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Redesigning the World: Ethical Questions about Genetic Engineering (continued)

易象乾 博士 文 By Ron Epstein, Ph.D.
孔果憲 中譯 Chinese translation by Teresa Kung






最近,科學家找出方法,使通過基因工程培育的植物種子,失去繁殖能力,除非這些種子經過以抗生素為主要原料的專利配方喷撒劑處理。其用意在於防止農人採集基因工程改造過的種子,以迫使他們每年重新購買種子。參與的企業明知基因散佈到野外,顯然會引起災難性後果,其可能性從科學上講是明擺著的,卻視若無睹。(註34 )

32.羅素﹒摩克柏著,登載於一九九八年三/ 四月刊的《生態學家》的「拍賣「客觀」科學」一文。亦參考丹﹒費根、瑪莉安﹒勒斐,與「公義中心」著,博奇連出版社一九九七年出版的「毒害的詭計:化學公司如何操縱科學、歪曲法律、危害您的健康」。

32a.根據一九九一年對美國各大學的調查,顯示,麻省理工學院、史丹福大學與哈佛大學,生物科技相關部門,被商業滲透的情況,比率最高。(薛爾頓﹒布里辛斯基等著、刊載於一九九一年夏季第十六冊,第三期〈科學、科技與人性價值〉第二七五至二八七頁的「生物科技中學術與企業的關係:一項數據調查」一文。)柏克萊加州大學的自然資源學院,最近與諾瓦提斯公司旗下的子公司,簽訂五千萬元的合約,將學院基因工程研究的獨家專利權的管道,給與後者。諾瓦提斯也有權指派部分教職員。見卡爾﹒霍而著,刊載於一九九八年十月九日《舊金山紀事報》的「加大與生物科技公司開展研究生意:本自克萊加大可獲得五千萬」一文;彼得﹒羅塞與莫妮卡﹒摩爾著,刊載於一九九八年十一月十六日《舊金山紀事報》的「研究合作引發辯論」一文;察爾斯﹒布若斯著、刊載於一九九八年十一月二十四日〈舊金山紀事報〉的「生意敲定:加大與生科公司合作做前瞻性研究。擲「派」者(派即pie,糕餅之意)讓加大飽嘗抗議的滋味 *」一文。[中註:指抗議者對加大人員擲「派」。]

33.何(譯音)著《基因工程:美夢抑或噩夢 ?》第一三三頁。亦見M.T.福爾摩斯與E.R英格恩合著、刊載於一九九四年第七十五冊《美國生態協會公報》(副刊)第九十七頁的「基因工程對土壤食物網的影響」一文。



34.一九九八年三月三日,美國農業部與美國 一家名為Delta & Pine Land Co.的棉花種子公司,得到美國授與改造種子基因,令其再種植時無法發芽的科技專利權。這種科技,是專為防止農人從他們收成的作物來儲蓄種子,以做為下一季播種之用。由於這是一種潛在的「滅絕」科技,「國際鄉間振興基金會(RAFI)J稱之為「絕種」科技。.....如果商業上可行的話,「絕種」科技將對農業造成深遠的影響。對全球的農人,生態多樣化、食品安全是一大威脅。斷絕種子繁殖的科技,勢將斷絕農人世世代代以來,從收成儲存種子的權利,並危害到倚賴農田儲存的種子,以保障其食物來源的十四億南方資源短缺的農民人口。科技開發人聲明,此項科技的用途主要將針對南方,以防止農人儲存美國各種子公司推銷的專有權種子。Delta & Pine Land公司與美國農業部,已向七十八個國家申請科技專利。如果「絕種」科技被廣泛使用,它將賦予跨國種子與農化工業史無前例的能力,來掌控世界食物的供應。(「國際鄉間振興基金會」一九九八年三/四 月公報,http:www.rafi.ca/communique/11982.html 。 )  

......自滅絕者作物流失的花粉無生殖能力,無法傳播給雜草或其他作物。而來自被四環徽素處理過的結子作物的花粉,能散播阻擋「滅絕」者的基因。例如,當雜草被「滅絕」者花粉所受精,新一代的種子將生出具繁殖力花粉的植物。下一代中,百分之二十五的「絕種」植物會產生不孕的花粉。由於不孕的花粉無法散播終結者基因,通過正常有性繁植而散播的「絕種」基因會很有限,然而終結者基因將會一直存在植物群中。此種情況類似人類的致命性基因疾病。「絕種」基因若僅靠有性繁殖而散播,並不威脅到其他的植物。但是,以其他方式來散播終結者基因,則構成更大的威脅......。以濾過性病原體來散播終結者基因,可能輕易地令大批雜草和作物失去繁殖能力,而且,重組基因可能會輕易地消除四環徽素的逆轉/反制作用。「滅絕」者濾過性病原體對作物的生產,可能會造成深遠的影響...... 。[此類的基因]具有造成基因突變的潛能,從而導致基因的磨耗,以及在基因規則與表現上不利的改變。它們活動性強,並且一旦被引入高等植物與動物,很可能會繼續蔓延,永遠不停!


