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The Flower Adornment Sutra with Commentary

【卷五 世主妙嚴品第一之五】

Chapter One: The Wondrous Adornments of World Rulers, Part Five

宣化上人講 Commentary by the Venerable Master Hua
國際譯經學院記錄翻譯 Translated by the International Translation Institute
修訂版 Revised Version

這個《華嚴經》的境界是重重無盡的,所以無論講神也好,鬼也好,人也好,菩薩也好,都說十,以十為數;這個十就是表的重重無盡。那麼現在說出興這個種種供養雲 ,也是表這個華嚴的境界重重無盡,猶如雲一樣。

這個雲,你看在虛空中也是重重無盡的,這個《華嚴經》的妙法,處處都是重重無盡的。在美國,需要的就是賢聖僧,需要的就是開悟的人,需要的就是證果的人,需要的是一個正法;不需要的是末法,不需要的是啞羊僧,不需要的是凡夫吃飯僧。所以你們各位在美國這兒出家,要趕快修行,精進 ,要證果;證果了,那什麼事情都不難了。所以不要怕,你怕沒有用,你要趕快證果。所以我現在需要我的徒弟都要證果。誰是第一個證果的、第二個證果的、第三個證果的 ,那是我真正的徒弟。

一二三、這一二三、一二三要分三輩九品。誰願意作第一品,誰就作第一品;誰願意作第二品,就還有機會作第二晶;願意作第三品,那麼就有機會作第三品,不是說這一回開悟,開了三個以後就沒有了,我們這兒是重重無盡的。現在我們已經有開悟的了 ,不是沒有,我們已經有開悟的了。不過誰開悟,不能叫你知道;叫你知道,那你拼命去供養:哦!這個是聖人了,我要供養他;我要供養這個賢聖僧。」那功德都是你的了,不能叫你知道。




我們現在為什麼沒有證果?就因為我們的德行還不夠;德行要夠了,所謂福慧雙修 ,功德圓滿了,自然就會證果了。所以現在就像造房子似的,紐約的摩天大樓是從地下造起來的,不是從天上造起來的。「譬如行遠,必自邇;譬如登高,必自卑。」好像走遠路,我們一定要從第一步開始;你第一步要不走,就走第二步,或者第十步,那是無有是處的。你想到高的地方,你必須要從低的地方往上,你不會這麼一蹦,或者這麼 Jump up就跑到摩天樓頂上去了。除非你坐著 火箭,或者電梯,那又是一回事,那是科學的幫助,不是你自己的力量。


有一切摩尼寶華雲,一切蓮華妙香雲,一切寶圓滿光明這樣的雲。這個寶都發出來一種圓滿的光明雲。又有一種的雲叫「無邊境界香燄雲」,「無邊境界」:在這個雲裡 邊現出種種的境界,香燄雲。「日藏摩尼輪光明雲」:有這種雲,是日藏摩尼輪光明雲 。又有一種雲叫「一切悅意樂音雲」:在這雲裏頭,它令人非常歡喜,在這個雲裏頭又好像奏音樂似的,令你聞見這個音樂,生一 種歡喜心。

「無邊色相一切寶燈光燄雲」:又有種種的色相,種種的樣子,「一切寶燈光燄雲」那個燈的光燄雲。又有「眾寶樹枝華果 雲」:所有的寶、寶樹枝華果這種雲。「無盡寶清淨光明摩尼王雲」:又有一種雲,它有無盡的寶那種清淨的顏色,「光明摩尼王」是一個珠子的王,這種雲。「一切寶莊嚴具摩尼王雲」:又有種種的莊嚴具摩尼王的雲。    

「如是等諸供養雲」:像前邊所說的這十種的供養雲。「有佛世界,彼諸菩薩」 有微塵數佛世界那麼多的微塵數那些大菩薩 ,「一一皆興如是等供養雲」:都興起來像這樣的供養雲。「雨於一切道場眾海,相績不絕」:種種的寶、種種的雲,猶如下雨似地,來莊嚴這個道場。雨於一切道場這些個大眾海會:這種雲是接接連連地不斷絕,就是這種雲過去,那種雲又來了,總是顯現不已。


