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我的名字是伊莎貝兒﹒琥瑟卡,法名親琥 ;琥珀的琥。去夏〈1999年〉我在萬佛聖城皈依了三寶。我住美國,目前從事英、法文的翻譯、編輯校對、音樂及小學生閱讀指導老師等工作。



《華嚴經》經文從頭到尾不斷地在勸勉我們修行菩薩道;菩薩到各城鎮、村莊,凡沒有佛法的地方,只要有眾生,他便去幫助他們解脫苦惱,走向覺悟的道路。他會在任何時間、地點現身,因為這就是菩薩的精神,包含了慈悲、圓滿行、智慧、誓願及一切波羅蜜,這種 精神是遍一切處的。當這樣的德行呈現出來,也就是菩薩現身了。





無論在任何地方,只要我們依著菩薩的教導修行,那裡就是菩薩示現的地方,他們藉著我們而示現。經中提到各種不同的鬼神、乾闥婆、緊那羅等,按照各自的不同經歷及行持方法,而各各於佛法中得 到某種的解悟。閱讀這種種不同獲得證悟的方式,也讓我們知道思想中種種微細境界有待淨化,這些微細境界亦展現於犬自然中。事實上,這很難說明。這一切的神眾,有的令種籽發芽,有的令地底的寶藏顯現,有的令日光照耀或下雨,有的令樹木結出果子;他們都是神聖的,都已獲得了利益一切眾生、長養萬物的神通力。這也適用於我們身上,因我們人人皆有自己的命、業及道。我們可以學習導引自己的生命,走上自利利他,自覺覺他的道路。在《華嚴經》中,我們常讀到某些事件是發生在不可數無量劫前,因此也可以明白,在我們的未來,也是有那麼長遠的時間,那麼我們就從現在開始,智慧地去運用時間吧!  






To all the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, the Venerable Master and the Assembly: Maha Prajna Paramita!  

My name is Isabelle Houthakker. My Dharma name is Qin Hu (Amber). I took refuge at the CTTB last summer. I live in the US, where I work as a French-English translator and editor-proofreader, musician, and reading tutor for elementary school students.  

Vancouver is a wonderful city. Several times, when walking around town, I have seen Theravada, Mahayana and Tibetan Sangha members. Having studied these various Buddhist traditions over the past 25 years, I have learned a lot about balance and harmony from the Dao De Jing, emptiness and illusion from Zen, psychology from the Theravada, and compassion, devotion and dedication from the Tibetans. Then, in the winter of 1995, I discovered the Venerable Master Hua's books and realized that his teachings was the highest and most complete, revealing the ultimate meaning. That's why he was certified as a Patriarch and lineage holder. Now, I have never met him personally, and only found out about him after he passed away, so I only know him from the 45 plus DRBA books in English that I have read. Maybe it's better that I only know him from his teachings, and not on a personal level. Why? Because many people pray to the Bodhisattvas and rely on them, but in order to really accord with the meaning of the Avatamsaka (Flower Adornment) Sutra, we have to be the Bodhisattvas. We can pray to the Bodhisattvas to help us become like them. The Teacher can only show us the Way, we have to practice it.  

In the Avatamsaka Sutra, throughout the whole text we are exhorted to practice the Bodhisattva path. The Bodhisattva goes to the cities, towns, villages and hamlets, everywhere where there are living beings, and helps them to be freed from suffering and choose the path to enlightenment. He or she appears everywhere, in all times and places. This is because the spirit of the Bodhisattva, which encompasses compassion, perfect conduct, wisdom, vows, all the pararnitas, etc., is universal. When these virtues are manifested, the Bodhisattva is manifested.  

