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The Shurangama Sutra with Commentary

Roll Nine

宣化上人講 Commentary by the Venerable Master Hua
國際譯經學院記錄 Translated by the International Translation Institute
修訂版 Revised version










When some cultivators reach the state of ultimate purity and all-pervading light, they will suddenly see all kinds of things. That is because they have opened the Buddha Eye. However, not every person is able to open his Buddha Eye, and even if one does, it may not stay open forever. In the state described here, the Buddha Eye opens temporarily, enabling one to see the objects in a dark house as if there were light. I also mentioned that you would be able to see things coming to the house from outside. What sort of things might these be? For example, you might see a spirit, a ghost, a Bodhisattva, or a Buddha coming into the dark house from outside. It's not for certain that you will experience these states.

Not everyone experiences such states, but some people might. These are states that may occur at some point in your cultivation. But don't think that all cultivators go through the same experiences, because that's not the case.

Some people open the Buddha Eye permanently. That is known as "a spiritual power that comes as a reward." Such people industriously cultivated the Dharma of the Thousand Hands and Thousand Eyes in previous lives, and as a result, they can open the Buddha Eye in life after life. Other people may only be able to open the Buddha Eye temporarily, because their minds are not in a perpetual state of purity. If their minds were constantly pure, and they had cultivated the Dharma of Great Compassion in their previous lives, they would be able to open the Buddha Eye permanently. There are a variety of differing circumstances in cultivation.

Further, when his mind completely merges with emptiness, his four limbs will suddenly become like grass or wood, devoid of sensation even when burned by fire or cut with a knife. The burning of fire will not make his limbs hot, and even when his flesh is cut, it will be like wood being whittled. This state is called "the merging of external states and the blending of the four elements into a uniform substance." It is a temporary state and does not indicate
sagehood. If he does not think he has become a sage, then this will be a good state. But if he considers himself a sage, then he will be vulnerable to the demons' influence.

Further, when his mind completely merges with emptiness,
you may say that the mind exists, yet it doesn't; you may say it doesn't exist, yet it does. His four limbs will suddenly become like grass or wood, devoid of sensation even when burned by fire or cut with a knife. If you cut his arms or legs with a knife or burn them with fire, he will not feel any pain or discomfort. The burning of fire will not make his limbs hot. When you try to burn them, they won't even become hot. And even when his flesh is cut, it will be like wood being whittled. If you slice off the flesh from his arms and legs, it will be just like shaving wood. He will feel no pain or irritation.

This state is called "the merging of external states and the blending of the four elements into a uniform substance." Defiled external states will come together, and the natures of earth, water, fire, and air will become a single substance. However, it is a temporary state, an occasional experience, and does not indicate sagehood. Do not think you have realized sagehood.

If he does not think he has become a sage, then this will be a good state. But if he considers himself a sage and becomes self-satisfied and haughty, then he will be vulnerable to the demons' influence. You will be attacked and surrounded by hordes of deviant beings.

Further, when his mind accomplishes such purity that his skill in purifying the mind has reached its ultimate, he will suddenly see the earth, the mountains, and the rivers in the ten directions turn into Buddhalands, replete with the seven precious things, their light shining everywhere. He will also see Buddhas, Tathagatas, as many as the sands of the Ganges, filling all of space. He will also see pavilions and palaces that are resplendent and beautiful. He will see the hells below and the celestial palaces above, all without obstruction. This state is called "the gradual transformation of concentrated thoughts of fondness and loathing." It does not indicate sagehood. If he does not think he has become a sage, then this will be a good state. But if he considers himself a sage, then he will be vulnerable to the demons' influence.

Further, when his mind accomplishes such purity that his skill in purifying the mind has reached its ultimate...
Applying his mind to cultivation of the Way and to the practice of samadhi, he achieves a state of extreme purity.

To be continued


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