「現是雲已」這一切的微塵數諸菩薩,現種種的雲之後。「右繞世尊經無量百千匝」再向右邊來繞世尊,經過沒有數量那麼多的百千匝。「隨其方面,去佛不遠 」:那麼繞了百千匝之後,隨各菩薩在哪一方面,或者在佛的前邊、佛的後邊、佛的左邊右邊,在他哪一方面離佛不太遠。「化作無量 種種寶蓮華獅子之座」各以自己的神通,變化出來種種的無量數那麼多的寶蓮華,在這蓮華上邊又有「獅子之座」。「各於其上結跡跌坐」:每一個菩薩在他所現的這個獅子之座上邊,又結跏趺坐。

「是諸菩薩,所行清淨,廣大如海」: 這一切的菩薩,他們所修行的法門都清淨廣大,如海那麼多的法門。「得智慧光照普門法」他們都得到真正的智慧光明,來救度一切眾生,得到這種的普門法--平等普門示現這種法。「隨順諸佛所行無礙」:他們過去都是跟著諸佛所修行那個無礙的法門。「能入一切辯才法海」:他們都有無量的三昧辯才,猶如大海那麼樣深不可測,所以叫「一切辯才法海」。「得不思議解脫法鬥」: 他們都得到這種不可思議,微妙難測的這個 解脫法門。「住於如來普門之地」都住在如來的平等法門裏邊。「已得一切陀羅尼門 ,悉能容受一切法海」:他們已經得到所有的加堅持法門,都能接受一切諸佛的法海。

善住三世平等智地。已得深信廣大喜樂。無邊福聚。極善清淨。虛空法界。靡不觀察。十方世界一切國土。所有佛興。咸勤供養。爾時。海自在神通王菩薩摩詞薩。承佛威力 。普觀一切道場眾會。即說頌言。




The state of the Flower Adornment Sutra is infinitely multi-layered. Whether the Sutra is talking about spirits, ghosts, people, or Bodhisattvas, it will list ten of the kind of being under discussion to represent an infinite number. The clouds of offerings now being discussed also represent the Flower Adornment Sutra's multi-layered infinitude, just as clouds in the sky often appear in layer after layer without end. The wonderful Dharma of the Flower  Adornment Sutra is infinitely multi-layered in all aspects.  

What America needs right now are sagely Sanghans and enlightend people, those who have realized the sagely fruition. America needs the Proper Dharma. It doesn't need Dharma in decline or mute members of the Sangha. It has no need for ordinary Sangha members who only know how to eat. Those of you who have left the home-life in America must cultivate vigorously and quickly realize the fruition. Once you have realized the fruition, nothing presents any difficulty. Don't be afraid. Fear is useless. Hurry up and realize the fruition. I need disciples who have realized the fruition. The first, second, and third people to realize the fruition are my true disciples.

We can distinguish three levels and nine grades. Whoever wants to can be in the first grade. You also have a chance to join second or third grade. It's not the case that you reach three levels of enlightenent and that's it. What we have is infinitely many levels.  Already there are some who have become enlightened. However, I cannot tell you who they are. Once you know, you'll do anything to make offerings to them, thinking, "Those are Sages. I've got to make offerings to them" Then the merit and virtue would be all yours. Thus, I cannot tell you who they are.

Among the rankings of first, second, and third, let's see where you fall. There are the first, second, and third of the top level, and those of the bottom level. What I need are people who realize the fruition, not people who spend their time sleeping.

Question: "I've bowed in repentance, and it doesn't help. All that is superficial work. How can I realize the fruition?"

Venerable Master: Don't seek outside. You must work on the false before the true can appear. If you don't work on the false, the true cannot manifest. If you wish to realize the fruit of sagehood, you must cultivate the Bodhisattva Path to the end of time. Since we have not yet attained the true, we can start by working on the superficial aspects. When we have amassed plenty of merit and virtue, we will naturally realize the fruition. We haven't realized the fruition yet because our virtue is insufficient.

When we have cultivated blessings and wisdom to perfection, we will naturally attain sagehood. Our cultivation can be compared to constructing a building. Those skyscrapers in New York were built from the ground up, not from the sky down.

To travel far, one must start from a nearby place.
To climb high, one must start from a low position.  

Every journey begins with the first step. It's impossible to skip the first step and start with, say, the second or tenth step. To reach a high place, you must start climbing from down below. You can't simply leap up to the top of a skyscraper. You can't get up there so easily, unless you take a rocket or an elevator, but that's another matter. That's relying on scientific technology, not your own strength.  

