萬佛城金剛菩提海 Vajra Bodhi Sea


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我講一下本人在1994年發生的事情,及與上人怎麼結的緣。那年我生了一場病,非常不好,胸痛,痛到咳嗽吐血。我本來做裝修工作的,就以為可能是做粗工時受了內傷。那時每天早上十點鐘以前還有點力,十點以後我就跟太太講,「妳要是有必須兩個人做的事情,就趕快講,不然我沒有體力了;我要在車上睡覺 ,沒體力做工了。」晚上我也不能安心睡,一直咳嗽;就這樣白天不能做事,晚上不能睡覺 ,於是我找到一位胸腔科專科醫生,在 Downtown〈城中區〉。這醫生還沒看我,一聽 我講這些症狀,就跟我講,「你再不治療,半年內就看不到我了」;我也不清楚他是什麼意思。我一直找醫生都找不到好醫生,等到五月時,病情加重了,晚上不能躺著睡覺,一定要坐著才能睡;坐著也不能睡,因為痛,要打坐,很累,只能趴在床上睡,一躺下去,身體就很痛。

當時我突然有個念頭,我逢人就問,「你們知不知道萬佛城在什麼地方? 」我也不知道什麼萬佛城,就是聽到有這個名字,但是老法師的名字沒聽過;可能聽過,但不那麼有印 象。我逢人便問,人家也就講在那裏、那裏、那裏,到底在哪裏呢?他們不知道,我也不知道;接著就拖、拖、拖,拖到有一天我問人,我說,「這個萬佛城怎麼走?」那個居士非常好,他說,「哎!萬佛城在這個什麼什麼地方 ,不過我看報紙,好像萬佛城有個浴佛節,你要不要去?」我說,「浴佛節我是要去,但是我不知道地址怎麼去?」「喔!有這個遊覽車 。」「那麻煩你幫我報一下名,讓我可以去。」於是我就去了,一下車我第一眼就看見上人。

接著我參加浴佛、吃飯,吃飯時我坐在齋堂進口處最後面。吃飽飯我聽上人講開示,我確確實實聽到上人這樣講,他講學佛第一件事情要戒菸,抽菸沒有威儀。他說,「你看佛書 ,念經,拿根菸來抽抽,那個樣子好不好看?」他這樣講著講著,一指就指到我這邊來。我反抗心很強,現在想起來我那時真是非常地頑強。「什麼還有學佛先戒菸的?!」我跑到外面一口氣抽了三根菸,再進來也沒怎麼樣,法會完了就回去了。

當時身體狀況一天比一天差,我自己不知道,但有一天人家照相,我一看,唉呀!我的天,我的臉就跟那沒肉的髑髏一樣;洗澡時,我的大腿隨風飄,你們想想就知道我瘦到什麼程度。到五月底,我痛得實在受不了了,那時我還以為自己是內傷,我就跟太太一起去找電療師,看可不可以把胸痛電療好。找到後,第二天去看他時,我太太就講,「你在家裏等我 ,我先去估個價。」就走了。

因為晚上我不能躺在床上睡,只能趴著,就是坐著,趴在床邊,躺不下去;一躺下來就痛得要死。我現在深信這個魔是晚上來的,因 為白天可以稍微躺一下,但要躺在地板上。那時大概早上十點鐘左右,她一出門我就躺在那邊,當時我起床是要太太抱著,我還抓著她的衣服,她把我提起來,我自己是爬不起來的。

因為晚上很痛不能睡,只有白天瞇瞇眼,也不是睡得很穩定,所以下面這事我常跟人講 ,我說,「你們怎麼講我都無所謂,你說我病昏了,睡昏了,都無所謂。」我就是看見上人來了,我要趕快起來,睡著實在很不禮貌,我要起來,還沒起來時,上人就用手一比,「不要,不要起來,沒關係。」正在這時我太太開門進屋來了;我在二樓,可以聽到她開門聲。我說,「哎呀!妳不要進來;妳不要進來,上人在這裏。」我的意思可能是說,「妳不要打斷我這段很好的因緣」,但是我太太衝上來叫我起來,我就起來跟她去了。那醫生就用物理治療--電療--還有效,就比較不這麼痛了。

第二天我太太就說了,「我昨天去看了水 管的事情,我早上去把它修完,你在家等我,我回來再帶你去電療。」那時我爬不起來,我說好;我太太把我衣服穿好,我又躺下去,就在床邊地板上,她扶著我躺下去的,正對著門口。  

我一躺下,她一走,哎!這次更好,上人又來了!那時我想我是起來了,那上人呢,就請了好多的佛菩薩,一一跟我介紹,「這是什麼菩薩;這是什麼菩薩;這是什麼佛;這什麼 菩薩」,都是我不知道的。喔!這是藥師菩薩,這又是什麼菩薩,啊!那時我很開心。我也知道自己生病,上人就說,「我今天跟你請了一個最好的醫生。」我一眼望去,濟公老和尚在那兒!這個濟公活佛就跟我們看電視啊,什麼畫像上那個樣子是一樣的,完全一樣,真正的完全一樣!上人介紹完了,跟佛菩薩一起走了,就留下濟公佛一個跟我在一起。  