亦見伏卡﹒雷曼著、一九九八年六月刊、第三十五冊《生物科技與發展評論》第六至八頁的「種子不孕專利威脅種子的保存」•「國際鄉間振興基金會」發佈於http: /www.rafi.org/ misc/terminator.html的「終結者科技」新聞稿;以及瑪莎﹒克若持著,一九九八年重訂,華盛頓州艾德蒙斯市,艾德蒙斯研究院的「終結者如何終結:為非科學家解釋一項消滅第二代作物種子的驚人專利」一文,公佈於 http:/ /www.bio.indiana.edul /people/ terminator.html。

英國的Zeneca生物科學公司,最近為它自己版本的終結者基因,提出專利申請。見《國際鄉間振興基金會》,一九九八年八月二十四日,發佈於http /www.rafi.org/ pr/ release 19 .html的「......接下來 是「終結鼠!」,肥貓公司能以肥鼠基因消滅作物」新聞稿。



(permission is granted to reproduce this article, to distribute it without charge, and to provide links to it. Please contact the author at namofo@adelphia.net regarding other uses.)

Those who come from academic positions often have large financial stakes in biotech companies,32 and major universities are making agreements with biotech corporations that compromise academic freedom and give patent rights to the corporations. As universities become increasingly dependent on major corporations for funding, the majority of university scientists will no longer be able to function as independent, objective experts in matters concerning genetic engineering and public safety.32a

Scientists have already demonstrated the transfer of transgenes and marker genes to both bacterial pathogens and soil fungi. This means that genetically engineered organisms are going to enter the soil and spread to whatever grows in it. Genetically engineered material can migrate from the roots of plants into soil bacteria, in at least one case radically inhibiting the ability of the soil to grow plants.33 Once the bacteria are free in the soil, no natural barriers inhibit their spread. With ordinary soil pollution, the pollution can be confined and removed (unless it reaches the groundwater). If genetically engineered soil bacteria spread into the wild, the ability of the soil to support plant life may seriously diminish.33a It does not take much imagination to see what the disastrous consequences might be.

Water and air are also subject to poisoning by genetically engineered viruses and bacteria.

The development of new genetically engineered crops with herbicide resistance will affect the environment through the increased use of chemical herbicides. Monsanto and other major international chemical, pharmaceutical, and agricultural corporations have staked their financial futures on genetically engineered herbicide-resistant plants.33b  

Recently scientists have found a way to genetically engineer plants so that their seeds lose their viability unless sprayed with patented formulae, most of which turn out to have antibiotics as their primary ingredient. The idea is to keep farmers from collecting genetically engineered seed, thus forcing them to buy it every year. The corporations involved are unconcerned about the gene escaping into the wild, with obvious disastrous results, even though that is a clear scientific possibility.34

32. Russell Mokhiber, "'Objective' Science at Auction" (The Ecologist March/April, 1998). See also Dan Fagin, Marianne Lavelle and the Center for Public Integrity; Toxic Deception: How the Chemical Industry Manipulates Science, Bends the Law and Threatens Your Health (Birch Lane Press, 1997).  

32a. According to a 1991 study of universities in the United States, MLT., Stanford, and Harvard respectively had the highest rates of commercial penetration into their biotechnology-related departments (Sheldon Krinsky et al., "Academic-Corporate Ties in Biotechnology: A Quantitative Study," Science, Technology and Human Values 16(3) Summer 1991,275-287). The College of Natural Resources, University of California at Berkeley recently signed a $50 million agreement with a subsidiary of Novartis Corporation to give the latter exclusive access to patent rights on genetic engineering research done at the college. Novartis also has the right to appoint some faculty members. See Carl T. Hall, "Research Deal Evolving between UC Biotech Firm: Berkeley Campus Could Get $50 Million," San Francisco Chronicle, Oct. 9, 1998; Peter Rosset and Monica Moore, "Research Alliance Debated," San Francisco Chronicle, November 16, 1998; Charles Burress, "UC Finalizes Pioneering Research Deal with Biotech Firm: Pie Tossers Leave Taste of Protest," San Francisco Chronicle, November 24, 1998.  

