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Venerable Master's Dharma Rain

Do Not Chase Little Animals out of the Buddha Hall!

孫果維 英譯

......我們一開始第一次在這兒傳戒那一年,那天晚間大家講法,那個蝙蝠就來聽法了;牠自己進來,然後講完法他又自己飛出去,自己就走了。講法的時候他很老實的在那兒聽,講完了法他就跑了。當時還有一個貓,這貓也不是一個貓,是 一個黑人,他也是要來聽經,不過沒有准許他進來。



凡是講經講法的時候,不論有什麼樣的眾生進來,不要往外趕牠。那麼乃至於蚊蟲 、蒼蠅、撲燈蛾,這都是在那聽法的。你們忘了在金山寺佛教講堂,這果航在我那茶杯裡頭看有蟲子?那個茶杯裡頭有蟲子,你們記不記得?那個蟲子也是來聽法的,這蟲子是屬於龍類,這蛤蟆也是屬於龍類的。

...the year we first started our precepts transmission, a bat came to listen to the Dharma. It came in by itself and after listening it flew off. During the entire Dharma session, it listened attentively and after listening it flew away. At the same time, there was a cat, which wasn't a cat at all; it was in fact a person who had wanted to listen to the sutras but had not been permitted to enter before.

You may not know about this. There is a toad here but it is not really a toad. Do not think it is just a toad; he has purposefully transformed into a toad to come, to let us know that he is also here. Last night, Guo-yu heard me talking about the toad and he stood up to catch it. I told him not to bother it. And it stopped croaking after a while. Hu Guo-xiang is very intelligent and she understood the situation. She thought it was strange and was the one who told me. Therefore, when we see animals in the Buddha Hall during the sutra lecture, we should not bother them.

Once when I was lecturing at Western Bliss Gardens, a duck came to listen to a sutra lecture. It went behind my bowing cushion and started to bow. As it bowed, it quacked. Guo Hui, the short one who came yesterday, tried to chase it out with a round fan. After she returned, the duck came back and continued quacking and bowing. She tried to chase it out three or four times, yet it returned again and again. Finally, I told her not to chase it away and to leave it alone to listen to the sutra. This duck stayed and listened for the entire sutra session. When everybody went out to take photos, this duck followed along. As it couldn't get up onto the platform where all the people were standing, it was left squatting at the bottom and was not captured in the photographs. This incident happened while I was still at Western Bliss Gardens in Hong Kong.

Regardless of the Dharma assembly or the types of beings who come in, do not chase them out. Even if it is an insect, a housefly or a moth, they are here to listen to the Dharma. Have you all forgotten that Guo Hang found a little worm in my teacup in Gold Mountain Monastery Lecture Hall? In this teacup, there was a little worm. Do you all still remember? That little worm also came to listen to the Dharma. That little worm and that toad belong to the dragon species .


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