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陶淵明詩講錄 《續》
Lectures on Tao Yuan-ming's Poems (continued)

葉嘉瑩教授 講 by Professor Yeh Chia-ying
劉年聰、楊維光 英譯 English Translation by Liew Yen Chong and Yong Wei Kwong of BBDC, Singapore


「嘯傲東軒下」,「軒」是軒窗;「東軒下」就是東窗之下。什麼叫「聊復得此生」?這句話也說得很妙。陶淵明在《飲酒詩 》的第三首中就曾講過:有酒不肯飲,但顧世間名。所以貴我身,豈不在一生?一生復能幾,倏如流電驚。鼎鼎百年內,持此欲何成! 」基督教的《聖經》裏保羅也曾說過 「你賺得了全世界,卻賠上了自己的生命。」一個人一生中,每一天都在向外尋求名位利祿,但那都是空的,總有一天都會失去 。陶淵明說,就在今天傍晚,當我飲酒,嘯傲在東軒之下的時候,我覺得我真的找到了我自己,沒有使我自己失落。所以,這是「得此生。」可是在「得此生」前邊,陶淵明又用了兩個字,「聊復」。我說過,陶詩寫得非常簡淨,不用很多雕琢修飾,也不用很多解釋說明,但是他在口吻上,語氣上又寫得非常幽微深妙。前邊講過的「行止千萬端」那一首的結尾是,「咄咄俗中愚,且當從黃綺。」他說我不再追求世俗之人所追求的那些空虛夢幻的東西,我姑且就追隨「夏黃公」和「綺里季」,去過他們那種隱居生活吧!那裏那個「且」和這裏這個「聊」意思是相似的。這是陶淵明另外一個值得注意的地方,他在自得的喜樂之中,常常加進了一些寂寞悵惘的感覺。這說明,陶淵明是未能忘情的。因為,一個人若真的達到「忘情」的地步,他只要自得其樂就好了,寂寞什麼悵惘什麼呢?


大陸上前些年,喜歡用革命的眼光批評古代詩人,他們說杜甫是關心人民大眾的,而陶淵明消極隱居,一點兒也不關心人民的生活。這話說得並不錯,可是你要知道,杜甫和陶淵明是完全不同的兩種性格。杜甫的感情是向外擴散的,所以他所寫的總是對外界,對大家的關懷;陶淵明的性格是向內追尋的,所以他所寫的常常是思想的反省。儒家主張「達則兼善天下;窮則獨善其身。」這個「窮」,還不是說金錢物質的窮,而是時運的窮。如果你能夠顯達,有權力有地位 ,當然要治國平天下,可是,如果你沒有這個機會,你所遭逢的時運,使你無法實現這個理想,那麼你至少要保全你自己,這是不得己而求其次。




The pleasures of life are many and varied. Some people like to play mahjong and after they have won a game, you can see how pleased and excited they are, even to the extent of dying from a heart attack. This kind of exhilaration revolves around gain and loss. On the other hand, Tao Yuan-ming's happiness is likened to having obtained the Way. It is not necessary for one to be very pious in a certain religion. As soon as you have attained a certain spiritual and mental equilibrium, you would then achieve a very peaceful and contented bliss.

In the line, I whistle contentedly by the east window; the character 'xuan' refers to a window. 'Dong xuan xia' means beside a window that is facing east. What is the meaning of the line: For incidentally I have found my life again? This is yet another wonderful line. In the third Drinking poem, Tao Yuan-ming had lamented, "They have wine, yet do not drink, caring only about their worldly reputation. We cherish the body dearly, because we possess it for a lifetime. But how long can a lifetime last? It passes as swiftly as a lightning flash. Being lax for a hundred years, what can we achieve in this way?" In the Christian Bible, the Gospel of St. Paul also says, "What dost it profit a man to gain the whole world, but suffer the loss of his own soul?" A person spends every day in his entire life seeking external fame and reputation, profit and gain; but these are all empty attributes that will disappear eventually. Tao Yuan-ming mused, "This evening, while drinking my wine and whistling contentedly by the east window, I feel that I have truly found myself and that I have chosen the correct path." This is the meaning of "I have found my life." However, preceding this, he used two characters 'liao fu'. I have mentioned previously that Tao's poems are very concise and to the point, and do not contain any flowery expressions that require a lot of explanation. But then he employs a tone that is very subtle and profound. The sixth poem, There are a thousand myriad ways to act, ends with the lines:  

Treating the foolish people with contempt, I prefer to emulate Huang and Qi. He declared that he did not want to pursue empty and illusory things like other people, but was inclined to follow the footsteps of Master Xia-huang and Qi Li-ji and lead a life of seclusion. The character 'qie' in the sixth poem has a similar meaning to the character 'liao' here in the seventh poem. This is another point about Tao Yuan-ming that is noteworthy. In the midst of his self-contentment and bliss, he often portrayed a feeling of loneliness and disappointment. This illustrates that Tao could not stay totally indifferent. This is because if a person had truly achieved the state of 'wang qing' [detachment], he would just be self-satisfied and not feel lonely or rejected.

Therefore, you should know that when Tao Yuan-ming was young, he had the ambition of making his mark in the world. He once said, "When I was young, I was strong and brass. I carried my sword and traveled alone." Then again, he also said, "Hardly involved with worldly affairs as a youth, I enjoyed studying the Six Classics." The Six Classics are Confucian texts and the Confucians advocated the administration of the country in order to bring about peace. Moreover, in Tao Yuanming's lifetime during the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the nobility fought amongst themselves and generals with military power were in rebellion. During this turbulent period, the people lived in abject misery.

Some years ago, the Mainland was very fond of using a revolutionary perspective to criticize ancient poets. They said that Du Fu cared about the ordinary folks whereas Tao Yuan-ming adopted a passive attitude by retreating into seclusion and was not in the least concerned about the ordinary people. This may not be incorrect, but then you must understand that Du Fu and Tao Yuan-ming were two totally different characters. Du Fu expressed his sentiments externally and that's why his writings were focused on the outside world and his concern for everybody at large. On the other hand, Tao Yuan-ming was an introverted character, and that explains why his works were mainly about his inner thoughts and reflections. There is a Confucian saying: The distinguished person extends his benevolence to all under beaten; the unfortunate person only benefits himself. Here, the character 'qiong' does not refer to poverty, but rather to a person who is down on his luck. If you were an influential person with power and position, then you would naturally want to govern the country to bring about peace. However, you might not have this kind of opportunity or the circumstances might not permit you to realize your goals. Then the least you could do would be to take care of yourself first. The latter course of action arises from a lack of alternatives.

Amidst the chaotic political situation during the Jin-Song transition period, Tao Yuan-ming was able to take care of himself. As compared to other literati, the outcome of his choice was not bad. I mentioned that he was unable to forget his sentiments because he had not completely forgotten his concern for his fellow countrymen. He said, "Although I have found my life and am living in security, and have achieved contentment and bliss, what about the rest of my countrymen? What happened to my original ideals?" Therefore, finding my life is only incidental because there is no better choice or alternative. That's why when you read Tao's poems, you must take special note of this kind of subtle and profound emotion.

~ To be continued




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