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The Precept Against Lustful Behavior  (continued)

比丘尼 恒貴 講於2000年8月31日星期四下午在家菩薩戒課


《禮記‧月令篇》裏講到一年有很多時候,譬如仲冬、夏至時,他都很清楚地教子民不可以的。「是月也,日長至,陰陽爭,死生分。君子齋戒,處必掩身,毋躁,止聲色,毋或進,薄滋味。毋致和,節嗜欲,定心氣。」這裏「月」指夏至─ ─二十四節氣的夏至日,那時候陽氣達到極點,陰氣就接上了。這時陰陽相爭:陽氣生物,陰氣殺物; 陰陽相爭,就是萬物生死交加的時候,所以這時人必須齋戒沐浴,不可放縱身心。

這時居家要端正,不可裸露身體,引起對方欲念; 要端正身心,安靜毋躁,停止聲色娛樂;不要講究口味,飲食要清淡。為什麼?因為「婬欲是生死的根本;食欲是生死的助緣」,古人早就曉得了。你看,是不是古人比我們有智慧得多?他教人在那個時候必須齋戒沐浴,不食厚味,以免刺激欲念,這樣來幫我們度過陰陽交加的時候。但是現在不講究這些學問了,所以少男少女恣情縱欲,世界才這麼混亂,道德敗壞。 

那麼一個月之中,哪六日是要持八關齋戒的呢? 就是陰曆的六個齋日﹣﹣每月初八、十四、十五、二十三、二十九、三十。





Perhaps some of you may not have heard of The Chapter on the Code far Monthly Practices of the Book of Rites. For example, during the Spring Equinox, for three days prior to the first three thunderclaps, the king would send someone to ring a bell on the streets to inform the people to restrain their sexual desires, be proper in their private lives and not to be casual. Why was this so? It was because the ancients believed that if couples acted casually when there were thunderclaps, strong winds and lightning flashes, the children that they produced would not be normal and the parents' bodies would also be harmed. The Sage-kings paid great attention to matters involving man and woman, as they were based on philosophical principles.

The Chapter on the Code far Monthly Practices of the Book of Rites states very clearly that conjugal relations are not permitted at many times of the year, such as during the second month of winter and the Summer Solstice. "During the month, the days are long, yin and yang are at conflict and there is tussle between life and death. A gentleman should practice pure conduct and ensure that he is fully clothed wherever he is. Control your temper; refrain from listening to music and abstain from lust; do not partake in any type of entertainment; and take only simple fare. Do not mediate in disputes and do not indulge in your hobbies and desires. Calm your mind and spirit." Here, 'month' refers to the Summer Solstice, one of the twenty-four solar terms. At that time, the yang forces reach a maximum and the yin forces also catch up with them. When this happens, there will be conflict between yin and yang. The yang forces create matter while the yin forces destroy matter. When yin and yang are in conflict, the myriad things will be at a critical point between life and death. That's why during this period, people should practice the pure conduct, take baths and not indulge their bodies and minds.

At this time, when you are at home, you should behave properly and not expose your body so as to incite desire in your spouse. You should maintain proper behavior and thoughts, be calm, avoid anger, and abstain from all sorts of entertainment. Do not be particular about flavors and eat only simple fare. What is the reason? It's because 'sexual desire is the root of birth and death, while desire for food is the accompanying condition of birth and death.' The ancients knew about this long ago. Therefore, aren't the ancients much wiser than us? They taught people to practice pure conduct, take baths and eat simple food so as to avoid inducing thoughts of desire, and thereby help them to pass that period when yin and yang forces were in conflict. However, nowadays, people do not pay any attention to such matters and young men and women indulge their desires as and when they please. This is why social mores have degenerated in the modem world. During a lunar month, what are the Six Days for Vegetarian Fasting and Holding the Eight Precepts? They are: the eighth, fourteenth, fifteenth, twenty-third, twenty-ninth and thirtieth.

Recently, when I was lecturing on the Bodhisattva Precepts in Malaysia, I chanced upon a book called The Treasured Manual of Longevity and Health. If you have an opportunity, take a look at it. It explains very clearly when you may and may not have conjugal relationships, and also when it is harmful to the body.

For example, Great Master Yinguang had a truly faithful Upasaka disciple who was 46 years old and had an honest and kind character. He believed sincerely in the Buddhadharma and had even set up a Pure Mindfulness Society with his friends for reciting the Buddha's name. Subsequently, he had a serious illness and his body became swollen. The doctors could not cure him and his condition became more and more critical. Faced with hefty medical bills for treatment that did not result in any improvement to his illness, he felt very sad. His wife was also very worried and so she made a vow before the Buddhas to be a lifelong vegetarian and prayed for her husband to recover. After she had made the vow, true enough, her husband received the protection of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. He started purging and his swelling subsided.

At that time, Great Master Yinguang went to Shanghai to visit his disciple. Although the latter had not yet recovered completely from his illness, his complexion was not that bad and Great Master Yinguang was very glad. The disciple was also very happy to see his Master and said, "This is very good. We in Shanghai can now take refuge with the Venerable Master and need not make a special trip to Suzhou." Immediately, he and a group of friends took refuge. He then invited Great Master Yinguang to his house for a vegetarian meal offering and said, "The Master is the disciples' parent and the disciples are the Master's children."  

~ To be continued    


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