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The Flower Adornment Sutra with Commentary

【卷五 世主妙嚴品第一之五】

Chapter One: The Wondrous Adornments of World Rulers, Part Five

宣化上人講 Commentary by the Venerable Master Hua
國際譯經學院記錄翻譯 Translated by the International Translation Institute
修訂版 Revised Version




在這個時候,「雷音普震菩薩摩訶薩」,他「承佛神力,普觀一切道場眾海」:他普遍觀察所有在道場的,來參加這個法會的大眾。「即說頌言」:他即刻也用偈頌,再來把佛的功德說一說。他說「世尊往集菩提 行」:佛在過去無量劫以前,他所修行的,所集聚的這種功德,成就這個菩提行,成就覺道的這個行門。他怎麼樣子修行呢?

「共養十方無量佛」:佛在沒成佛之 前,他供養十方三世一切無量無量的那麼多佛,哪兒有佛他就去供養,所以供養十方無量佛。

「善逝威力所加持」:善逝也是佛的一個別名。威力,這可以說是過去佛加持 ,也可以說是現在佛的威力,所加持現在的道場。那麼這種大威德神力,所加持;就是你本來沒有神通,那麼現在有了,本來沒有這種智慧,現在有這種智慧了。那麼這都是諸佛菩薩來加持你,令你得到這種的智慧光明。


「佛座普現莊嚴相」:位在這個座上,普現他莊嚴的法相。「念念色類各差別」:在每一念念之間,又現出無量的光,又有無量的色,又表出無量的相,所以每一念的顏色都不同。「隨諸眾生解不同」: 那麼佛的這種境界,隨眾生的根性而現。眾生各有各人的見解不同,「各見佛坐於其上」:雖然每一個眾生巧所見的不同,所明白的道理不同,所得到的智慧不同,可是每一個眾生都看見這個佛坐在他的上邊,面對著他。

這就好像太陽光在虛空裏頭,每一個人看見這個太陽光,都照著自己,佛也就是這樣子。在虛空裏頭,太陽照見每一個 人;佛也在每一個人的上邊,面對著每一個眾生。





「金剛為地無能壞」:金剛做地無能壞 ,沒有任何東西能破壞這個金剛的。「廣博   清淨極夷坦」:又廣博,又廣大,又清淨;夷坦就是平坦,這種地是很平坦的。「摩尼為網垂布空」:在虛空裏又有摩尼寶來做網絡,垂布於空中。「菩提樹下皆周遍」:在 佛坐到菩提樹下的同時,他也周遍這個法界「其地無邊色相殊」:佛說法的這個地也無邊,這個色相也特別。


我以前遇著一個人,他有病;有病就到極樂世界去,他見著極樂世界,但沒有正式到極樂世界裡邊去......那個極樂世界的邊上 也都是金沙為地,就是現在說這個金末子,在那個地的上邊舖著。所以他就更對念佛的這個法門,特別生一種信心。那麼以後他病好了,就修念佛法門,最後他往生到極樂世界,自己知道什麼時候往生。所以這種境界 ,是不可思議的。  


「地神歡喜而踴躍」:每一個地方都有地神。這地神就歡喜見著佛,歡喜得踴躍起來,踴躍就是跳躍。「剎那示現無有盡」 剎那,是很短的時間;在很短的時間,佛的示現無有盡,沒有窮盡這個光明。「普興一 切莊嚴雲」:又普遍興起一切莊最祥瑞之雲。「恆在佛前瞻仰住」:那麼這個地神呢,他常常在佛前瞻仰於佛。            


Bodhisattvas with topknots constantly gather round. Bodhisattvas by the name of "Holding Topknots" always surround the Dharma throne. The Buddha is the most illustrious among them. Among the Bodhisattvas, the Buddha is the most dazzling and eminent.

Various clouds of transformations fill the ten directions of the Dharma Realm. Sounds are heard within the clouds, proclaiming the Thus Come One's vast vows, the various great resolutions pronounced by the Buddha in times past. All reflections manifest within this state. Images of the situations in which the Buddha made those past vows appear within the clouds. The Buddha sits serenely upon such a throne. Within the clouds is the Buddha, speaking the Dharma from his throne.

At that time, the Bodhisattva Mahasattva Thunder Sound Quaking Everywhere received the Buddha's awesome might, contemplated the sea of all the multitudes in the Way-place, and spoke the following verses.  

The World Honored One, while accumulating Bodhi practices, Made offerings to countless Buddhas in the ten directions. Aided by the awesome power of the Well Gone One, None fail to see the Thus Come One on his throne.

Fragrant, brilliant mani, the wish-fulfilling king, Is inlaid on the lion throne of wondrous flowers. Various decorations appear in its reflections. The entire assembly can view all this with clarity.  

The Buddha on his throne assumes an adorned appearance. The forms he manifests vary from thought to thought. Living beings, according to their different understandings, Each perceives the Buddha seated upon his throne.

Jeweled branches hang down like a net of lotuses. When the flowers bloom, Bodhisattvas emerge. Each speaks with a splendid, charming sound, Praising the Thus Come One seated upon the throne.

At that time, the Bodhisattva Mahasattva named Thunder Sound Quaking Everywhere received the Buddha's awesome spiritual might, contemplated the sea of all the multitudes who had come to the Dharma assembly in the Way-place, and spoke the following verses to re-elaborate upon the Buddha's merit and virtue.

