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The Dharma Flower Sutra With Commentary

【 卷五 安樂行品第十四 】
Roll Five, Chapter Fourteen: Happily Dwelling Conduct

宣化上人講 Commentary by the Venerable Master Hua
國際譯經學院記錄 Translated by the International Translation Institute
修訂版 Revised version

「心行處滅」:心呢,走的那條路也滅了,你說這是個什麼境界呢?這就是一個離四句,說四句偈 ─ 「一切有為法,如夢幻泡影,如露亦如電,應作如是觀」,這四句偈。「離四句,絕百非」:一百樣不對的,都沒有了。「離四句,絕百非」:這就是不可思議的境界,這就是一切言語道斷,心行處滅,不可思議的境界。









The path of language is cut off;

The place of the mind's activity is extinguished.  

What kind of state would you say that is? It is:

Leaving four-line verses far behind;

And cutting off the hundred fallacies.

The four-line verse could be, for example:

All conditioned dharmas

Are like dreams, illusions, bubbles, shadows;

Like dew and like a lightning flash:

Contemplate them thus.  

This four-line verse is left behind, and the hundred fallacies-ways of being wrong-are all gone. This is an inconceivable state, and so one cannot imagine it. There is no way to express it in words or even to think about it.

The inconceivable is the wonderful. If you can understand the wonderful, then you can be said to know a little bit of the flavor of the Dharma Flower Sutra. But if you don't know the meaning of the wonderful, you have no way to listen to the Dharma Flower Sutra. What the Dharma Flower Sutra talks about is the wonderful. In all it says, it is speaking of the wonderful.

Most of you have been applying effort very well, but some of you are still "having false thinking as usual." I hope that those of you who are having false thinking will have a little less, and that those of you who are applying effort well will do even better and make progress every day. To make daily progress, you must watch over yourself more strictly every day and gather in your body and mind. To gather in your body and mind means not to have false thinking.  

When this Summer Session is over, the Winter Chan Meditation Session will begin. This Chan Session will last for a hundred days. Each day there will be twenty-one hours of walking and sitting without a break. Those of you who aren't afraid of difficulty can sign up early for the Chan Session. Sitting in Chan is learning about the state that is inconceivable. There's no way you can think about it, because its wonderful points are inconceivable!

As not coming into being. What does not come into being? Ignorance does not come into being. Wisdom does not come into being. There is no wisdom and no ignorance. What would you say that is? It's a principle. Because you have no ignorance, you also have no wisdom. Because you have no wisdom, you also have no ignorance. Wisdom and ignorance are opposites. When you produce neither ignorance nor wisdom, this is the state described as "not thinking of good and not thinking of evil." If you have a "good," then you have something that is brought into being. If you have an "evil," you also have something that is brought into being. Now, if you have ignorance, then you have something that is brought into being, If you have wisdom, you also have something that is brought into being. What kind of state is it when neither wisdom nor ignorance come into being? That state is a wonderful one. That's because there being no ignorance and no wisdom is a principle, the fundamental principle-the Great Treasury of Light of one's inherent nature. Thus, there is nothing which is destroyed and nothing which destroys. There is no way to destroy it, because it is merely a principle-the principle of not coming into being. In this state, neither practice, nor position, nor cause, nor effect come into being.  

As not coming forth means not coming out and not going in-neither exiting nor entering. That is the original substance of the Tathagata, the original substance cultivated by the Tathagata until the ultimate point is reached, so that there is no coming forth or entering. This also means there is no ignorance and no wisdom which can be spoken of.

As not arising. When one has certified to the principle of the Tathagatas, the expedient teachings-the provisional dharmas-all become still and quiescent. They do not arise.  

~ To be continued  



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