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【 水鏡回天錄白話解 】

Reflections In Water And Mirros:Turning Back The Tides Of Destiny

憶諸葛亮丞相 (續)
In Memory of Prime Minister Zhu-Liang (continued)


淡泊明志 躬耕南陽
與世無爭 高臥草堂
寒來暑往 秋收冬藏
禮賢下士 出師無方





空城妙計司馬慌 一生謹慎誓興邦
運籌帷幄知彼我 決勝戰場分弱強
大罵王朗落敵魄 三氣公瑾損周郎  
才華蓋世身先喪 造物弄人不久長









「才華蓋世身先喪」:他才華很多,但命不長,雖然超過顏子 --顏子是孔子門下的一個賢徒,32歲就死了--諸葛亮也只活了58歲,在五丈原死了。



A verse in praise says:  
Leading a serene life to make clear his own resolve,
He personally plowed the fields at Nanyang.
Holding himself detached from the world,
He slept comfortably in his thatched hut.
Winter came and summer went;
In autumn there was harvest and
in winter the crops were stored.
Courteous to worthy and learned ones,
The way he dispatched his troops was uncanny and superb.  

Leading a serene life to make clear his own resolve, / He personally plowed the fields at Nanyang. He supported himself by farming. Holding himself detached from the world, He slept comfortably in his thatched hut. He did not contend with worldly people. When it was time to work, he worked; and likewise, when it was time to rest, he rested. He was detached.  

Winter came and summer went; / In autumn there was harvest and in winter the crops were stored. "Winter came" represents his compliance with the natural changes of the season. For example, in farming, during the fall there is the harvest and in the winter the crops are stored. These are very ordinary affairs.

Courteous to worthy and learned ones. He cherished people with talent, such as those who had literary ability. The way he dispatched his troop was uncanny and superb. The way he attacked the Central Plains could not be pinpointed to any particular method. He simply tried his best and left his fate to the gods.

Another verse says:  
The wonderful trick of the "empty city" alarmed Si-ma.
Throughout his life, he was prudent and pledged to help
his nation prosper.
Knowing both the enemy and himself, he devised
strategies in his tent.
Assurance of victory on the battlefield separates the
strong from the weak.
In a fury he scolded Wang Lang, and demoralized the enemy.
Three times he annoyed and demeaned gentleman Jou Gung-jin.
His brilliance was unrivalled, but he died early.
The "creator of things" toys with people: he did not live long.  

The wonderful trick of the "empty city" alarmed Si-ma. Throughout his life, he was prudent and pledged to help his nation prosper. Zhu-ge Liang played an empty city trick. Throughout his life he was cautious and never took a risk Si-ma Yi, commander of the Northern Wei forces, also knew that Zhu-ge Liang never took risks. Once Si-ma attacked a city where Zhu-ge Liang was stationed, but the city did not have an army inside. That does not mean there weren't any people in it at all. There were common citizens living inside, but no army guarding it. If Zhu-ge Liang did not stand up against the threats of Si-ma Yi's army, Si-ma Yi would surely have captured that city and as a result, the Western state of Shu would have lost that whole territory.  

Zhu-ge Liang was a prudent person who never took risks, but this time he took a risk. He sat above the gates of the city wall and played the Chinese zither. He asked the guards to sweep the ground below. He did not appear to be the slightest bit afraid but looked as if he had a well thought-out plan. Si-ma Yi noticed that Zhu-ge Liang was playing the zither very calmly, and so he figured that Zhu-ge Liang had an ambush waiting for him. If he entered the city, he would fall into that ambush. Thereupon he withdrew his troops for forty miles. After he ascertained that the city was empty and without an army to guard it, he wanted to attack again, but by then Zhu-ge Liang's troops had returned.

Although Zhu-ge Liang was prudent, he took a risk once in a while, and so Si-ma Yi was unable to predict his actions. This time Zhu-ge Liang had succeeded by luck, but in his entire life he was prudent and took everything seriously. This time he took a risk and was able to trick Si- ma Yi.  

Knowing both the enemy and himself, he devised strategies in his tent. He would devise military maneuvers inside the military camp, but he would win battles even though they were a thousand miles away. He knew the enemy and knew himself, so he could fight a hundred battles and win them all. Assurance of victory on the battlefield separates the strong from the weak. Before a battle began, he already knew whether he or the enemy had more soldiers. He could devise plans to win against a strong enemy even if his own forces were weak. He would also be victorious over any enemy with an army larger than his own.  

In a fury he scolded Wang Lang, and demoralized the enemy. He gave Wang Lang, a persuasive negotiator for Cao Cao, a good scolding. Zhu-ge Liang scolded Wang Lang until the latter died of vexation. Three times he annoyed and demeaned gentleman Zhou Gong-jin. Zhou Gong-jin was a young hero, the commander of the forces of the Eastern state of Wu, who loved to be number one. Zhu-ge Liang goaded him into attacking the Northern State of Wei.

His brilliance was unrivalled, but he died early. His talent was peerless, but his life was short. Even though he had passed through the gate of Yan Zi-Yan Zi was the eminent disciple of Confucius who passed away at the age of thirty-two- still, he died at Wo Zhang Yuan when he was only fifty-eight years old. The "creator of things" toys with people: he did not live long. The "creator of things" sometimes creates people who are almost perfect, but not completely perfect. In most aspects they are very good, but they might have a fault, a small defect. That defect is an opportunity for people to resolve their minds on becoming enlightened and understanding that:

AII conditioned dharmas
Are like dreams, illusions,
bubbles, shadows,
Like dewdrops or a lightning flash:
Contemplate them in this way.

[The End of the Essayon Prime Minister Zhu-ge Liang]




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