The World Honored One, while accumulating merit by undertaking Bodhi practices during measureless eons, made offerings to countless Buddhas in the ten directions. Before the Buddha realized Buddhahood, he made offerings to infinitely and measurelessly many Buddhas in the ten directions and the three periods of time. Wherever there was a Buddha, he would go and perform offerings. Aided by the awesome power of the Well Gone One. "Well Gone One" is one of the Buddha's titles. This line could be explained as referring to former Buddhas aiding the present Buddha, or to the present Buddha aiding the present Way-place. Through aid, one who originally lacks spiritual powers comes to possess them. Aiding allows one without wisdom to attain wisdom. The Buddhas and Bodhisattvas can aid you to attain such wisdom and radiance. None fail to see the Thus Come One on his throne. As the Buddha sits upon his throne, none of the Bodhisattvas fail to see him.  

Fragrant, brilliant mani, the wish-fulfilling king, / Is inlaid on the Buddha's lion throne of wondrous lotus flowers. / Various decorations of all kinds, not just a single kind, appear in its reflections. All types of adornments appear in the light, like frame after frame appearing on a movie screen. The entire assembly can view all this with clarity. Everyone in the great assembly can see this state.

The Buddha on his throne assumes an adorned appearance. The Buddha universally takes on his adorned Dharma appearance. The forms he manifests vary from thought to thought. In every instant of thought, he manifests measureless radiance and infinite shapes and forms. The colors and forms differ from one instant to the next. The Buddha manifests states according to living beings' dispositions. Each living being has his or her own view and understanding. Living beings, according to their different understandings, / Each perceives the Buddha seated upon his throne. Despite their differences in terms of outlook, understanding, and wisdom, each living being perceives the Buddha seated right in front of him or her. This is like how the sun is in the sky, and yet everyone perceives the sun as shining upon him or herself. Like the sun in the sky, the Buddha is perceived as appearing above and in front of every living being.

Nets of lotuses trail down from jeweled branches. The jeweled branches themselves hang down from the jeweled trees like nets of lotuses. When the lotus flowers in the net bloom, infinitely many Bodhisattvas emerge from them. Each Bodhisattva speaks with a splendid, charming sound, as if making music, praising the Thus Come One seated upon the throne. Their sublime sounds praise the Buddhas, the Dharma, and the Sangha, in particular extolling the Thus Come One, who sits on his Dharma throne and speaks Dharma for living beings.

The capacity of the Buddha's meritorious virtue is like space. It is from this that all his adornments come into being. His deeds of adornment within each and every ground Are beyond the understanding of all living beings.

Vajra forms an indestructible ground, Spacious, pure, and extremely flat. Nets of mani drift and flutter in the air. From beneath the Bodhi tree, he pervades everywhere.

The ground is boundless and sublime in appearance. It is covered with dust of pure gold And spread with fine flowers and multitudes of gems, All brightening the Thus Come One's throne.  

The capacity of the Buddha's meritorious virtue is like space. If we tried to quantify the Buddha's merit and virtue, we wouldn't be able to come up with a numerical amount. No number can represent the Buddha's merit and virtue. Thus, we are forced to use empty space to represent it, and say that the Buddha's merit and virtue is as great as all of space- infinite, inexhaustible, measureless, and boundless. How great would you say space is? You can't put a number on it.

It is from this that all his adornments come into being. All of the Buddha's thirty-two hallmarks and eighty subtle characteristics come from the measureless merit and virtue he created limitless eons in the past. These adorning marks were born from his merit and virtue. His deeds of adornment within each and every ground. All the merit and virtue he created and the adornments of the Dharma body he attained as he traveled through the positions of the Bodhisattvas of the Dharma body- from the First Ground through the Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, and all the way to the Tenth Ground, and then Equal Enlightenment- are beyond the understanding of all living beings.

No living being can fathom the Buddha's merit and virtue, because it is boundless and immeasurable. It is beyond their understanding.  

Vajra forms an indestructible ground. Nothing can harm ground made of vajra, which is spacious, pure, and extremely flat and level. Nets of mani gems drift and flutter in the air. / From beneath the Bodhi tree, he pervades everywhere. While sitting under the Bodhi tree, the Buddha is simultaneously present everywhere in the Dharma Realm.

The ground where the Buddha speaks Dharma is boundless and sublime in appearance. This place has an exceptional appearance. What makes it special? It is covered with dust of pure gold / And spread with fine flowers and multitudes of gems. The ground is sprinkled with precious flowers and costly gems, all brightening and adorning the Thus Come One's Dharma throne.  

I once met a sick person who went to the Land of Ultimate Bliss when he was ill. He only reached the outer border of the Land of Ultimate Bliss, but even there, the ground was paved with golden sand, just like the line of verse here, "covered with dust of pure gold." As a result, that sick individual became an ardent believer in the practice of reciting the Buddha's name. After he recovered, he cultivated that practice and was born in the Land of Ultimate Bliss at the end of his life. He knew beforehand when he would go. His was an inconceivable state.

The earth spirits leap up in joy and happiness.
Endless revelations occur in a moment's time.
All kinds of adorned clouds arise everywhere.
They constantly stay before the Buddha and fix their gaze upon him.

The earth spirits leap up in joy and happiness. Each place has its local earth spirit. Earth spirits also like to see the Buddha, and in their happiness they leap and frolic about. Endless revelations occur in a moment's time. In a brief instant's time, the Buddha displays infinite manifestations of light and causes all kinds of adorned, auspicious clouds to arise everywhere. / They constantly stay before the Buddha and fix their gaze upon him. The earth spirits are always in front of the Buddha and gazing at him.  

 ~ To be continued


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