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The Dharma Flower Sutra With Commentary

【 卷五 安樂行品第十四 】
Roll Five, Chapter Fourteen: Happily Dwelling Conduct

宣化上人講 Commentary by the Venerable Master Hua
國際譯經學院記錄 Translated by the International Translation Institute
修訂版 Revised version




但是你若空的時候,你若是不把這個空的空了,你還有毛病。那麼空也空了,這毛病也沒有了,什麼毛病都沒有了。空也無空,這把一切諸法都破了,這叫「掃一切法,離一切相」,把一切相都沒有了,一切法都空了,一切相更不要說了,所以這就叫「無轉」,就無所轉動,這就是 一個空空。       


1. "Characterized by actuality” corresponds to Emptiness in the Primary Sense.  
2. "Not upside-down" refers to the Internal Emptiness of the six sense organs. If inwardly, one is emptied of the eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and mind, there will no longer be a self or attachments to self. If inwardly one is not upside-down, one will not be turned by the six sense organs.

3. "Not moving" refers to the External Emptiness of the six sense objects. With outward emptiness, one is not swayed by the six sense objects, but remains unmoving.  

4. "Not retreating" refers to Neither Internal nor External Emptiness, which is actually Both Internal and External Emptiness. One does not retreat to the position of ordinary people, nor to the position of the Two Vehicles. The inner and outer are both empty, so one does not retreat.

5. "Not turning." Can any of you guess what emptiness this refers to? We already have Emptiness in the Primary Sense, Internal Emptiness, External Emptiness, and Neither Internal nor External Emptiness, which is actually Both Internal and External Emptiness. What emptiness does "not turning" correspond to? It refers to the Emptiness of the Empty. I believe someone will know. Can you guess? Let's see how much wisdom you have. Don't just blurt out the first thing that comes to mind. What emptiness corresponds to "being like empty space"? [Disciple: ... ] [Disciple: Emptiness in the Middle.] Emptiness in the Middle is simply Internal Emptiness. It is said that the Four Elements are empty. How do they become empty? "The five skandhas are empty." How do they become empty. "He illuminated the five skandhas and saw that they are all empty." How do you illuminate them? So, what emptiness does "being like empty space" refer to? How about "without a nature"? Speak up! Now, would you call this the Emptiness of Not Speaking, for if you speak, then it is not empty! Not bad, Guo Ning got it right. He guessed correctly that it is the Emptiness of the Empty. I knew that people who want to study the Buddhadharma would be able to guess it, even if they have not heard it explained before.  

You see, we already had Emptiness in the Primary Sense, Internal Emptiness, External Emptiness, and Both Internal and External Emptiness. You have become empty in the Primary Sense, emptied inside, emptied outside, and are empty both inside and out, so now you have Emptiness of the Empty, and he was able to guess that. I wanted to see if he truly understood, so I also asked him what emptiness "being like empty space" refers to. Then he got nervous and said his answer was wrong. Actually he was right, but he thought he was wrong, so he didn't really know it. The same thing happened this time. He had guessed it, but then got confused when I asked another question. What a pity.  

"Not turning" refers to Emptiness of the Empty, in which all dharmas are broken through, destroyed, and emptied. If all is emptied, how can there be any dharma? If all is emptied, and yet a dharma of emptiness remains, then you have not broken through yet. You are attached to emptiness. When emptiness itself is empty, then all dharmas have been destroyed. What is broken through are the dharmas, and what breaks through them is emptiness. When all dharmas have been destroyed, then there is no attachment to self or to dharmas. Only when there is no attachment to dharma can there be the Emptiness of the Empty. When all dharmas are gone, that is the Emptiness of the Empty. But if emptiness itself is not emptied, a flaw remains. When emptiness is empty, there are no flaws, and all dharmas are destroyed. One:

Sweeps away all dharmas,
And leaves all appearances behind.  

When all dharmas are empty, how much the less are there any appearances. This is called "not turning" and corresponds to the Emptiness of the Empty.  

~ To be continued  



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