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The Flower Adornment Sutra with Commentary

【卷五 世主妙嚴品第一之五】

Chapter One: The Wondrous Adornments of World Rulers, Part Five

宣化上人講 Commentary by the Venerable Master Hua
國際譯經學院記錄翻譯 Translated by the International Translation Institute
修訂版 Revised Version


「普寶燄妙光菩薩摩訶薩」: 普寶燄妙光,是這一位大菩薩的名字。他得到「觀察佛神通境界無迷惑」: 得到觀察佛的神通境界,他自己還不迷惑,「解脫門」。

「普音功德海幢菩薩摩訶薩」: 普音功德海幢是這位菩薩的名字。「得於一眾會道場中」: 他能得到於一個道場中,「示現一切佛土莊嚴解脫鬥」: 在這一個法會裡邊,他能現出來所有十方諸佛的這一切的莊嚴國土,一切的莊嚴的道場,得到這種的解脫門。  

「普智光照如來境菩薩摩訶薩」: 是這一位大菩薩的名字,他的光明能照著如來境界。「得隨逐如來觀察甚深廣大法界藏解脫門」:「隨逐」就跟著佛、如來,「觀察甚深」,無上甚深這廣大藏的法界。「解脫門」: 能以明白法界的這種道理。



「普清淨無盡福威光菩薩摩訶薩」:普清淨無盡的福「威光」,有一種光耀的光明,這是這位菩薩的名字。「得出生一切神變廣大加持解脫門」:他能得到這種的解脫門,叫「出生一切神變」,神通變化。「廣大加持」: 能以加 持一切眾生,令一切眾生都發菩提心。他得到這種解脫門。  













「佛神通力無限量」:佛的法身周遍法界,佛的神通也是沒有限量的,沒有人可以知道有多少的。「充滿無邊一切劫」:佛的神通充滿無量無邊那麼多的大劫。「假使經於無量劫」:經過無量那麼多的大劫。「念念觀察無疲厭」: 在經過無量劫這麼長的時間,念念來觀察,來看佛的神通變化的力量,也不會有疲倦的時候。



The Bodhisattva Mahasattva named Wonderful Light of Pervasive Jeweled Flames obtained the liberation door of contemplating the state of the Buddha's spiritual powers without being confused.  

The Bodhisattva Mahasattva named Banner and Sea of Meritorious Virtues of Universal Sound obtained the liberation door of displaying the adornments of all Buddhalands in the Way-place of a single assembly.  

The Bodhisattva Mahasattva named UniversalWisdom Light Illuminating the Thus Come One’s State obtained the liberation door of following the Thus Come One to contemplate the profound, vast, great treasury of the Dharma realm.

The Bodhisattva Mahasattva named Wonderful Light of Pervasive Jeweled Flames obtained the liberation door of contemplating the state of the Buddha's spiritual powers without being confused himself. That is his liberation door.

The Bodhisattva Mahasattva named Banner and Sea of Meritorious Virtues of Universal Sound obtained the liberation door of displaying the adornments of all Buddhalands in the Way-place of a single assembly.Within a single Dharma assembly, he can display all the adorned lands and splendid Way-places of the Buddhas of the ten directions.That is his door to liberation.

The next Bodhisattva Mahasattva is named Universal Wisdom-Light Illuminating the Thus Come  One’s State. His light illumines the realm of the Thus Come One. He obtained the liberation door of following the Thus Come One- the Buddha- to contemplate the unsurpassed, profound, vast, great treasury of the Dharma realm. He could understand the principle of the Dharma realm.  

The Bodhisattva Mahasattva named Delightful Sounds that Bring Universal Enlightenment obtained the liberation door of drawing near to and serving all Buddhas and making a treasury of offerings.   The Bodhisattva Mahasattva named Universal Purity and Majestic Light of Infinite Blessings obtained the liberation door of producing all spiritual transformations to give vast and great aid.  

The Bodhisattva Mahasattva named Universal Jeweled Cowl and Flower Banner obtained the liberation door of universally entering all worldly practices and giving rise to the Bodhisattva’s  boundless doors of practice.  

The Bodhisattva Mahasattva named Supreme Light from Universal Marks obtained the liberation door of displaying all Buddhas' states within the  markless Dharma  realm.  

At that time, the Bodhisattva Mahasattva named Pure Virtue's Wondrous Light received the Buddha's awesome might, contemplated the sea of all the Bodhisattvas’liberation doors, and spoke the following verses.  

