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Special Feature

The 25th Anniversary of the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas
Looking Back to the Past and Onwards to the Future (continued)

2001年7月1日下午於萬佛城 In the Buddha Hall of the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, July 1, 2001
牧愚 編輯整理 Edited and compiled by Mu-Yu


那晚姊姊、姊夫帶我去見上人,上人問我「妳真正要的是什麼?」我聽上人這樣問我,就覺得很害怕。那晚我就在佛教講堂打坐,以後我也常回來打坐;打坐可以一次一次的,有力量把我帶回這個道場修行。雖然上人令我害怕,但是我還是願意回來,因為上人當時問我的一些問題 ,我都不知怎麼答。


「是啊!是比較暸解了。」 我想做佛教徒,但是還想保有藝術家的身份,我從藝術學校畢業後,到女校教書,跟很奇妙的上人學習,又跟趙法郎學藝術,後來和邁可結婚了;他也是老師,我們一起工作,教陶藝、藝術。

總而言之,今天我們在藝廊看藝展,看到這裏的傳統還是持續下去。萬佛城是個很好的地方,這裏的學生也是很好的學生,跟他們在一起也是一個很美好的經驗 。萬佛城這裏對老年人是很好的地方,對青年人是很好的地方,對中年人也是很好的地方。




昨晚大家聽了「妙覺山計劃」,這也是大規模繼續上人的「世界宗教中心」的目標,我們希望將來可以把宗教聯合會 (United Religions Initiative)也請到那邊去。





My sister and brother-in-law were living in San Francisco and I came to visit them. They were going to the lecture hall to hear Shr Fu speak. I didn't know very much about Buddhism. I was a little unsure about everything. So I decided to just go to Chinatown and wander around and then meet them after the lecture. They had given me the address on Waverly Street of the Buddhist Lecture Hall, but when it came time to meet them, I couldn't find the Lecture Hall. I was totally lost. I had some change in my pocket, so I hailed a taxi and said, "Take me to this address on Waverly Street." He took me there and I gave him all of my change. The next night I went to the Lecture Hall and met Shr Fu. He took me by the hand and asked me, "What is it that you really want?" It was the scariest question that anyone had ever asked me.  

I got to meditate that night and also other times when I visited the temple. Those enjoyable meditation experiences brought me back to Buddhism again and again, even though Shr Fu was kind of scary because I couldn't answer his question. He gave me that question, and I had to ask myself that over and over again, growing up. I kind of knew what I wanted to do. I wanted to be a Buddhist and an artist. I worked, graduated from art school, and came here. I taught in the Girls' School and studied art with Flory Chowe and Shr Fu, a wonderful teacher. I married Michael and he's also a teacher. We worked together on some projects and had some exciting experiences teaching ceramics and art. And we had a very interesting time here with the school.

Today we saw the Art Show at the art studio and saw that the tradition is continuing. It's a group of wonderful students who have done some wonderful work. I don't want to overlook the rest of the school, which I think is doing very well. It's a good place for young people, old people, and middle-aged people.

BHIKSHU HENG SURE: At one point the Venerable Abbot said that he was going to start a world religions center here at the CTTB and invited Paul, Cardinal Yu Bin, the Catholic Cardinal of China, to be the co-director. Cardinal Yu Bin accepted, but unfortunately he passed away later during the elections for Pope at the Vatican. If that had not happened, who knows what would have happened with two of the world's major religions coming together and cooperating on a project like that. So the plans for the World Religions Center were put on hold. Meanwhile, we did invite a Catholic priest to hold Mass several times here in the Buddha Hall.

Recently we published the first issue of a new journal called Religjon East and West, with articles written by the staff, also featuring Dr. Huston Smith and Henry Rosemont. We are looking forward to a longterm relationship so that religious studies students, whether Buddhist or not, can enter the mainstream of theological conversation. We are opening a door for people to get involved in ideas that are moving the world intellectually, philosophically, and theologically. The Bay Area is an extremely fertile place for ideas from all sources to mix.

In addition to our own ceremonies and sutra lectures, the Berkeley Monastery invites a different religion in to use the monastery every night. These include a Jewish group, Ajahn Amaro's Theravada group, a Vipassanna group, Hindu groups, and scientists from UC Berkeley. The most exciting is our Student Round Table, with students from UC Berkeley, Stanford and Santa Cruz, Berkeley high school kids come on Thursday night to sit on the floor and talk about what's going on in their lives. People have found that it's a safe place to come and talk with their peers. That is one of the cradles of DRBU and many of us here have been to those Round Tables.  

We also have created the Buddhist Storytelling Circle, which includes men and women, young and old, both Asian and Western, who tell the Jatakas and other stories of principle, some written especially for the circle. We have been to Sacramento- City of Dharma Realm, Gold Sage, and Berkeley Monastery, and one of these days we hope to come up to CTTB.

Once the project we heard about last night is built, the International Institute for Philosophy and Ethics (IIP&E), we'll be able to invite the United Religions Initiative to hold a large gathering here. Next year we are inviting Catholic monks, nuns and even a Bishop to come to the CTTB in February for the first of four Buddhist-Catholic Dialogues that focus on the roots of each religion.  

~ To be continued




法界佛教總會Dharma Realm Buddhist Association │ © Vajra Bodhi Sea