濟公佛跟我們一般人一樣高,一樣大,踢踢踏踏地,這時就化成很小。這感覺就好像電 影一樣的,他就從我嘴巴進去了;進去時,我想這不對啊,怎麼進去了呢?我就講了,「你怎麼到我裡面去了啊?踢踢踏踏的! 」那個濟顛老和尚,大家都知道那個樣子嘛。我說,「你怎麼這樣就進來了,這太髒了吧?」他說,「你這個神經病,我不要理你了。我髒?你比我更髒!」我說,「好了,好了,我也沒力氣跟你爭。」老和尚也不理我,我也不理他;他拿著他那把破扇子,一直幫我清,清、清、清   。那時我看到自己的肺裏很髒,才知道我的肺有問題。他一直幫我刮、刮、刮,刮完也不理我,「咻」一聲就走了,可能我得罪了他。他走時,我就彈了起來,我那時爬不起來的;我剛剛講過,我起來時是要抱著太太的脖子,抓著她的衣服,她這樣把我提起來的,但那時我就自己跳了起來,走到洗臉臺那邊吐。哇!這吐出來的什麼顏色都有,紅、黃、白、綠、黑 ,什麼顏色都有,全部出來了;一吐掉就豁然開朗,全身舒服得不得了,好像病己經好了。

從這時開始,我什麼事情都碰到好的因緣 。我在碰到上人之前,什麼事情都碰到不好的;碰到上人之後,我碰到的人、事,什麼都開始順利了。

第一個,找醫生:我還是要找醫生徹底檢查一下,有人介紹了醫生幫我檢查,又送到專科醫生。醫生一聽到我掛口罩,認為我得了肺結核,就掛個口罩檢查,又檢查腦管,昏睡中自己都可以看到那個影像,兩個小黑點;他們說需要清潔清潔,清潔就清潔,也不知道他們怎麼清潔,那兩個黑點我不知道是什麼 --碰到上人以後,我就這樣吐--清潔完了,他們說把這兩個黑點拿掉就沒事了,現在的我就是這個樣子。






Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Venerable Master, and fellow cultivators, Amitofo!  

I would like to talk about an incident that happened to me in 1994, which led to my encounter with the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua. That year, I developed an extremely severe illness where I had bad chest pains and coughed up blood. Since I do building renovation, I thought I had sustained an injury at work. At that time, I would have energy in the early part of the morning, but by 10 am, I would say to my wife, "If you have any work that requires two people, please let me know now; otherwise I need to rest in the car, as I feel weak and have no strength to work." At night, I slept poorly and kept coughing. I was unable to work and sleep at night until I found a chest and lung specialist downtown. After hearing about my symptoms and before giving his diagnosis, he said to me, "If you don't get treatment, you won't be able to see me in six months' time." I wasn't clear what he meant then. I searched around but was unable to find a good doctor. In May 1994, my condition worsened; at night, I could not lie down to sleep. I would sit up, but sometimes that was too painful. I would try to meditate but end up exhausted. All I could do was to lay on my stomach, but my whole body would ache.

At that time, I suddenly had an idea. I would ask everyone I met, "Do you know where the City of 10,000 Buddhas is located?" I did not know where the City was, although I had heard the name before. I had not, however, heard of the Venerable Master. Or perhaps I had heard of his name, but I don't remember. Whenever I asked, people would tell me it was here or there, but where was it actually? They didn't know, and neither did I. This resulted in delay after delay, until one day I asked a layperson, "How do I go to the City of 10,000 Buddhas?" That layperson was very kind and replied, "The City of 10,000 Buddhas is at such and such a place. I read in the newspaper that they will be holding a "Bathing the Buddha" ceremony there. Do you want to go? I replied, "I want to attend this ceremony, but I do not know how to get there." He told me, "There is a tour bus." I asked him, "Would you mind helping me to book a seat so that I can go?" And so I finally made the trip. When I arrived, I saw the Venerable Master Hua.

Later on, I participated in the "Bathing the Buddha Ceremony" and then had lunch. I sat at the far end of the dining hall's entrance. After the meal, I listened to the Venerable Master's Dharma talk. I heard him very clearly as he said that the first thing to do in cultivation is to quit smoking, as it is totally unbeneficial. He said, "Does it look good to be smoking a cigarette as you read a Buddhist book or recite a Sutra?" His talk specifically pinpointed my bad habit. Thinking back, I was very rebellious then. I thought to myself, "Why must I quit smoking before learning Buddhism?" I ran outside and smoked three cigarettes in a row, and when I carne back in, things seemed normal. I left the City when the Dharma assembly ended.  

