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My Testimony on Life and Death



九五年春天,我由台灣飛抵西雅圖度假數月,誰又料到幾乎「客死他鄉」?短短幾個月,我的精力逐日喪失,體能日漸下降,體重由正常的五十公斤落到三十公斤,身體則看來像一真會移動的骷髏,上面披了一層皺得不像樣的皮。當我平躺時 ,鬆皺的皮軟答答地陷入骨架間。由於體內脂肪和肌肉完全喪失,骨頭的重量壓得皮膚受不了,幾分鐘就要換個姿勢。躺既痛楚,坐也不能,即使身下加枕兩三個軟墊,依然疼痛難忍。常人視為平常的吃吃睡睡,在我都是難事。吞嚥困難,勉強吞入的食物,始終堵在胃裡消化不去,甚至有時又由咽喉倒嗆出來。後來一杯流汁 ,幾小時也不能消化。上不能吞,下不能排。不久心臟狂跳不止,有如置身地震所在。相繼著胃、腎、肝等內臟都出現特殊狀況,肝臟更是發生疼痛,而且間隔愈來愈短。

此時精力殆盡,幾步路的洗手間也遙如天邊,我得慢慢滾和爬過去,入內已是氣喘如牛,在洗手台上要休息半小時,才能再爬滾回房。面貌每日衰老,及至頭髮花白,蒼老醜陋,不復舊容!無常如此迅 速,逼得我也不敢對鏡。數月間自己看來老了五十歲,臉色青灰鐵黑,額頭四周青筋暴露,整個人的元氣正由雙眼瞳孔中向外流失。病後,一直不相信我會死,見到這般光景,心知肚明時間到了;縱使有千百個不能離開世界的理由,也由不得自己作主了!

世事不論禍福,來時都有各種奇妙的 因緣促成。只要缺一助緣,事就不成;有時卻又陰錯陽差一應俱全。我就是經一位佛友的指點而得到轉機:「她身上的病何止一樣?她想靠自己的力量來挽救生命哪這麼容易?」再問如何渡過難關?答案是 「一定要靠三寶的力量,要拜七天藥師懺。」並以珍貴藥相贈,令我感激涕零。 來美之前我早已對宣化上人仰慕恭敬,一直盼能到萬佛城參拜,因緣終不具足。此時要拜懺,因緣又牽到同一傳承的金峰寺。金峰寺每月有固定活動要找七天空檔並不容易,而且時間又如此急迫,卻竟然得到了!當先生請假來美國時,與拜懺一事本為獨立事件,時機卻正好落在同一週。兩個女兒都要上學,卻巧合地有空檔與春假。他們都不是佛教徒,卻願意為我到廟裡從頭學習,並誠心禮拜。沒想到的是,自此,父親、先生和小女兒一直茹素至今。


如此家人在寺中懺,我則奮力用臀部與兩腿一階一階緩緩下樓在家配合拜懺,並持八關齋戒,服下佛友所贈藥丸,第二天肝痛停止,七日法事雙雙圓滿,我知道 ,我已脫離死亡。

從那時開始,我所力行的一套自然食物療法逐漸呈現效果,兩年多來,緩慢而穩定地進步著。我從站立一分鐘都乏力的狀況,如今已可登山兩小時從容不喘;體 重也已回升了十多公斤。我仍在復原中,但自己都訝異許多原有的老毛病現在竟一併消除了。



Two and half years ago, I was so seriously ill that each day I did not know whether I would live till the next day. The signs of death manifested one after another. At that moment, I realized the truth of the phrase "life is impermanent" that I had used so casually in daily conversation. Not until I faced the dreadful suffering of impending death, did I realize what a profound and unforgettable meaning that phrase had.

In the spring of 1995, I flew to Seattle from Taiwan for a vacation for several months. Who would have guessed that I would almost die in a foreign country! For several months, my vital spirit deteriorated day by day, my energy decreased, and my weight fell from 50 to 30 kgs. My body looked like a skeleton covered with terribly wrinkled skin. When I lay down, the loose skin draped down over the bones. Without fat and muscle, the bones became unbearably hard against the skin. I had to change my position every few minutes. Lying was painful, and so was sitting, even if there were two or three soft pillows under me. The ordinary business of eating and sleeping both became difficult for me. I had trouble swallowing. I would force some food down, but nothing would stay long in my stomach; often the food came right back up to my throat again. Later, even a glass of liquid would take hours to digest. I was also constipated. Soon, heart palpitations became wild. It felt like an earthquake had hit! Unusual symptoms in the stomach, kidney and liver occurred continuously, and the sporadic deep pain in my liver happened at shorter and shorter intervals.

