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The Shurangama Sutra With Commentary

【 卷九 】 Roll Nine

宣化上人講 Commentary by the Venerable Master Hua
國際譯經學院記錄 Translated by the International Translation Institute
修訂版 Revised version


「阿難,彼善男子」:這個善男子,「當在此中,得大光耀」:在這個時候,他得著一種大的光耀,很光明的。「其心發明」: 他的心裏,自自然然就生出來一種的感想。「內抑過分」:因為他總過分強制自己這種思想,太過了,就在內抑過分的時候,「忽於其處,發無窮悲」:在這個地方,他就發生一種悲愍的心,一種無窮的悲。他悲什麼呢?就悲愍眾生。



「此名功用」:這是用功偶爾有的情形。這叫功用,用功用出來的。為什麼有這種情形呢? 就因為「抑摧過越」:你這麼壓制得太厲害了,所以有這種情形發生。「悟則無咎」:你如果明白了,「啊!我怎麼這麼無緣無故就哭起來了呢?這個境界應該改。」你明白了,這就沒有關係,不要緊了。「非為聖證」:這個不是聖證,不是說你得到同體大悲了。不是看見蚊蟲和這個小小的生命,都拿牠當自己的兒子那麼看待,這真是同體大悲了,這不是的。「覺了不迷,久自消歇」:你若能覺悟而明白它,不迷惑於這種境界上,時間久了,就沒有了。 

「若作聖解」:假設你說,「我現在有同體大悲心了,這可是我修行成功了。」「則有悲魔入其心腑」:你這麼一想,就有悲魔來了。什麼悲魔?專門好哭的,見著人就哭,這是悲魔入其心腑,到他心裏頭去,附到他身上。怎麼樣呢? 「見人則悲,啼泣無限」:見人就哭起來了,哭得不知怎麼那麼悲!我前幾天不是對你們講,我在東北的時候,有一個叫劉金童的,她就是這樣子。一見著人來,她就哭起來了,說:「你呀!在以前是我第幾個第幾個兒子啊!你現在可回來了,你可找著媽媽了!」就這麼樣子哭起來了。一哭,就把這個人哭得也迷糊了,以為這真的是見到媽媽了。其實怎麼樣? 是見著這個魔王了。【註八】「失於正受,當從淪墜」:這修定的善男子,就失去正定正受了,應該墮地獄了。你跟著這魔王跑,就會墮地獄的。

好像過去的劉金童和現在某某兩個人,這都是五十種陰魔在那作怪。現在有一個人更厲害,她會攝魂法。聖荷西有一個女的,也皈依我,以後跑到她那兒去求佛法,一回來就生cancer (癌症),就是她給弄的。現在回來又找我,我不管這事;我就是管,也不叫人知道的。




Ananda, in this situation the good person experiences a brilliant light. As a result of the excessive internal pressure in his mind, he is suddenly overwhelmed with such boundless sadness that he looks upon even mosquitoes and gadflies as newborn children. He is filled with pity and unconsciously bursts into tears.

Ananda, in this situation the good person experiences a dazzling, brilliant light. As a result of the excessive internal pressure in his mind, a kind of feeling arises spontaneously. He has continually been controlling his own thoughts and has overdone it. When the inner suppression becomes excessive, he is suddenly overwhelmed with such boundless sadness and compassion for living beings that he looks upon and cherishes tiny creatures, even mosquitoes and gadflies, as if they were his own newborn children. The Chinese word for newborn means "red," referring to the red color of infant children's skin. He is filled with pity and unconsciously bursts into tears. Without knowing it, he starts to cry.

This is called "overexertion in suppressing the mind in the course of cultivation." If he understands, then there is no error. This experience does not indicate sagehood. If he realizes that and remains unconfused, then after a time it will disappear. But if he considers himself a sage, then a demon of sadness will enter his mind. Then, as soon as he sees someone, he will feel sad and cry uncontrollably. Lacking proper samadhi, he will certainly fall.

This is called "overexertion in suppressing the mind in the course of cultivation." This situation may arise in the course of cultivation. It happens because you have been suppressing your thoughts too hard. If he understands, then there is no error. If you understand and say to yourself, "Why have I started crying for no reason? I should leave this state," then there will not be any problem. This experience does not indicate sagehood. It does not mean that you have attained the Great Compassion of Oneness with All. Don't think that caring about mosquitoes and other small creatures as if they were your own children is genuine Great Compassion of Oneness with All. If he realizes that and remains unconfused, then after a time it will disappear. This state will go away.

But if he considers himself a sage- if he says, "Oh! Now I have the Great Compassion of Oneness with All! My cultivation has really succeeded!" - then a demon of sadness who is an expert at crying will come. It cries no matter whom it meets. This demon will enter his mind and take possession of him. Then as soon as he sees someone, he will feel sad and cry uncontrollably, without knowing why he is so sad.  

When I was in Manchuria I knew a woman named Liu Jintong who was like that. Whenever she met someone, she would start crying and say, "In the past, you were my son, and now you've come back. You've found your mother!" With her tears, she managed to confuse the other person into believing that he had actually met his mother. In fact, he'd encountered a demon.8  

Lacking proper samadhi, proper concentration, he will certainly fall. If you follow a demon, you will fall into the hells.


In the past Liu Jintong was possessed by the demons described in the Fifty Skandha-Demon States, and now there are two others, one of whom is especially powerful because she knows a dharma for summoning spirits. A woman from San Jose who took refuge with me, later went to study under that one and contracted cancer upon her return. It was that person's doing. The San Jose woman came back to see me, but I paid no attention to her. Even if I were to do something to help her, I wouldn't let other people know.  

~ To be continued   




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