My health deteriorated with each passing day. I did not notice this until one day, I saw my own photo and was shocked. My face looked like a skull. When I bathed, my thighs were so skinny they could flap in the wind; you can imagine how thin I was. By the end of May, the pain was unendurable. Thinking that I had an internal injury, I went with my wife looking for a physical therapist to treat my chest pain. On the second day, my wife told me, "You stay at home and wait for me. I will go and enquire about the charges. Then she left.

As I was unable to lie on the bed at night, I could only sprawl on my stomach or sit up. As soon as I lay down, the pain would be intense. Now I strongly believe that demons come during the night, because during the daytime, I could at least lie down for a while, but it had to be on the floor. Each time I wanted to get up from the bed, my wife had to help me up and I would clutch at her clothes while she lifted my body.

Since the pain was so intense at night that I could not sleep, I had to nap in the daytime yet could not sleep well either. Therefore, I always say to people when relating the following incident, "It doesn't matter whether you say I am confused due to illness or due to sleep." When the Venerable Master came to visit me in a vision, I immediately tried to get up as it is really impolite to lie down. But before I could get up, the Venerable Master made a gesture and said, "There's no need to get up; it doesn't matter." At that time, from where I was on the second floor I heard my wife opening the door to come into the house, and I called out, "Hey, don't come in now; the Master is here." I was trying to tell her not to interrupt this wonderful opportunity for me to see the Venerable Master, but she rushed up and asked me to get up, so I followed her to see the doctor. The doctor used physical therapy-ultrasound therapy-which had some effect in lessening the pain.

The next day, my wife told me, "Yesterday, I went to look for the plumber, and he will come this morning. Wait for me at home and I will come back and bring you to the doctor. Since I could not get up, I had to comply. She dressed me, and she helped me to lay down beside the bed facing the door.

After she left, the Venerable Master came again. This time it was even better. I think I did get up at that time. The Venerable Master requested the presence of many Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, and he introduced them to me one by one: "This is Buddha So-and-so; this is Bodhisattva So-and-so .... " I did not know any of them I thought, "Oh, so this is Medicine Bodhisattva, and who is this?" I was very happy. I knew I was really sick, and the Venerable Master said, "Today, I have asked the best doctor to come see you." I looked over and saw the Ji Gong, the Living Buddha. He looked just like the one we see on television and in pictures. After introducing us, the Venerable Master left with all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, leaving me with Ji Gong Buddha.

Ji Gong Buddha was the size of an average man, but he suddenly became very small. I felt like I was watching a movie. He hopped right into my mouth, and I thought, "This isn't right; how come he went in?" So I asked him, "Why did you go inside my body?" I asked again, "How can you go in just like that? It's too filthy!"

"You crazy fellow, I'm not going to bother with you. You say I'm filthy? You're filthier than me," he retorted.  

"Okay, okay, I don't have the strength to argue with you," I replied. We ignored each other. He used his torn fan to fan me, purifying my insides. At that time, I saw that my own lungs were extremely dirty and realized that there was a problem there. He kept scraping away, and when he was done, he paid me no heed but just vanished like a puff of air "Poof!" Perhaps I had offended him.  

After he left, I jumped to my feet right away. Before, I had needed my wife to support me to get up, but this time, I jumped up and walked to the sink to throw up. "Wow!" The vomit was multi-colored: red, yellow, white, green, black and many other colors as well. It all came out. After I vomited, I felt relieved and very comfortable, as if my illness were cured.

From then on, everything went smoothly. Before I met the Venerable Master, all my experiences had been unpleasant, but after meeting him, everything went well for me.

I went to get a thorough check up. I was referred to a doctor and later to a specialist. When the specialist heard about my condition, he assumed I had tuberculosis and put on a mask before examining me. He also did a cerebrovascular exam. Even though I was under anaesthesia, I could see an image of  two black dots. The specialist said that those dots had to be cleaned up. I had no idea what they were cleaning or what those two black dots were. I had simply vomited up everything after I met the Venerable Master. In any case, after they removed the two dots, I was fine, and I am still fine today.

I am very grateful to the Venerable Master for this second chance to live, for without him, I would not be alive today. Before I met the Venerable Master Hua, all those doctors had told me that I was very ill and had made me very afraid. You can imagine what kind of medical ethics they have. We can see that the difference between ethical and unethical doctors and between good and bad encounters is as great as the gulf between heaven and earth.

All cultivators and Dharma friends, think about this. I was merely mindful of the Venerable Master, and he came to rescue me from my suffering. You can see how compassionate the Venerable Master is. We should revere the Venerable Master and follow his teachings daily. Let us all follow his nstructions and diligently learn from and take refuge with the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha. Amitofo!  

法界佛教總會Dharma Realm Buddhist Association │ © Vajra Bodhi Sea