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The Shurangama Sutra With Commentary

【 卷九 】 Roll Nine

宣化上人講 Commentary by the Venerable Master Hua
國際譯經學院記錄 Translated by the International Translation Institute
修訂版 Revised version

現在在都板街〈Grant Avenue,在舊金山華埠〉這兒,就有一個人天天在商業中心那地方站著,穿得花花綠綠的那麼一件衣服,他就說:啊!我住了五年山哪!我開了悟了!現在我怎麼怎麼樣了,我有神通了···。 那個人原來也是拜我做師父的,是我 的皈依弟子,但是他不聽教。在我沒有來美國的時候,你猜他怎麼樣子?他揹著個大葫蘆在後邊,葫蘆上頭寫著他是度輪法師的徒弟,學了很多本領;誰有什麼事情,找他都可以解決的。在我沒來美國之前,他就在這兒招搖撞騙;現在我到美國來了,他還招搖撞騙,但是不寫我的名字了。這就是這種魔 ,說他得第一義諦。  

「失於正受」:他失去正受,所以也不聽我教化。從我來到這兒,講經他也不聽,說法他也不聽,他就說他得了道了,開了悟了,有了神通。究竟什麼神通呢?你們猜不著,就是Money! Money! Money!〈錢!錢!錢 !〉這神通!硬騙人!我也不知道他要那麼 多錢幹什麼!所以就「當從淪墜」。

又彼定中。諸善男子。見色陰消。受陰明白。所證未獲。故心已亡。歷覽二際。自生艱險。於心忽然。生無盡憂。如坐鐵床。如飲毒藥。心不欲活。常求於人。令害其命。早 取解脫。

「又彼定中,諸善男子」:這個修道的人定力深一點了,在定中「見色陰消」了,「受陰明白」:他也明白受陰了。「所證未獲」:他所應該證得的道果,他沒有得,「 故心已亡」:他心已經亡了。「歷覽二際」:前際、後際,他也都沒有了。

「自生艱險」:他自己覺得,「哦!真危險囉,這可太不得了了!不得了! 」,「於心忽然生無盡憂」:就覺得有憂愁有煩惱了,就怎麼樣啊?「如坐鐵床」:他一天到晚想,「哦!我在地獄裏的鐵床上坐著哪!在鐵床上受罪哪!這怎麼辦?有身體就是有苦的。」

「如飲毒藥,心不欲活」:好像吃了毒藥,就要死了似的,心裹一天到晚想著,「死了好!死了好! 」中國有這麼一句話,那個要死的人就這麼說:「死了好!死了好!又省褲子又省襖。」這個人大約也就是這個思想,說死了好!死了好!

講到這兒,我再給你們講,自盡的人都有個鬼,那個鬼怎麼樣呢?就向這個人叩頭 ;叩頭怎麼說呢?他就念這個咒,不過這個要死的人,他聽不見。這個咒也就是說:「你死了好,死了好;你快死了,死得越早越好。啊!你快一點死了就好了。」那麼要自殺的這個人,他耳朵雖然聽不見,但是他心靈上通著的。因為鬼有他心通,可以用那一種鬼的魔氣,到你心裹,令你心裏就想:「哦!是死了好。」就相信鬼講的話,心裏能聽到,就相信了。於是乎就或者吃毒藥,或者去懸樑,或者跳海,跳金門橋了。哦!就死了!

金門橋那兒也有很多鬼,來回的人誰若 是陽氣盛,他不敢見你。陽氣衰的那個人,就是精氣神都沒有了;沒有陽氣了,你一從那地方過,他就說:「你死了好,死了好」, 拿著就把你拖下去,拖你跳金門橋去了。 所以這自殺的人,多數都有個魔鬼在那兒叫他去,他才死的。生大憂患這個人也就「常求於人」常常叫著叫著,「啊!你把我殺了是最好囉! 」「令害其命」:你有法子把我弄死,那是最好了,「早取解脫」:我就好早得到解脫。



Now there is a character who stands on Grant Avenue in Chinatown, in the heart of the San Francisco business district, dressed in a flashy and colorful costume. He tells people, "I lived in the mountains for five years and became enlightened. Now I have such-and-such spiritual powers. Earlier he took me as his teacher and became my disciple. But he did not follow what I taught him. Before I came to America, guess what he did? He carried a big gourd on his back with a sign painted on it that proclaimed he was my disciple and that he had learned many skills from me. Further, he claimed he could solve any problem people might bring him. He used my name to swindle others before I arrived in this country. Now that I am here in America, he is still cheating people, but he no longer uses my name. This is the very kind of demon the Sutra is talking about here. He claimed to have attained the absolute truth.

Lacking proper samadhi, he will certainly fall. He has lost the proper state of concentration, and he doesn't follow what I taught him, either. Since I arrived here, he has never come to listen to the Sutra lectures or Dharma talks, but just says he has attained the Way, is enlightened, and has spiritual powers. Ultimately what are his spiritual powers? You would never guess. They are money, money, money! He swindles people. I don't know why he wants so much money! Therefore, he will certainly fall.

Further, in this state of samadhi the good person sees the disintegration of the form skandha and understands the feeling skandha. He has not yet obtained any results, and his prior state of mind has already disappeared. Surveying the two extremes, he feels that he is in great danger. Suddenly he becomes greatly distraught, as if he were seated on the Iron Bed, or as if he has taken poison. He has no wish to go on living, and he is always asking people to take his life so he can be released sooner.  

Further, in this state of samadhi, the good person, the cultivator, now with somewhat deeper power in samadhi., sees the disintegration of the form skandha and understands the feeling skandha. He has not yet obtained any of the results that he should obtain from his cultivation of the Way, and so his prior state of mind has already disappeared. Surveying the two extremes, past and future, he finds both are gone, and he feels he is in great danger. He thinks, "Oh no, this is really dangerous! It's too terrible!" Suddenly he becomes greatly distraught. He feels worried and afflicted about everything. The worries lead to afflictions, and what is it like to have afflictions? It's as if he were seated on the Iron Bed. From morning to night he thinks to himself, "Oh, I'm in the hells sitting on the Iron Bed! What can I do? To have this body is to suffer." Or he feels as if he has taken poison and is about to die. He has no wish to go on living. All day long he thinks, "I'd be better off dead. I'd be better off dead." In China, there is a saying, "I'd be better off dead. I'd be better off dead. It would save on pants and coats." This person probably thinks that way, so he says, "I'd be better off dead. I'd be better off dead."

Ghosts are involved in most suicide cases. The ghost bows to the person and then recites a mantra, but the person does not hear the ghost reciting. The meaning of the mantra is, "You'd be better off dead! You'd be better off dead! Hurry up and die. The sooner you die the better." Even though the person contemplating suicide cannot hear it with his ears, subconsciously it penetrates his mind. Since ghosts have the spiritual power of knowing others' thoughts, they can use their demonic energy to get into your mind and persuade you to want to die. Your mind hears the ghost and believes what it says. Then you may take poison, hang yourself, cast yourself into the ocean, or jump off the Golden Gate Bridge. That's how you die! There are lots of ghosts around the Golden Gate Bridge. They dare not bother you if you are full of yang energy. But if someone comes along whose yang energy is weak, who is lacking in essence, energy and spirit, the ghosts say, "You'd be better off dead. You'd be better off dead," and get the person to jump off the Golden Gate Bridge. Most suicides are caused by demonic ghosts that provoke people into taking their own lives. And he, the person who experiences tremendous anxiety, is always asking people to take his life so he can be released sooner. He is always saying to people, "Kill me! If you have a way to do me in, that would be great! I'll be free!"      

 ~ To be continued



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