The next Bodhisattva Mahasattva is named Delightful Sounds that Bring Universal Enlightenment. He enlightens living beings and makes them happy. Living beings are saved upon hearing his sound, hence his name. He obtained the liberation door of drawing near to and serving all Buddhas and making a treasury of offerings. He constantly attends upon the Buddhas and makes offerings to them. That is his door to liberation.  

The Bodhisattva Mahasattva named Universal Purity and Majestic Light of Infinite Blessings obtained the liberation door of producing all spiritual transformations to give vast and great aid to living beings, inspiring them to bring forth the resolve for Bodhi.  

The Bodhisattva Mahasattva named Universal Jeweled Cowl and Flower Banner obtained the liberation door of universally entering all worldly practices and giving rise to the  Bodhisattva's boundless doors of practice. He obtained that door to liberation.  

The Bodhisattva Mahasattva named Supreme Light from Universal Marks obtained the liberation door of displaying all Buddhas' states within the markless Dharma realm. Within a Dharma realm that is basically free from marks and appearance, he can manifest the states of all Buddhas. That is his door to liberation.  

At that time, the Bodhisattva Mahasattva named Pure Virtue’s Wondrous Light received the Buddha's awesome might, contemplated the sea of all the Bodhisattvas' liberation doors,  and spoke the following verses to further explain the principles.

All the lands throughout the ten directions
Are adorned and purified in an instant's time.
With wondrous sound he turns the Dharma wheel.
Universally pervading all worlds, he has no equal.

All the lands in worlds throughout the ten directions- the zenith, the nadir, the four cardinal and four intermediate directions. In every Buddhaland, there is a Buddha speaking Dharma and turning the great Dharma wheel. The lands in the ten directions are adorned and purified in an instant's time - an extremely short time.  

With wondrous, inconceivable sound he turns the great Dharma wheel and speaks Dharma for living beings. Universally pervading all worlds, he has no equal. Throughout the worlds of the ten directions, there is no sound more wondrous than that of the Buddha, nor is there any principle more perfect than that expounded by the Buddha. Therefore, throughout the world, there is none equal to the Buddha.

The realm of the Thus Come One has no boundaries.
In a single thought he completely fills the Dharma realm.  
In each and every mote of dust a Way-place is established,
So all can certify to Bodhi and develop spiritual transformation.

The World Honored One cultivated all practices in the past
During immeasurable hundreds of thousands of eons.
Adorning each and every Buddhaland
He manifests without hindrance like empty space.  

The Buddha's spiritual powers are limitless.
They completely fill all the boundlessly many eons.
One could pass through measureless eons
Observing them continually without becoming weary.  

You should contemplate the state of the Buddha's spiritual powers:
They adorn and purify all lands in the ten directions.
In each and every land, they manifest-
Limitless in variety, different in every thought.

The realm of the Thus Come One has no boundaries. The realm of the Thus Come One cannot be fathomed, for it is boundless and infinite. In a single thought he completely fills the ten directions of the Dharma realm. / In each and every mote of dust a Way-place is established by the Buddha, where he turns the great Dharma wheel to teach and transform living beings, so all can certify to Bodhi and develop spiritual transformations. The Buddha enables all living beings within Dharma realms as numerous as motes of dust to set up Way-places as numerous as motes of dust, causing living beings as measureless as motes of dust to realize the Enlightened Way of Bodhi and be endowed with spiritual transformations.

The World Honored One, one of the ten titles by which the Buddha is known, cultivated all practices-the six paramitas and ten thousand practices-in the past / During immeasurable hundreds of thousands of great eons-that long of a time. Adorning each and every Buddhaland, / He manifests without hindrance like empty space. The Buddha can make an appearance in whatever land he wishes. Nothing can hinder him, because his Dharma body is like empty space.  

The Buddha's Dharma body pervades the Dharma realm, and his spiritual powers are limitless. No one can quantify them. They completely fill all the boundlessly many great eons. / One could pass through measureless eons, / Observing them continually without becoming weary.

You should contemplate the state of the Buddha's spiritual powers: / They adorn and purify all lands in the ten directions. The lands of all Buddhas are ornamented and pure.

In each and every land, before every living being, they manifest- / Limitless in variety, different in every thought. The Buddha displays different spiritual powers before each living being. His spiritual powers differ from one thought to the next and are limitless in variety.  

 ~ To be continued  


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