Who is supposed to manifest these virtues? We are. If we don't, who will? In times of trouble, misfortune, uncertainty, those of us on the Bodhisattva path must become the Bodhisattva that others can rely on, making the decisions based on the Dharma and sound Buddhist principles. Even if we don't feel strong enough, brave enough, or wise enough, we must do our best. Most people like to follow someone because they don't know what to do on their own. If only an evil leader presents himself, that is who they will follow. So those on the Bodhisattva path should take charge, take the lead first. And even if there is no Teacher to follow; we must carry on with our proper cultivation.  

It says in the Sutra that "when one hears the Dharma, one understands it by oneself, not from the teachings of another." Having learned from Good Knowing Advisors, understanding and following the Dharma and the fundamental Buddhist principles, we must develop our wisdom, cultivation and compassion so that we can rely on ourselves, manifest our own Buddha natures, and offer support to others. In one Sutra, the Buddha told the Bhikshus: "Brethren, be like an island unto yourselves." (Rely on yourselves.) We shouldn't always "borrow the light," as Ananda did at the beginning of the Surangama Sutra, and just feel that it is enough to be under a Master's protection without doing any real cultivation. While the Master is in the world, his spiritual power can carry us, but when he is gone, we have to use our own spiritual powers. Just because my master was enlightened doesn't mean that I am! It doesn't even mean that I know anything. Our masters will not always be with us to guide and support us, and we have to learn how to function on our own, based on what we have learned from them. Each one of us has the Buddha nature, the capacity to understand, cultivate and live according to the Buddhadharma, and to become enlightened. The wisdom and compassion that we seek is inherent within us, if we can learn to access it.  

In the Avatamsaka Sutra, the Bodhisattvas tell us about all the practices and ways to behave, about the ways to think when we see a beautiful flower or park, about what to think about when we get dressed, etc. If we pay attention to every detail in this Sutra, we will learn the proper attitude and frame of mind for cultivation. This is to help us to become like the Bodhisattvas, to become manifestations of them, and to become enlightened.  

Thus the Bodhisattvas will manifest in every place where we practice their teachings. They will manifest through us.

The Sutra talks about all the different spirits, gandharvas and kinnaras, and how they gained understanding of the Buddhadharma, each in his own way, relating to each one's individual experience and function. Reading about these various ways to gain understanding also shows us various subtle states of thought that we can purify, through parallels in the natural world. (Actually, that is too hard to explain!) All these spirits who make the sprouts grow, or reveal gems under the ground, bring sunshine or rain, or make the fruits grow on the trees, they are all sacred. They have attained spiritual powers that benefit all beings and allow life to flourish. This also applies to us, as each one of us has his own life, karma and path. We can learn how to lead our lives so as to benefit all beings and ourselves, and lead them and ourselves to enlightenment. When we read about the uncountable kalpas and eons of time that have passed since some of the events in the Avatamsaka occurred, we realize that we also have an infinite amount of time ahead of us in the future. So we may as well start using our time wisely right now!  

As a famous Dharma Master once said, "Buddhism is a lonely road." This is because very few people throughout the world are truly cultivating the Buddhadharma. Each one of us individually must maintain the Buddhas' precepts, principles and practices, no matter where we are, who we are with, or what the situation is. We cannot assume that the people around us are always doing the right thing, and automatically follow them. Very often, if you choose the right way, you will be alone on the path. So Buddhism is a lonely road. But, along this road, you will realize that every sentient being has the Buddha nature and can become a Buddha. We are all inter-related, and every living being can learn to take the proper path. Once you realize this, you need never be lonely! As it says in the Avatamsaka Sutra, "All happiness comes from the Buddha."

Of course, there are infinitely more things to say about the Avatamsaka Sutra. I'm planning to read all the English-language volumes that include the Venerable Master's commentary. I would like to deeply thank the Buddhist Text Translation Society and the DRBA for all their excellent and compassionate translation work that has allowed English speakers to benefit immeasurably from all of these teachings.

One more thing: Let's remember to rejoice and be filled with the joy of the Dharma, the joy of having found the Right Path. Amitofo!


法界佛教總會Dharma Realm Buddhist Association │ © Vajra Bodhi Sea