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The Flower Adornment Sutra with Commentary

【卷五 世主妙嚴品第一之五】

Chapter One: The Wondrous Adornments of World Rulers, Part Five

宣化上人講 Commentary by the Venerable Master Hua
國際譯經學院記錄翻譯 Translated by the International Translation Institute
修訂版 Revised Version






「觀佛百千無量劫」:觀看諸佛,到無量百千萬劫那麼長的時間。「不得一毛之分限」:這麼長的時間,你也沒有一毛那麼多的時間來分得開。你觀佛這種的精神,就是在百千無量劫之中,都不休息地來看佛,連一毛那麼多的時間,或距離都不分開。「如來無礙方便門」:佛有互相無礙的這種方便法門。「此光普照難思剎 」:這種的佛的光,在無量百千劫,它都普照不可思議那麼多的諸佛剎土。

 「如來往昔在世間」:佛以前在世間做眾生的時候,承事無邊諸佛海」:他供養承事,就是修持一切的佛法,供養禮敬一切諸佛。「承事 」:至誠懇切心那麼來侍奉佛。「無邊諸佛海」:他不只侍奉一個佛,他侍奉十方無量無邊那麼多的諸佛,猶如大海那麼多。「是故一切如川 」:因為這個,所以一切眾生、一切菩薩、一切羅漢,都往佛這兒流,就像百川歸海一樣,所有的水都流到海裏了。「咸來供養世所尊」:大家一起都來供養佛,供養世尊。 

「如來出現遍十方」: 如來常常出現到十方國土。「一一塵中無量土」:每一粒微塵的國土他都出現。「其中境界皆無量」:佛的這種境界是無量無邊的,沒有一樣的。「悉住無邊無盡劫」:佛這種的神通變化,一切一切都是無邊無盡的。他在這個無邊無盡的劫已經都修成了。

「佛於襄劫為眾生,修習無邊大悲海」:佛在以前做眾生的時候,就修習大悲心--悲天憫人的心。他不忍見眾生受苦,生出一種大悲心來; 有這個大悲心,才能普度一切眾生,所以他這個大悲心好像海似的。怎麼樣有大悲海這麼多大悲心呢? 就是修習的,一天比一天增長,一天天比一天增長,所以說修習無邊大悲海。



為什麼無相無形呢? 因為他離去一切相,離去一切形了。「離諸垢」: 把一切不清淨的染污法,他都離開了。他得到涅槃的快樂,真如自在平等的這種快樂,所以一切的染污心都沒有了,這叫「離諸垢 」。「眾生觀見種種身 」:眾生看見佛的種種身,「一切苦難皆消滅」:眾生一切的苦難就都會消滅了。


「復次」:就繼續還說前邊所沒有說完的這個經的道理。這一次這個菩薩 的名字叫「海月光大明菩薩摩訶薩」。「海月光大明」是這個菩薩的名字。這一位大菩薩得「出生菩薩諸地」:他得到能現出來菩薩諸地,由初地乃至等覺這菩薩的諸地。「諸波羅蜜」:就是一切到彼岸的方法。波羅蜜是梵語,翻譯過來叫到彼岸。這些個方法是做什麼的呢? 是他「教化眾生」用的,又是「嚴淨一切佛國土」的一種方便解脫法門。


「雲音海光離垢藏菩薩摩訶薩」:雲音海光離垢藏是這一位菩薩的名字。他得到「念念中普入法界種種差別解脫門」。 「念念中」:就是每一念; 「普入法界」,就不是單單入一個法界,而是普遍入一切的法界。「種種差別處」:在每一個界裏邊,有種種不同的處所,所以說「種種差別處」。「種種差別」就是種種不同的分別,不同的處所,不同的道場,他入這種解脫門。

「智生寶髻菩薩摩訶薩」:智生寶髻是這一位菩薩的名字。這一位大菩薩得到一種不可思議的劫,就是時間非常之長,不可以心思,不可以言議這麼多的劫。「於一切眾生前」:在這麼長時間的大劫裏邊,他能在所有的眾生的面前,「現清淨大功德解脫門」:他能現出一種清淨,沒有染污,也就是沒有貪瞋癡。大功德,沒有貪瞋癡這就是大功德藏; 你沒有染污了,這也就是有大功德藏了,所以他入這種清淨大功德解脫門。



Contemplate the Buddhas for measureless hundreds of
thousands of eons
Without diverting your attention by even a hairs breadth.
The Thus Come One has unobstructed expedient doors.
This light universally shines upon inconceivable lands.

In former eons when the Thus Come One was in the world,
He attended upon a sea of boundlessly many Buddhas.
Therefore all beings, like madly rushing streams,
Come to make offerings to the World Honored One.  

The Thus Come One appears pervasively in the ten directions,
In measureless lands within each and every dust mote.
The states therein are all measureless.
He dwells in boundless and infinite eons.

In eons gone by, when the Buddha was a living being,
He cultivated an ocean of boundless great compassion.
Entering samsara along with living beings,
He universally transforms the multitudes, making them pure.

The Buddha dwells in the treasury of the Dharma realm of True Suchness, Devoid of forms and characteristics, apart from all filth.
When living beings behold his various bodies,
All their suffering and hardship entirely disappear.