That is to say, there were clouds of flowers of all mani jewels; clouds of wonderful fragrances of all lotus flowers; clouds of the full brilliance of all jewels; clouds of boundless states of fragrant flames; clouds of sun treasury mani wheel light; clouds of all delightful sounds of music; clouds of boundless forms and bright flames from all jeweled lamps; clouds of branches, flowers, and fruits from all jeweled trees; clouds of infinite, precious, pure light of kings of mani; and clouds of kings of mani of all adorned objects. There were as many of such clouds of offerings as there are motes of dust in Buddha worlds.  

Each of those Bodhisattvas created such clouds of offerings, raining them  continuously and without end over the sea of multitudes in all the Way-places.  

That is to say, there were clouds of flowers of all mani jewels; clouds of wonderlul fragrances of all lotus flowers; clouds of the full brilliance of all jewels; clouds of boundless states of fragrant flames. Various kinds of states manifested within these clouds. There were also clouds of sun treasury mani wheel light; clouds of all delightful sounds of music. When people heard the music being played in these clouds, they felt happy. There were clouds of boundless forms and bright flames from all jeweled lamps; clouds of branches, flowers, and fruits from all jeweled trees; clouds of infinite, precious, pure light of kings of mani jewels; and clouds of kings of mani of all adorned objects. There were as many of such clouds of offerings- the ten kinds mentioned earlier- as there are motes of dust in Buddha worlds.  

Each of those great Bodhisattvas created such clouds of offerings, raining them continuously and without end over the sea of multitudes in all the Way-places. Clouds and jewels fell like rain to adorn the Way-places. It was a continual downpour of one kind of clouds after another in endless manifestations.  

Having manifested these clouds, they circumambulated the World Honored One to the right countless hundreds of thousands of times. Then, in their own direction not far from the Buddha, they each created a lion throne of a countless variety of jeweled lotuses and seated themselves in full lotus upon it.

All these Bodhisattvas had cultivated purity as vast as the ocean. They had attained the dharma of the universal door of the illumination of wisdom. Having followed the nonobstruction practiced by all Buddhas, they were able to enter the Dharma ocean of all eloquences. They had attained the Dharma door of inconceivable liberation and dwelt on the ground of the Thus Come One's universal door. Having attained all Dharani doors, they were able to take in all Dharma seas.  

Having manifested all these various clouds, they- these great Bodhisattvas- circumambulated the World Honored One to the right countless hundreds of thousands of times. Then, in their own direction- whether in front of the Buddha, behind the Buddha, or to the left or right of the Buddha- not too far from the Buddha, they each used their spiritual powers and created a lion throne of a countless variety of jeweled lotuses and seated themselves in full lotus upon it. Each Bodhisattva sat in full lotus upon the lion throne he had created.

All these Bodhisattvas had cultivated purity as vast as the ocean. The Dharma doors these Bodhisattvas had cultivated were pure and as vast and abundant as an ocean. They had attained the dharma of the universal door of the illumination of wisdom. They had attained the brilliance of genuine wisdom, with which they could rescue all living beings. They had attained the universal door dharma of impartial manifestation. Having followed the nonobstruction practiced by all Buddhas in the past, they were able to enter the Dharma ocean of all eloquences. These Bodhisattvas all had measureless samadhis and eloquences. Their eloquence was as profound and unfathomable as the ocean. They had attained the Dharma door of inconceivable, sublime, and unfathomable liberation and dwelt on the ground of the Thus Come One's universal door of equality. Having attained all Dharani doors, all dharmas of uniting and upholding, they were able to take in all Dharma seas. They could accept the Dharma seas of all Buddhas.

They skillfully dwelt on the ground of the impartial wisdom of the three periods of time. They had attained deep faith and immense happiness. Having accumulated boundless blessings, they were wholesome and pure to the utmost. Throughout empty space and the Dharma realm, nothing escaped their contemplation. Whenever a Buddha appeared in any land in the worlds of the ten directions, they would all diligently make offerings.

At that time, the Bodhisattva Mahasattva named King of Oceanic Wisdom and Sovereign Spiritual Powers received the Buddha's awesome might, contemplated the sea of all the multitudes in the Way-place, and spoke the following verses.  

They skillfully dwelt on the ground of the impartial wisdom of the three periods of time. These great Bodhisattvas were all able to understand the impartial wisdom of all Buddhas of the three periods of time; that's what's meant by dwelling on the ground of impartial wisdom- the fruition of wisdom. They had attained deep faith and immense happiness. They had absolutely no doubts and were filled with the happiness of Dharma.  

~ To be continued


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