33. Ho, Genetic Engineering: Dream or Nightmare?, p. 133. See also M.T. Holmes and E.R. Ingham, "The Effects of Genetically Engineered Micro-organisms on Soil Food-webs," Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America (Supplement), 75 (1994): 97.  

33a. The conscious choice of a few genes for mobilization and widespread replication substitutes human judgment for natural selection. From a theological viewpoint, it is questionable that the agribusiness scientific staff have the collective wisdom to determine what constitutes the "good" when it comes to desirable genes. The fact that their choice could become self-sustaining (e.g., if the gene escaped into the wild) is cause for further concern. Initially, this and other adverse impacts potentially resulting from mass scale transgenic operations are likely to be invisible. One potentially insidious effect of reliance on genetically engineered herbicide resistant technology is the repeated use of single herbicide preparations. The repeated applications of a controlled sequence of four or more different herbicides typical of transgenic farming could be expected to transiently affect soil micro-organisms. But the sustained reliance on a single herbicide such as glyphosate [Roundup] or bromoxynil would predictably shift the soil microflora for longer periods, perhaps changing the overall composition of the soil's living matter irrevocably. Such an effect, should it occur, could affect soil quality for future plantings, particularly since germination in some herbicide treated soils has been reported to be impaired. Here the ethical concern is responsibility for future generations .... (Marc Lappe and Britt Bailey, Against the Grain: Biotechnology and the Corporate Takeover of Your Food, Monroe, Maine: Common Courage Press, 1998, 114).

33b. Ibid., esp. 50-62. 

34. On March 3,1998 the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) and an American cotton seed company, Delta & Pine Land Co., received a US patent on a technique that genetically alters seed so that it will not germinate if replanted a second time. The technology aims to prevent farmers from saving seed from their harvest to replant the following season. Because it is a potentially "lethal" technology, Rural Advancement Foundation International (RAFI) has dubbed it the "Terminator technology." ... If commercially viable, the Terminator technology will have profound implications for agriculture. It is a global threat to farmers, biodiversity and food security. The seed-sterilizing technology threatens to eliminate the age-old right of farmers to save seed from their harvest and it jeopardizes the food security of 1.4 billion people--resource-poor farmers in the South--who depend on farm-saved seed. The developers of the technology say that it will be targeted for use primarily in the South as a means of preventing farmers from saving proprietary seeds marketed by American seed corporations. Delta & Pine Land Co. and USDA have applied for patents on the Terminator technology in at least 78 countries. If the Terminator technology is widely utilized, it will give the multinational seed and agrochemical industry an unprecedented and extremely dangerous capacity to control the world's food supply (RAFI Communique, March/April1998http://www.rafi.ca/communique/19982.html). Geneticist Joseph Cummins has commented: ... Pollen escaping from the terminator crop is sterile and cannot spread to weeds or other crops. Pollen escaping from the tetracycline treated seed producing crop can spread the terminator blocking genes. When a weed is fertilized, for example, with the terminator pollen, the new generation of seeds will bear plants with fertile pollen. In the next generation, 25% of the terminator plants will produce sterile pollen. Since the sterile pollen cannot spread the terminator genes, the spread of terminator genes by normal sexual means is limited, but the terminator genes will always be in the population. The situation is similar to lethal genetic diseases in humans. Terminator doesn't threaten plant populations if it is spread only by normal sexual processes. However, spread of terminator by other means is more intimidating .... Spreading terminator genes by virus could easily cause a wide array of weeds and crops to be rendered sterile, and genetic recombination could easily eliminate the reversing action of tetracycline. The terminator virus could have a profound influence on crop production .... [Such genes] are potentially able to create chromosome mutations leading to genetic erosion and untoward changes in gene regulation and expression. They are very highly mobile, and, once introduced into higher plants and animals, are likely to spread and not want to leave ever!

("Genetics of Terminator," e-mail from Prof. Cummins, Wednesday, June 17, 1998. Some punctuation added.)  

See also Volker Lehmann, "Patent on seed sterility threatens seed saving," Biotechnology and Development Monitor, No. 35 (June, 1998); 6-8; Rural Advancement Foundation Internationals (RAFI) news releases on "Terminator Technology ; and Martha L. Crouch, "How the Terminator terminates: an explanation for the non-scientist of a remarkable patent for killing second generation seeds of crop plants," rev. ed. Edmonds, WA:. Edmonds Institute, 1998 .

Zeneca BioSciences (UK) has recently applied for a patent for their own version of the Terminator. See Rural Advancement Foundation International's (RAFI) news release ‘…and now, the "Verminator"!: Fat Cat Corp, with Fat Rat Gene Can Kill Crops'(Aug.24,1998) . <http://www.rafi.org/pr/release19.html> 

~ To be continued  



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