Contemplate the Buddhas for measureless hundreds of thousands of eons / Without diverting your attention by even a hairs breadth. Gaze at the Buddhas for that huge amount of time without resting for even a moment or shifting your attention by even a hairsbreadth. The Thus Come One has unobstructed expedient doors. The Buddha has expedient Dharma doors that are mutually nonobstructing. This Buddha light universally shines upon measureless, inconceivable Buddhas' lands throughout hundreds of thousands of eons.

In former eons when the Thus Come One was a living being in the world, / He attended upon a sea of boundlessly many Buddhas. He cultivated all their Buddhadharmas, made offerings to them all, made obeisance to them, and served them with the utmost sincerity. He served not just one Buddha, but measure1essly and boundlessly many Buddhas in the ten directions-Buddhas so numerous that they resembled an ocean. Therefore all living beings including all the Bodhisattvas and Arhats-like madly rushing streams flowing into the ocean, come to make offerings to the World Honored One, the Buddha.

The Thus Come One constantly appears pervasively in the lands of the ten directions, / In measureless lands within each and every dust mote. / The states of the Buddha therein are all measureless and distinct from one another. He dwells in boundless and infinite eons. The Buddha's spiritual powers and transformations, as well as his other qualities, are infinite and boundless. He has perfected them through infinite eons of cultivation.

In eons gone by, when the Buddha was a living being, / He cultivated an ocean of boundless great compassion. The Buddha cultivated a heart of great compassion, a heart which grieves with Heaven and pities the people. He could not bear to see living beings suffering, and the sight of it brought forth his great compassion, which gives him the ability to save all beings, and resembles an ocean. He cultivated that ocean of great compassion every day, so that it grew ever larger. Entering samsara along with living beings, the Buddha underwent births and deaths. In order to teach living beings, the Buddha gave himself up for the sake of living beings, often entering the great ocean of birth and death with them. He universally teaches and transforms the multitudes of sentient beings, making them pure, helping them to attain their inherent pure substance.  

The Buddha dwells in the treasury of the Dharma realm of True Suchness, / Devoid of forms and characteristics, apart from all filth. Why is the Buddha devoid of forms and characteristics? He has gone beyond all forms and characteristics. He has separated from all impure, defiled dharmas and has attained the bliss of Nirvana-the happiness of True Suchness, self-mastery, and level equality. He has no more defiled thoughts and is thus "apart from all filth." When living beings behold his various bodies, / All their suffering and hardships entirely disappear. The sight of the Buddha's various, different bodies eradicates living beings' misery and calamities.  

Moreover, the Bodhisattva
Mahasattva named Ocean Moonlight's Great Radiance obtained the liberation door of the expedient means of producing all Bodhisattva grounds and Paramitas, teaching and transforming living beings, and adorning and purifying all Buddhalands.

Moreover, to elaborate further upon the principles of the Sutra, the Bodhisattva Mahasattva named Ocean Moonlight's Great Radiance obtained the liberation door of the expedient means of producing all Bodhisattva grounds. This great Bodhisattva can manifest all the Bodhisattva grounds, from the First Ground all the way up to Equal Enlightenment, and all the Paramitas-methods for reaching the other shore. "Paramita" is a Sanskrit word that means "arriving at the other shore." These methods are for the purpose of teaching and transforming living beings, and adorning and purifying all Buddhalands. This is an expedient Dharma door of liberation.  

The Bodhisattva Mahasattva named Immaculate Treasury of Cloud Sound and Sea Light obtained the liberation door of, in every thought, universally entering the various distinct locations in all Dharma realms.

The Bodhisattva Mahasattva named Jeweled Cowl Born of Wisdom obtained the liberation door of manifesting pure, great meritorious virtues before all living beings for inconceivable eons.  

The Bodhisattva Mahasattva named Pure Light of Meritorious Virtues and Regal Sovereignty obtained the liberation door of universally beholding the various adornments of all Bodhisattvas in the ten directions when they first come to the Way-place.

The Bodhisattva Mahasattva named Wholesome Courage Lotus Blossom Headdress obtained the liberation door of universally revealing all Buddhadharmas according to the sea of living beings' faculties and understanding.

The next Bodhisattva Mahasattva is named Immaculate Treasury of Cloud Sound and Sea Light. He obtained the liberation door of, in every thought, universally entering the various distinct locations in all Dharma realms. That is, he enters all kinds of different Way-places in each of the Dharma realms.

The next Bodhisattva Mahasattva is named Jeweled Cowl Born of Wisdom. This great Bodhisattva obtained the liberation door of manifesting pure, great meritorious virtues before all living beings for inconceivable eons. Throughout that vast span of time which can neither be mentally conceived nor verbally expressed, he can manifest for living beings a great treasury of merit which is pure, and undefiled by greed, anger, and delusion. The absence of greed, hatred, and stupidity is a great treasury of merit. The lack of defilement is also a great treasury of merit. He entered this door to liberation.

The next Bodhisattva Mahasattva is named Pure Light of Meritorious Virtues and Regal Sovereignty. This great Bodhisattva obtained the liberation door of universally beholding the various adornments of all Bodhisattvas in the ten directions-including Bodhisattvas of the past, present, and future-when they first come to the Buddha's Way-place. When those Bodhisattvas first arrive at the Buddha's Way-place, all kinds of adornments and inconceivable states are manifested. This Bodhisattva obtained this door to liberation.  

~ To be continued



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