream, there is no awakening. What could there be?" Then he sat upright and passed away. The posthumous title "Dhyana Master Jianxing (One Who's Seen the Mind)" was conferred upon him.  

In Sichuan Province, there was a Dharma Master whose lay surname was Zhou. He was skilled in lecturing the Vajra Sutra and had written a commentary for the sutra which he later named the Green Dragon Commentary. He heard that in Yangzhou in the South, most monks practiced meditation, but no one spoke the Dharma or lectured the sutras. "Alas!" He sighed, "These people belong to the retinue of the demons. People in Buddhism should speak Dharma and lecture sutras. What is the benefit of sitting in meditation every day?" Thus he put his Green Dragon Commentary into two baskets and carried them to the region of the three rivers- Yangzhou, Nanking and Shanghai. He wished to go there to speak the sutra and teach living beings.

Carrying his commentary, not far from Yangzhou he came upon an old woman selling dianxin (hors d' oeurvres, or literally 'mind refreshment'). The old woman said, "Let me ask you a question first. If you can answer it, I will not take your money. If you cannot answer it, then I will not sell you any refreshment even if you want to buy one. Vajra Zhou said, "Fine! Please ask!" The old woman said, "The Vajra Sutra says, 'The past mind cannot be found. The present mind cannot be found. The future mind cannot be found.' Venerable one, which mind did you want to refresh? You said you wanted dianxin, to refresh the mind, so which mind do you want to refresh?" Now if Vajra Zhou wanted to refresh the present mind, the present mind cannot be found. If he wanted to refresh the past mind, the past mind cannot be found. As for refreshing the future mind, it cannot be found either. There was nothing he could say. The old woman said, "You say you're going south of the river (jiangnan) to destroy the Chan sect? You can't even answer my question; what makes you think you're qualified to destroy the Chan sect?" Vajra Zhou thought, "Aiya! She's right. Although I've written a commentary on the Vajra Sutra, someone asks a question and I get stumped." For that reason, he went to see Dhyana Master Longtan and became Dhyana Master Xuanjian there at Deshan.  

The Master was a native of Jianzhou. His lay surname was Zhou. He was a son of the Zhou family. He attended upon Dhyana Master Longtan. When he first arrived at Dhyana Master Longtan's place, Longtan did not meet with him, so he said, "There is nothing at Longtan's." Later when they spoke, he did not have much to say, but he ended up as Longtan's attendant.

Late one night, Tan said, "It's getting late. Why don't you leave? You ought to go back and rest."  

The Master went out but then came back and said, "It's dark outside." Tan lit a paper lantern to provide light and held it out to him. As the Master, Dhyana Master Xuanjian, reached to take it, Tan, Dhyana Master Longtan, blew it out.

The Master had a great awakening. At that very moment, he was enlightened. Seeing the lantern lit and then blown out, Dhyana Master Xuanjian understood. Everyone think about this. What do you think he understood?

And right then he made obeisance to Dhyana Master Longtan. Tan said, "What did you see?" The Master said, "From this day onwards, I will not doubt the words of any elder monk under heaven. I will not have doubts about what the elder monk says. I understand now. "When one is confused, a thousand volumes are too few. When enlightened, a single word is too much." He had written a commentary on the Vajra Sutra, yet it was if he was scratching in vain, without reaching an itchy spot. Now that he understood that the inherent nature is originally bright and does not need to be illuminated by external light, he would no longer doubt the words of any monk under heaven.  

The following day, Tan ascended to his seat and said, "There is a man, a very tough iron man, among you whose teeth resemble trees of swords and whose mouth is like a basin of blood. Yet with one blow, I caused him to turn around. At a later time, he will stand upon a peak by himself. In other words, he will be extraordinary and outstanding, in a class by himself. He will stand there and propagate this Way of mine." The Dhyana Master Xuanjian piled his commentary beside the Dharma Hall and set it on fire. Later, during the month of chou, that is, the twelfth lunar month, in the sixth year of the xiantong reign period of Tang Emperor Yi, he announced to the assembly, "To strike emptiness till it sounds simply gets your mind worked up. It's all false thinking. Once you awaken from the dream, once you're enlightened, there is no awakening or enlightenment to speak of. What could there be? Once you understand everything, there is nothing at all." Then he sat upright and passed away into perfect stillness. The posthumous title "Dhyana Master Jianxing (One Who's Seen the Mind)" was conferred upon him by the emperor.

A verse in praise says:  
When the lantern is blown out,
Brilliant light floods everywhere.
When the pivot is destroyed,
There's no attachment to the three minds.
Such energy can swallow the Buddhas
And control the Bodhisattvas. A single white cane:
Ah Ah La La!  

When the lantern is blown out, / Brilliant light floods everywhere. When the paper lantern is blown out, one's inherent brightness appears. When the pivot is smashed and destroyed, / There's no attachment to the three minds. The minds of the past, present, and future are all gone. Such energy can swallow the Buddhas / And control the Bodhisattvas. / A single white cane: Ah Ah La La!  

Another verse says:  
Attachment to words blocked his inherent brightness.
Arrogant and full of himself, he traveled with a backpack.
The Green Dragon Commentary was his treasure.
The yellow crane soared through the heavens.
A lantern was lit and blown out to show the Truth.
A single blow startled him awake from confused dreams.
Atop a lonely peak, he proclaimed the great doctrine.
His transforming influence reached all sentient creatures.

Attachment to words blocked his inherent brightness. Vajra Zhou was very attached to words, and so he wrote the Green Dragon Commentary. His attachment to literature obstructed his own understanding, yet he did not realize it. Arrogant and full of himself, he traveled with a backpack full of commentaries.

The Green Dragon Commentary was his treasure. The yellow crane soared through the heavens. A lantern was lit and blown out to show the Truth. A single blow of the cane startled him awake from confused dreams, and he vowed never again to doubt an elder monk's words. Atop a lonely peak, he proclaimed the great doctrine. Being enlightened, he propagated the principles of his school and caused it to flourish. His transforming influence reached all sentient creatures. All creatures with blood and breath were transformed by his teaching.



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