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The Precept Against Lustful Behavior (continued)

比丘尼 恒貴 講於2000年8月31日星期四下午在家菩薩戒課














2. 六齋日不可以行欲。受了在家菩薩戒 ,在六齋日是不可以行欲的。  


 (輕7)不持六齋戒第七。若優婆塞(夷)受持戒已。一月中不能六日受持八戒。供養三寶。是優婆塞(夷) 得失意罪。不起墮落。不淨有作。





Thereupon, Great Master Yinguang said to him, "More than anything else, parents worry about their children's health. Although you are well now, you still haven't recovered completely. Do take care of yourself." Great Master Yinguang was being discreet, but he was actually referring to the husband-and-wife relationship.

After some time had passed, Great Master Yinguang heard some news about this disciple and went to visit him again. He took one look and saw that his disciple's face was ashen, whereupon he knew that his disciple had violated a great taboo by engaging in conjugal relations right after a serious illness. As the Master had not explained it clearly to him before, that sincere disciple died as a result of his ignorance of the causes and conditions of the seasons. How pitiful!

Many other public records are explained in the book. For example, if you have a bone illness, or after you have walked for a hundred miles, you should not engage in sexual activity. Even married couples should take heed of the time and place for such activity and should exercise restraint; otherwise there will be a lot of problems.

Great Master Yinguang once said, "Out of the many people who lose their lives, 40% die as a direct result of sex. Another 40% die indirectly because of sex. Among all the people in this world, only 10-20% die according to their destinies." In other words, many people should not die; but because they do not understand these principles, they ruin their bodies and are driven to death. This is why Great Master Yinguang, out of compassion, repeatedly advised his lay disciples to pay attention to such matters.

Some people might think, "Hey! Why is a left-home person talking about such things?" This is because left- home people have to be frank in advising the laity. Why? The laity do not talk about it, but they do it; so left-home people do not do it, but talk about it, hoping that living beings will understand that sex is a terrible thing and is just like a carving knife that scrapes the bones. It is precisely because living beings have deep-rooted habits of lust that we need the precepts to control our desires.

Now there is another public record that we will talk. about briefly. Before the Republican period, there was a young man who went to the capital with his good friend to take the imperial examinations. Both of them were newly married. After staying in the capital for a few days, they felt very bored. Even before the examination period was over, they hurried home during the holidays. In the olden days, transportation was inconvenient. The young man walked for over a hundred li, approximately thirty miles. He reached home in the night during the second watch.

When he arrived home, his father enquired why he had hurried back during the night. He replied that there no particular reason. However, his father was very understanding and knew the true reason for his return. He purposely said angrily, "You must have done something very wrong in the capital and that's why you have hurried home. Good! Tomorrow, I'll deal with you according to our family discipline." Thereupon, he told the servants to tie both his hands and lock him up in the granary.

The next day, the father purposely woke up late. When the son was let out, he did not punish him or say a word to him. The son was originally very happy to be home but on being treated by his father in such a manner, he lost interest in all things and did not dare to enquire about the reason. On deliberation, he realized that he actually had no particular reason for hurrying home. With no alternative, he returned to the capital once more to resume his examinations. Upon his return, he discovered that the classmate who had set off for home with him had already died. This is because young people do not know how to take care of themselves. Very often, there are a lot of situations that are forbidden, even to married couples. I have brought back a few copies of this book. Those who wish to read it are welcome to do so. This shows that the ancient Sage-kings really cared for their subjects as if they were their own children. They treated the people with such concern, even down to the slightest detail.  

The desire for food and sex originates from habits. In present times, many people disregard the ancients' advice and indulge in their sexual desires. Young men and women do not understand propriety and that's why the society is so chaotic. The Venerable Master said that since people know about such things at such a young age and also indulge in such activities, their offspring will not be of a fine quality and they will also ruin their own bodies. This is analogous to young shoots. If you cut them when they have not matured, they will definitely be damaged.

Second: Engaging in conjugal relations at the wrong times. Upasakas/ Upasikas who have taken the precepts must not engage in conjugal relations at inappropriate times.

1. Conjugal relations are not permitted on Buddhas' and Bodhisattvas' anniversaries and their dates of entering Nirvana. This is because we have to respect the Triple Gem. On such days, we must practice pure conduct, take baths and maintain proper behavior. So how can we think about such things? This is why the Upasaka Precepts Sutra says, "If a layperson upholds the Bodhisattva Precepts in this life, even though he may not come across the Triple Gem in his next life, he will not create any evil karma." Why is this so? It's because firstly, he is wise and secondly, he will not be self-indulgent. He constantly knows how to control his thoughts and uphold the precepts, and will not go along with his desires. That is why if we receive the Bodhisattva Precepts in this life, and learn and uphold the precepts strictly, then even if we do not have the good roots or conditions to encounter the Buddhadharma in the future, at the very least we will not commit offenses and fall.  

2. Conjugal relations are not permitted on the six days of purity once you have received the Bodhisattva precepts.  

We shall now take a look at this minor precept before talking about the six days of purity.  

The Seventh Minor Precept: The Precept against Failure to Observe the Six Days of Purity by Holding the Eight Precepts.  

If an Upasaka/Upasika who has received and should be upholding this Precept fails to observe the six days of holding the Eight Precepts and making offerings to the Triple Jewel every month, he/she thereby commits an offense through negligence. Failure to repent and reform will lead to a fall, caused by such impure behavior. Among the Six Major and Twenty-eight Minor Precepts, this precept stipulates that there are six days every month on which we have to observe and uphold the pure precepts. On these six days, we have to observe the Eight Precepts and must not engage in conjugal relations. This custom already existed in India before the time of the Buddha and everyone knew that on these six days, those evil ghosts and evil spirits would come into the world to disturb living beings and cause them to get sick or meet with disasters. That's why sages in ancient times would teach people that they must maintain purity, bathe, and do good deeds on these six days. In this way, they would receive protection from benevolent spirits and not be harmed by the evil ghosts and evil spirits. Later, when the Buddha appeared in the world, he preserved the rule of maintaining purity, bathing, and abstaining from sex on these six days every month.

When we uphold the precepts, the precept spirits will protect us and the evil ghosts and evil spirits will not come and harass us. We all know that when we receive the five precepts, there are five precept spirits to guard and protect us for every precept that we receive. How many more will there be when we receive the Bodhisattva Precepts?


~ To be continued    


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