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The Shurangama Sutra With Commentary

【 卷九 】 Roll Nine

宣化上人講 Commentary by the Venerable Master Hua
國際譯經學院記錄 Translated by the International Translation Institute
修訂版 Revised version

所以自割其肉,「欣其捨壽」:就歡喜死。「或常憂愁」:或者就常常憂   愁得不得了。所以你聽見這一段文,你不應該常常有一種的不高興,不應該有 的時候就哭了,也不應該有憂愁心。  

「走入山林」:憂愁、憂愁,就怎麼樣?這個魔到你身上,一半有魔的力量,一半有你自己的力量。這個魔是藉著這股氣的,如果你思想正了,就沒有事了;你思想若不正,跟著他轉,說憂愁你就憂愁,越憂愁越憂愁...,就跑到山裏去, 「不耐見人」:不見人。「失於正受」:沒有正受了。「當從淪墜」:將來這種人也會墮地獄的。  


「又彼定中,諸善男子,見色陰消,受陰明白」,「處清淨中」,在這個清淨定中,「心安隱後」,心非常地安穩,沒有一切的雜念了,正在這個時候,受陰又發生作用了。「忽然自有無限喜生」:忽然間就有無限的歡喜生出來。「心中歡悅」:心裏不知道樂到什麼程度去了,樂到極點。「不能自止」:  想停止這個快樂,也停止不了。  




「若作聖解」:假設你說,「噢! 我這回入了歡喜地囉!我這就是歡喜地菩薩了。」「則有一分」:就有一分什麼?「好喜樂魔」:這種好歡喜魔,「入其心腑」:「見人則笑」:見到人就哈哈大笑。「於衢路傍」:於通衢大路的旁邊,「自歌自舞」:自己又唱歌,好像現在的邪皮〈嬉皮)一樣,自己手之舞之,足之蹈之,又作種種的音樂,自歌自舞。「自謂已得」自己說自己已得「無礙解脫」:無礙解脫了。「失於正受,當從淪墜」:這個也是失去正定正受這種正知正見了,失去正知正見這個理智,將來也會墮地獄的。

又彼定中。諸善男子。見色陰消。受蔭明白。自謂已足。忽有無端。大我慢起。如是乃至。慢與過慢。及慢過慢。或增上慢。或卑劣慢。一時俱發。心中尚 輕。十方如來。何況下位。聲聞緣覺。

「又彼定中,諸善男子,見色陰消 ,受陰明白」,「自謂己足」:說自己已經什麼都夠了,什麼都滿足了,已經證果,已經開悟了,已經成佛了。「忽有無端」:忽然有這麼一種無端,「大 我慢起」:大我慢就生起來了。我慢,就是傲慢,對人人都看不起,誰他也看不起,看一切人都不如他了。



Happily giving up his life, he may wish to die. Or else, he may be driven by constant, incredible anxiety. Now that you've heard this passage, take care not to be unhappy all the time. Do not always cry and feel melancholy. If you keep feeling worried and depressed, this demon will take possession of you, based half on the demon's power and half on your own. The demon avails itself of your energy. If your thoughts are proper, there will be no problems. But if your thinking is improper, you will be influenced by the demon. If it tells you, "Worry," you worry, and you become more and more worried, until you flee into the mountains, refusing to see people. And, unable to tolerate people, he may flee into the mountain forests. Lacking proper samadhi, he will certainly fall. Such a person will fall into the hells in the future.  

Further, in this state of samadhi, the good person sees the disintegration of the form  skandha and understands the feeling skandha. As he dwells in this purity, his mind is tranquil and at ease. Suddenly a feeling of boundless joy wells up in him. There is such bliss in his mind that he cannot contain it.

Further, in this state of samadhi, the good person sees the disintegration of the form skandha and understands the feeling skandha. As he dwells in this purity of samadhi, his mind is tranquil and at ease. His mind is exceptionally calm and settled, without any scattered thoughts. Right at that point, the feeling skandha produces another effect in him. Suddenly a feeling of boundless joy wells up in him. He feels a happiness that knows no bounds. There is such extreme bliss in his mind that its extent cannot be known, and he cannot contain it. Even if he wants to stop the joy, he cannot.

This is called, "experiencing lightness and ease, but lacking the wisdom to control it." If he understands, then there is no error. This experience does not indicate sagehood.

This is called, "experiencing lightness and ease, but lacking the wisdom to control it." He does not have the wisdom to control his own happiness. If he understands, then there is no error. If you realize what it is, then there is no problem. This experience does not indicate sagehood. This does not mean that you have become a sage.

But if he considers himself a sage, then a demon that likes happiness will enter his mind. As soon as he sees someone, he will laugh. He will sing and dance in the streets. He will say that he has already attained unobstructed liberation. Lacking proper samadhi, he will certainly fall.  

But if he considers himself a sage- if you say, "Oh, now I've entered the Ground of Happiness! I'm a Bodhisattva of the Ground of Happiness!" then a demon that likes happiness will enter his mind. As soon as he sees someone, he will laugh uproariously. He will sing and dance in the streets. Like a hippie, he gets totally carried away, waving his arms and stamping his feet, singing and dancing, making all kinds of music. He will say that he has already attained unobstructed liberation. Lacking proper samadhi, he will certainly fall. He loses his proper concentration, his proper knowledge and views, and his powers of reasoning; and eventually, he will fall into the hells.

Further, in this state of samadhi, the good person sees the disintegration of the form skandha and understands the feeling skandha. He says he is already satisfied. Suddenly, a feeling of unreasonable, intense self-satisfaction may arise in him. It may include pride, outrageous pride, haughty pride, overweening pride, and pride based on inferiority, all of which occur at once. In his mind, he even looks down on the Tathagatas of the ten directions, how much the more so on the lesser positions of Hearers and Those Enlightened by Conditions.

Further, in this state of samadhi, the good person sees the disintegration of the form skandha and understands the feeling skandha. He says he is already satisfied. He feels he already has enough of everything; he's already realized the fruition, become enlightened, and become a Buddha. Suddenly, a feeling of unreasonable, intense self-satisfaction may arise in him. Self-satisfaction is a form of haughtiness. He respects no one. He looks down on everyone and thinks no one is as good as he is.  

~ To be continued



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