Finally my energy was totally depleted. The restroom, just a few steps away, was as remote as the heavens to me. I had to roll my body over and creep along. When I finally got in there, I would pant and rest on the sink for half an hour to get enough energy to roll and creep back. My appearance changed rapidly day by day. My hair turned gray and I looked older and ugly. I was not myself anymore. These swift daily changes made me avoid looking at myself in the mirror finally. In several months I had aged fifty years; my countenance was grayish-black, blue sinews stuck out around my forehead. My vital energy flowed out through my pupils. When I first became ill, it never occurred to me that I might die. Seeing these physical signs, I knew my day of doom was coming. I had thousands of reasons why I could not leave the world, but my death was not for me to control!

Blessings or misfortunes often descend upon us in amazing and simultaneous ways. Missing a single condition, things would not come into being, and sometimes the conditions gather together all at the right time. The turning point for me came in the form of some advice from a Dharma friend of my friend: "How can she have only one sickness? How can it be that easy to save herself by her own strength?" My friend asked for further advice on how to help me recover. The reply was: "She must rely on the strength of the Triple Jewel and bow the Medicine Master Repentance for seven days." Moreover, a very precious medicine was bestowed upon me. I couldn't be more grateful for all of that .  

Before I came to the United States, I had admired the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua so much and hoped that I could visit him at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas. The conditions never did come together for me. Now because of the Medicine Master Repentance ceremony, I found myself at Gold Summit Monastery, a branch of the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas. The Gold Summit Monastery schedule is fixed each month and it was not easy to find a vacant period of seven days, especially since the case was urgent. Amazingly, I got it! My husband's leave of absence and the schedule for bowing the repentance were originally different. Somehow, we were able to arrange everything for the same week. My daughters, who were both going to school, coincidentally had breaks and spring vacations. Even though my family members were not Buddhist, they were willing to learn and bowed sincerely for my sake. Who would have guessed that from then on, my father, husband, and little daughter would become vegetarians, which they still are now!  

In great suffering, the clarity of our wisdom may be activated to the ultimate point. In my toils of the body and mind, the law of cause and effect became extremely clear to me. "Is not what I receive today exactly what I have done to others in the past? The seeds I planted must have been very mean; the thoughts and deeds must have been terribly cruel and merciless, and now I abundantly bear those fruits!" I was so extremely ashamed that I apologized and repented to my enemies in the past lives. I was not asking to be forgiven; I don't deserve it. What I harbored was endless shame and remorse and sorrow. Furthermore, I sincerely made a vow that I alone would suffer on behalf of those who had the same illness as I did. I wished that my dreadful pain might free them from suffering and that their karmic obstacles might be eradicated too!  

Therefore while my family was bowing at the monastery, I forced myself to move down the stairway with my hips and two legs one at a time to bow in my living room. I received the Eightfold Lay Precepts and took the precious medicine the Dharma friend gave me. The pain in my liver stopped on the second day of the bowing. After the seven-day session was completed at both places, I knew that I had left death already.

From that time on, I have seen the successful result of natural food healing. For more than two years now, slowly and steadily I have made progress. From being so weak that I could not stand for even for one minute, I can now easily spend two hours climbing a mountain. I have gained back more than ten kilograms. I am still in recovery, yet to my surprise the old sickness is gone.

People usually call sickness a demon and regard it as an enemy; while I treat it as a great teacher or benefactor who has taught me a most valuable lesson. Without this great teaching patron, I would have not understood the law of cause and effect in the universe so deeply; I would not be alerted to how life depends on our every breath; I would not have pushed myself to read so much information about health, which I can use in the future to benefit myself and others. Most of all- the plan for my whole life has been totally changed. I realize that by relying on the Triple Jewel and through the help of many superior ones, I have been able to live again. I only hope I can dedicate the rest of my life to benefiting others and the world. I am determined to publish books based on my experiences and knowledge in order to help sick people heal by adjusting their bodies and minds and to inspire the healthy to rectify their minds and follow natural ways of living so that they will not suffer illness. If, furthermore, we may develop limitless kindness and compassion to care for others, all living creatures and our natural environment, then everyone will surely reach a state of complete harmony in the body and mind. It is my sincere wish to make benefiting others my life career so that I will not pass the rest of my life in vain!  



上人答問錄 Q & A with the Venerable Master  
Q : If the workings of cause and effect are not off by a hair, then why do we say that there are no fixed dharmas? What does that mean?  
A : There being no fixed dharmas does not mean you can forget about practicing and casually kill, steal, or set fires. Rather, it means you should refrain from evil and practice goodness, yet not be attached to what you do or don't do.


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